
just smoked my last cigarette...

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grrr,dammit.I just remembered I have a beautiful brand new meerschaum pipe and tobacco that was mixed and flavored at this cute little shop.Ahhh!damn damn damn.Pirate

Toss it. Better it goes in the trash than into your body.

You can do eet!
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Call your doctor and find out if there is any medication that might help. I know several people that were not able to quit until they tried something like Zyban.

Then, if the Body Worlds exhibit is anywhere near you, go see it and look very carefully at the smoker's lungs exhibit. It made my brother quit on the spot two years ago. There's just something about seeing the actual physical evidence of what it does to your body...

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Call your doctor and find out if there is any medication that might help. I know several people that were not able to quit until they tried something like Zyban.

Then, if the Body Worlds exhibit is anywhere near you, go see it and look very carefully at the smoker's lungs exhibit. It made my brother quit on the spot two years ago. There's just something about seeing the actual physical evidence of what it does to your body...

I'm already taking 5 medications daily.I'm not sure I'd want to add another or have to worry about side effects from mixing them together.

I've already seen BodyWorlds3 in Houston a year or so ago.It was very interesting and informative.

I guess I just need to stick it out.Luckily I'm not alone.My hubby had his last dip this morning the same time I had my last smoke.We're trying to quit together.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I'm coming up on 24 years cigarette free (May 3, 1983 is my quit date). I went cold turkey and it was hell for quite a long time...but it gets easier...so hang in there!!!!!

One thing that I used to do was abit of a mind game but it helped me when I was really having a nicotine fit and about to ask a co-worker for a cigarette.....I would quit for 10 seconds. I would take deep breaths, just like taking a long deep drag on a smoke and count to ten. I don't know if it was the deep breathing or what but it would get me over the hump at that moment. I couldn't conceive of not smoking for 20 years or 20 weks or 20 days or even a full day but I could manage ten minutes and sometmes 10 seconds. The old AA saying is "One day at a Time". For cigarettes I think it should be "One Minute at a Time"

Good luck all of you that are fighting this addiction. You can DO IT!! And it's one of th best things you will ever do for yourself and those around you.

Blue skies,


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Well,I've survived 29hrs and counting w/o a single cig.No real with drawl problems yet except I'm bored as hell during those times I would be outside smoking.:S

Pull for ya girl...

Keep me updated, maybe you'll INSPIRE me! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I'm smoke free seven weeks now and I can already tell a big difference in the way I feel. This time I used the nicotine gum and I think it really helped take the edge off. Unfortunately I bought a pack of 210 pieces (fucking Sam's Club deals) before I discovered I couldn't use it anymore due to an allergy to one of the ingredients[:/]. If you are interested in trying the gum, PM me and I'll send it to you. Hate for it to go to waste.

Good luck girl! You can do it.:)

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What a great!!! decision to make..

I have been smokeless for 2yrs 4 mo now & I have to say the thing that really helped me was " I'm only going to do this once" It does suck but I'm not going to give back the time I've already given.
I was also on wellbutrin for three mo also.
You can hold on, the cravings only last a short time & the longer you go, the longer it is till yer next craving & the shorter they are.
You ROCK!!!
Don't give in.

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48+ smokeless hours now. I think if I can make it a week I'll be ok.:)
I havent been around anyone who smokes in the past 2-4days,so thats going to be a challenge.Hope I can do it.:S

NowI'm bored outta my mind and cant keep busy so that I'm not thinking about smoking.Plus my smoke breaks gave me something to do and now I'm just sitting on my butt doing nothing!I feel so useless...I dont make anything,do anything..ugh I need a hobby.:S

And thanks to the lovely RebeccaW I'll get a little boost to help me out.Shes sending me a huge box of nicotine gum.Thank you Rebecca!!!You ROCK!

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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The first few days are the toughest...so you're already past that. Congrats!

To occupy myself and keep my hands busy I played Ms. Pacman for hours. Go for a walk, play video games, chew gum...develop new habits to replace the old one that leaves you at loose ends.

Hang in there!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Ok, so I'm now 3days into my personal challenge to quit smoking.It sucks ass! PMS,no smoking and being out of chocolate makes this a very bad place to be right now b/c I am MOODY.(where is the chocolate dipped Midol when ya need it?) I'm starting to feel a few withdrawl symptoms..headache,nausea,my hands are shaking a bit.It sucks!Mentally I want to quit, but the rest of me would have smoked the curtains by now out of frustration.Mind over matter I guess.:S

I really wish I could go to the gun range right about now to take out my frustrations,but alas,I'm out of gas $ and my hubby hasnt been reloading so I'm low on ammo.damn damn damn!>:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Another ex smoker here. Don't go back. The first few days are the worst. If you stick it out, it gradually gets better. I quit many years ago. I was so afraid I refused to touch cigarets for years. If someone asked me to hand them a pack I'd decline. For at least 2-3 years the smoke still smelled good to me. Now, years later, it stinks, is disgusting and I can't imagine picking up a cigarete. Hang in there, you'll get there. It feels really good to not wake up with a cough and breath well .

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It'll be totally worth it.

For one thing, more gas money. You'll start to have more energy, and one day you'll start to notice what smokers' clothes and houses smell like to nonsmokers. That's a sign that you're a nonsmoker.


Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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4days and 5hours here and going strong. I'm not really craving anything right now and the withdrawls from yesterday...headache,nausea,shakey hands...are gone.

Now I only really have a problem with it is when I hit a bored streak ( Id usually fill that time w/smoking) or if someone on TV or a movie or a book is lighting up.You never notice how much smoking goes on in stuff like that, til now.:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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For me it helps that I have had a cold and bad cough too, so my lungs hurt and I don't want to smoke. It's even starting to stink now to me and I tossed the ash tray in the trash can too. I still get to jones'n and have cravings, but if I cough it goes away.

I also feel better or at least I think I feel better. Hang in there, we can kick the habit, hell been a full week without, seems kind of stupid to start up again, I never thought I would last a week stopping cold turkey, but I did.:)

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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