
just smoked my last cigarette...

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I had the $ in my hand and went to the store for a pack of cigarettes.What stopped me? The friggin store was closed! So, I went home and did without.

Good now take the money out of your hand and place it in a piggy bank for a new (insert whatever) and everytime you want to spend for a pack, put the money in the piggy. Why make RJR or the other more rich at your expense?
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Come on, we all know the answer to that...

It's what all the cool people do. You wanna be cool don't you? Plus, it makes you feel gooooooooood... come on... you know ya wanna try it... come on...:D:P

Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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