
Jerrold Piccola (maggot) Motorcycle Accident

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Here's a link to the Bid On Maggot website.

Bid On Maggot

Those who don't know, Jerry was at one time part of Airspeed.

Regardless of what may come of it, I've no doubt donations will help. Remember, many modifications to homes, vehicles ... and life in general all costs a tremendous amount. No one needs to do anything but if you choose too, there's a place to start.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Your right, all those modiifiations which need to be done cost alot of money and always hard to find an honest deal.
I am a licensed general contractor here on Long Island. Depending on where Maggot will ultimately be living I would be happy to get some guys there and fix the place the way it needs to be done. I can get a crew there and have it looking like a mini extreme home makeover if need be.
Once his future condition is realized the house can be set up accordingly so that it is ready for him when it is time to come home.
Anyone interested on maggots behalf, that needs more information from me I would be happy to supply references, license numbers, insurance certificates and whatever else may be needed.
I can relate to this injury although this is far more severe then what happened to myself.
In 1984 I was crushed between a car and truck.From there I was in traction and then 2+ years on crutches and alot of therapy.
If everyone helps just a little his recovery and future will be just a little easier.
It seems like the least we could all do as humans.

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Yo Maggot,

You had better hurry back from China so you can RAPE some more NY apartment Buildings;) You know the ones with rooftop party decksB|

I sent you some $$$$$ via PayPal.

Ya know even if the legs are toast, we can get Abbie back to the drawing board to get the landing butt bag thingie working........

Love your work Buddy,

John Napier (NAPE)

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Huh ?

Huh This?

Ya know even if the legs are toast, we can get Abbie back to the drawing board to get the landing butt bag thingie working........

Abbie (cornishe) has built and tested a landing assist device so that Russell (PBASEtobe) could land on hard ground. Russell is a Parapalegic BASE jumper and Much much more..........


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Sorry to inform...
Jerry passed away this afternoon.

RIP man!

Bummer. I've been highly entertained by his posts and stories about him for several years now. I'm sorry he won't be making any more. My condolonces to his family, his friends, and all the trannies around the world. [:/]

(drink Mountain Dew)

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