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Your partner should be made aware if they are suddenly and unknowingly at additional risk.

Now with that I TOTALLY agree.... This is exactly how most women are gettin HIV these days..... Now, I know that many probably have an idea that their SO isn't being faithful, and we are each ultimately responsibile for keeping ourselves healthy in this particular situation.... But, still....it's really mean to have sex with your SO without telling her/him that you've had sex with someone else....
Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun
'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion

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So if I see a naked guy on TV...is that cheating?
According to some people here it would be cuz it would be mental cheating.
that is totally insane!!! Ive dated someone like this...for about 17 minutes.once that side of her came out I HAD TO LEAVE!
(i like nacmacfeegles response) haha
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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This is exactly how most women are gettin HIV these days.....

HEY... I object to this generalization that is implied here...... Most women are getting HIV because THEY are having unprotected sex, be it with their SO or someone else, and women cheat too
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HEY... I object to this generalization that is implied here...... Most women are getting HIV because THEY are having unprotected sex, be it with their SO or someone else

There's a surprisingly large amount of married men who contract HIV through gay sex, then infect their wives. For this, I entirely blame the men. The wives probably have NO idea this is going on.
I think Lindsey and the others who said if you cheat you should tell their partner for their safety, hit it bang on. If I'm in a commited relationship, I'm confident that any STD's wouldn't be an issue, because if there was any question we would've had tests. As soon as somebody cheats, that confidence is false.
I don't have a moral objection to "cheating". I don't think it reflects poorly on a person. I think it's a symptom of somthing being fundamentally wrong with the relationship.
My only objection to the pricinciple of cheating is when you put your spouse or SO at risk to disease.
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If you have made a promise or a commitment to be faithful and honest to an Signifigant Other, any physical contact that can be seen as sexual - kissing with your tongue, caressing intimate body parts, or actual intercourse is cheating. Plain and simple. And without trust?................... There is nada.

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so What are you trying to say Andy? Most women who contract HIV are married to cheating bisexuals?

Read the post again... I was referring to the the implied notion that most women who contract HIV have been cheated on by their male SO.

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Okay.....Lummy's right. I was posting faster than I was thinking.... I have worked with a LOT of women over the past few years who contracted HIV from husbands who had been cheating on them. Most of them were in pretty abusive relationships, and it was the abuse issues as well as the HIV that brought them to me. So...."most women" popped into my mind because of my own experience here.....not because of what's going on in the general population.
The point, though, was that if you're gonna have unprotected sex outside the relationship, there's really no justification for not telling your SO if you're gonna continue having unprotected sex with them. The risk is too high....
Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun
'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion

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Ok the consensus seems to be (and I agree) that if you couldn't tell your partner/husband/wife/SO/gf/bf without them being hurt or upset, then it's cheating.
However, many of you are saying if you have stuffed up, don't tell 'em (unless it wasn't a one-off or you had unprotected sex). Hmmmm lying factor is coming into play here.....
Don't lie.
No trust=no relationship.

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I think it completely depends on the relationship. Like was mentioned above, there are people who are swingers or have different views on fidelity.
If you cannot tell your partner about something you have done because you know they would consider it cheating and it is outside of the relationship parameters that you have agreed upon TOGETHER...then it is cheating.
My parameters are very different than this....but to each their own and it depends on the person and the relationships they have AGREED to have with their SO.
Tee :)

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And how about all the parties girls have with strippers too! NOT, how often do you see that?
I never did! Did you ever hear of a women doing that? Going out the night before her wedding and getting off? I didn't.. So much for equality! But from what I hear, people like to talk the talk but they don't walk the walk. If your not in a long term relationship, say over 5 years or better over 20 years, then you don't really know what it's like to be with the same person and have to be faithful that long, its easier for some than others, I think pretty people have more opportunity and more temptation than their ugly friends do so they don't have the same playing field either. Or like rock stars, they have women throwing themselves at them all the time, more opportunity, has to be harder for them to be faithful. Me, love is love, sex is sex and fun is fun, they all mean different things to me! Faithfullness, I'll leave that to some priest to figure out! I'm human! But as my screename suggests, Goddess, close to perfect! LOL just kidding,
*To know me is to love me*
*To love me is to know me*

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well, obviously ashkit has some serious problems with cheating..

and she did right, went on a skydiving site to ask all the guys there! even dug up a thread from 5 years before.. now, to me that tells a lot..

hey ashkit, if your SO cheats on you, i'm sure we can work something out to pay him back!! :PB|

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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1) What constitutes cheating? Is it only sex?

If you wouldn't do it with your SO in the room, you probably shouldn't be doing it at all.

2) Under what circumstances MUST one confess? (and if you do confess, should you tell them who with?)

I'd probably confess pretty much anything, but I wouldn't cheat to begin with, so it's never been an issue.

3) "What happens on the DZ, stays on the DZ..." Is this a true sentiment?

Hell no.

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First of all, theres no "oops" in cheating. You know what you're about to do and what the consequences will be before anything happens. If the little voice in your head saying "I am about to destroy someone I love" isn't enough to make you stop, then go get some help with your self esteem and integrity issues.

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OK, most people have stuffed up at some point in their lives, and so I wanted to ask what the average skydiver thought on this one:
1) What constitutes cheating? Is it only sex?

It's only cheating if your partner doesn't know about it....

2) Under what circumstances MUST one confess? (and if you do confess, should you tell them who with?)

Confess to me if you get caught said the spider to the fly...

3) "What happens on the DZ, stays on the DZ..." Is this a true sentiment?

This is true unless I have my camera and caught you in the act.......then the internet is my pearl...

I hope you find this advice helpful...Oh yes tequilla takes care of many guilty feelings....and always remember to deny-deny-deny!



Have a yippee ki ya day!

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I think pretty people have more opportunity and more temptation than their ugly friends do so they don't have the same playing field either.

Ugly guy here. I don't think that's necessarily the case. Years ago I realized that it's pathetically easy for most people to get laid all they want. How? Simple.

If you want to get laid all the time, lower your standards until you start gettin' all you want. It's really that easy.

Pretty much anyone can get laid all they want--assuming, of course, that they are not as socially retarded and obnoxious as I am.:$:$


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First of all, theres no "oops" in cheating. You know what you're about to do and what the consequences will be before anything happens. If the little voice in your head saying "I am about to destroy someone I love" isn't enough to make you stop, then go get some help with your self esteem and integrity issues.

I don't think most guys who cheat think the consequences through anywhere *near* long enough to consider the idea that, "I am about to destroy someone I love".


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Is that supposed to be an excuse?

Gee, do I detect some anger and bitterness?

Actually, just an observation. I think that most guys who cheat do so because they see an easy opportunity and don't really consider the consequences.

In case you're wondering, I don't think there is any excuse.


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Here is an easy one...

If you have to ask if your cheating than you probably are. Sex isn't the only way to cheat.

Cheating is fucked up if you are in something serious and keep them in the dark.

Guys, if your chick is with another chick then it aint cheating if they involve you!!;);)

Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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