
Substitutions for not getting any....

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So it's been a while for me. And I've found some unfortunate substitutions for not getting any sex. The most popular one seems to be food. [:/] Unfortunately I'm too poor for a gym membership and my asthma doesn't really like me to go outside in this bitter cold unless absolutely necessary.

What do those of you out there in my same sad position do for a substitution?

And for all those "I don't need to worry about finding a substitution." Well...I won't say what I'm thinking for fear of getting banned. :P

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Alcohol seems to work pretty well....It might not be that great of a substitute but it sure as hell takes your mind off of what you're missing!

I do use that on occasion. But with working in EMS I can't do it too often cause then I can't get called in in the case of an emergency.

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Alcohol seems to work pretty well....It might not be that great of a substitute but it sure as hell takes your mind off of what you're missing!

I do use that on occasion. But with working in EMS I can't do it too often cause then I can't get called in in the case of an emergency.

Ya' need to go to work for the Coroner....lotsa' stiffies there! ;)
"T'was ever thus."

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So it's been a while for me. And I've found some unfortunate substitutions for not getting any sex. The most popular one seems to be food.

Remind me never to accept a cucumber salad from you.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Yes, as Spence said...masterbation... go buy yourself a toy and if you get a good one, you will wonder will you ever needed a man to begin with!;) Toys have so many perks:

1) They only want it when you do
2) they dont want to cuddle afterwards
3) They don't bitch if its been a few weeks
and there are many more...just cant think of them right now;)

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:| Thanks for reminding me that I'm not getting any and that BOB is broken and needs to be replaced :$.



Alcohol seems to work pretty well....It might not be that great of a substitute but it sure as hell takes your mind off of what you're missing! ;)

Okay, please tell me that I'm not the only one who craves sex MORE when under the influence of alcohol... :|

:D Nope...you're not the only one. I've got a high enough sex drive without it...add alcohol and the man had better be able to go for hours....again...and again...and.... :$
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