
Skydiving Traditions

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I was wanting the dz.com community opinion: Skydiving traditions, like SCR, SCS, the ceremonies, freefall awards, etc. are kind of a big deal at my dropzone, but visiting other DZs and talking to other jumpers, it seems that many people don't care about them as much anymore. It could be because my home DZ has a lot of older jumpers who have been in the sport for quite some time and the people they started with were into the traditions. What's yalls thoughts on that?

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You know me (literally!) I love these things (sort of)...I like the SCR stuff and I don't think I would mind pies normally, I was just in a really weird mood the day of our grad.! Hey did ya'll do YOUR SCR ceremony this weekend, Dave? Because if not, the next weekend you are at EF I PROMISE I will be there to do yours AND rodent's! OH YEAH!
Let me know what's up!! ;-)

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well i'm jumping at at german jump club right now so i have a little diffrent look at things. when the students make their first jump we bend them over a chai and form a line and spank them. (only one spank per person, sorry skreamer). then we chant "gluck ab, gluck ab, gluck ab" or something that sounds like that. i know the first work is correct and means luck. it's sort of a right of passage for the students.....when i was at skydive texas it seamed to still be a big thing there to. i heard stories of peoples scr's and such. just never got to see them since i wasn't there long. :-(

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At the little dz I grew up at the traditions were also passed on... Cardinal Puff, pies for all occasions, Lancaster bomber reenactments, the deceased female relative game... but our DZO was also an old timer.
I love that kinda stuff! I am pretty well known for my pie accuracy...

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We just have the pieing for milstone jumps (100, 500 etc.) and beer....lots of beer! :D I would love hearing about what other dz's are doing for prizes and other traditions so that I can implement some of them at our dz. We are getting to be a younger and younger group and I fear alot of the traditions are fading out!

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SCR stands for Star Crest Recipient
SCS stands for Star Crest Soloist
They are formation skydiving achievements (don't have anything to do with USPA) involving 8-way or larger star formations. For an SCR you have to lay base for the formation and for the SCS you have to fly in 8th position or later (usually last). SCS is harder to get...
Its a memorial thing for the first guy to organize a star formation, back then they didn't do large contact dives like now. He and the other seven people on the load all bounced, from what I understand.
You can get your SCR and your SCS in the same jump or separately. The ceremony involves kneeling (usually in the peas) and letting the other people at the DZ who have an SCR or SCS pour ICE COLD beer all over you while you grovel, they give a speech, etc. You have to buy the beer of course, at least one case. It is SOOOO cold and they stuff the cans up your shirt and all kinds of stuff. You are supposed to keep all the empty cans and take them home but I don't think anybody does that! I hope traditions like these don't fall by the wayside...keep the old-timers jumping!

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They are formation skydiving achievements (don't have anything to do with USPA) involving 8-way or larger star formations. For an SCR you have to lay base for the formation and for the SCS you have to fly in 8th position or later (usually last). SCS is harder to get...

Sweet. Guess I have both and didn't even realize it. That must mean we don't really celebrate the SCR/SCS at my DZ. I've never seen a ceremony for one.

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I like most traditions it makes special events more fun...usually. I don't think I would like to have beer poured on me, but pies are okay. As long as the tradition/ritual/rite of passage is not dangerous, painful, or illegal I think they are a good thing and make for some enjoyable pictures.
Blue Skies,

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not illegal, harmful or dangerous...wow, what kind of tradition could it be? probably isn't a very good one or one that is fun. Damn, maybe I should start bringing my faithful axe handle out to the DZ and expand some minds... (just incase so I don't get flamed, I'm being sarcastic and poking fun at some Aggie traditions) ;)
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Well I guess it's subjective and I was a little vague with my post. BASE jumps downtown sound like fun that kind of illegal would be okay. I guess I should have been more clear. I don't want to take part in anything that will likely land me in jail or in the hospital and keep me from jumping.

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At my current DZ when a student graduates AFF they must wear a bright fuzzy purple emperors robe anytime they are on the DZ unless they are walking out to a load or going home. Anytime they are caught without said robe they are fined with a beer fine ranging from a six pack to a case per infraction...

They must wear said robe until soemone else graduates AFF. Some wait a week some wait a month... you never know;):ph34r:

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