
I hate deer

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Next one that runs out in front of me is going to get plowed over. My head hurts.

I was driving home last night and one of these fuckers walked across the road in front of me. I dodged the deer, but then found a lovely tree with which to stop my vehicle. Did no damage to the deer, barely any damage to the tree, but my car is FUBAR... well at least the nose of the car is fucked. I'll pst pics when I take them. I need to clean the car out now. I hate that final car cleaning...

I really really hate deer. I am going to plow through the next one that comes across my path one less deer. I'll make t-shirts yeah make me some money
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Youre better off just hitting the deer.

Avoidance can quickly put you, and others into great danger. If you'd been travelling faster or hit the tree differently, you may not have fared as well.

Glad to hear you're ok.
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Yeah everyone at work says it is better to plow through the fucker. One of my co workers say he doesn't hit his brakes anymore he just hammers it down. Another of my co workers went through a deer on his Harley... ewww I hope he had his mouth closed.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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When I was about 14, my family and I were heading up in to mountains of Idaho for a camping trip. A deer ran out in front of us and my dad swerved to miss it but just barely clipped it's rear end. There was some damage to Jeep but the deer was flipping out on the side of the road in the ditch. My dad always has guns with him and we both shot the deer to put it out of it's mysery. The sad part was seeing the deers mate a few yards away, crying over the loss. Teh first and only time I've shot and killed a deer.

I like to hear more about going threw a deer on a harley. I would love to see the video. To bad we can't get Mythbusters to recreate this one.

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Youre better off just hitting the deer.

Avoidance can quickly put you, and others into great danger. If you'd been travelling faster or hit the tree differently, you may not have fared as well.

Glad to hear you're ok.

Yep -

Driving Near Deer Rules:

1) Bigger Truck
2) Cattle guard
3) Rifle within reach
4) Spotlight next to rifle
5) Camoflage tarp for back of truck
6) Cleaning knives next to spotlight
7) Beer next to knives
8) Ice chest filled with ice to cool the meat.

OK so the last 5 aren't really rules as much as suggestions . . .
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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When I was 14, a family friend crashed her car into a tree trying to avoid a deer, and was killed.

About 2 months later, I was riding in the car with my dad. A deer jumped in front of us, and he hit the brakes, slowed as much as he could, and then plowed straight through the deer. It flipped up over the car (it was a little Alfa Romeo convertible), rolled off the back side, and over into a gulley on one side of the road. The car was unharmed, my Dad and I were fine, and the deer was killed.

I've never swerved for an animal in the road. Brakes, yes. Steering wheel, no.
-- Tom Aiello

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I've never swerved for an animal in the road. Brakes, yes. Steering wheel, no.

Yep, that's the way to do it. However, the one time I DID hit a deer, I stomped the gas pedal to keep it from getting out in front of me, and it banged its head, then body into the driver's side. Less damage than a frontal impact. Fucker got up and ran off. :|

I have nearly hit deer head on several times though, and always managed to slow or stop with my brakes just in time. Knock on wood.
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more of the aftermath with a shameless plug

I am sure if it was a new car it would be worth fixing, but come on this is a 94 people

liability only, so it ain't getting fixed unless I want to do it myself. In which case I do't have the time for that.

At least I don't have to do that oil change I was putting off
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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All the deer that are near roads should be killed without limitation. Give hunters unlimited rights to kill on sight.
Happened to me on such a dark road I never saw it until its face was against the window. My reactions nearly caused me to go into a ditch at 60mph, I probably would have been killed. I want all of them near roads dead. There will still be plenty of them in National Parks and such.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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A deer, as you know, can sure mess-up your vehicle. In the last month, two of my friends have hit deer. Both were in pick-ups with grille-guards. Neither vehicle had more than $2500.00 worth of damage. 1-headlight each and minor fender damage and door damage. Both, were able to keep driving... the grille guards did their job. I'm not pushing grille-guards but, they are a damned good idea if you drive a lot in deer country. It's good that you're o.k. after your 'encounter'.

edit to add: Is that a '49 Buick in the background in one of your pictures? Damn good lookin' car!


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Better than brush gaurds are bullbars. I got mine from a company that makes them for the australian outback.


I have hit three deer in the 8 years of ownening the bumper, and there has been no damage other then a dented hood when I threw one up and over. :D
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