
What movie(s) can you.....

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Somewhere in Time
Pans Labrynth
Midsummers Night Dream

edited to add (after looking at the other lists)
Breakfast Club
Fifth Element
Austin Powers

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Sunny listed Tommy Boy.

I loved most of Chris Farley's movies. He was hysterically funny.

(whack) "OW! That's going to leave a mark!"

"fat man, little coat, fat man, little coat!"

"Luke, I... am... your... faaaaaather"


"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Anything with Bogart & Bacall (the chemistry between those two, plus the good stories can't be beat)

The first three Thin Man movies (William Powell & Myrna Loy play so well together)

Some Like it Hot (hokey yes, but fun none the less)

Marx Brothers: The Cocoanuts, Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, Duck Soup, A Night At the Opera, A Day at the Races

Smokey and the Bandit

Death Race 2000 (pure schlock)

Heavy Metal

Blues Brothers

Young Frankenstein
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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Death Race 2000 (pure schlock)

That was a fucked up movie! I remember that. :S

Scary looking cars racing across the country or something, and you score points for killing people with your car. It's been a long long time since I saw it. Need to see it again.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Death Race 2000 (pure schlock)

That was a fucked up movie! I remember that. :S

Scary looking cars racing across the country or something, and you score points for killing people with your car. It's been a long long time since I saw it. Need to see it again.

Be careful of the handgrenade.
and anything with Cain (David Caradine) is AWESOME:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Singin' in the Rain
From Dusk Til Dawn
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (with the Bee Gees :D)
The Who's Tommy
The Big Lebowski
Pulp Fiction
Terminator 2
Finding Nemo
Cecil B. Demented
Citizen Kane (OK, actually I've only seen this once, but I keep meaning to buy a copy so that I can watch it a few more times.)

And probably a few that I'm forgetting...

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Death Race 2000 (pure schlock)

That was a fucked up movie! I remember that. :S

Scary looking cars racing across the country or something, and you score points for killing people with your car. It's been a long long time since I saw it. Need to see it again.

I just saw a trailer on TV for a new Death Race movie coming out 8/22.>:(B|>:(B|>:(>:(
It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

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P.S. I love you
Sleepless in Seattle
Princess Bride
Black Hawk Down
Army of Darkness
Shallow Hal
Sean of the Dead
Groundhog Day
Total Recall
Galaxy Quest
3 Weddings and a Funeral
The Incredibles
Happy Feet
A Knights Tale
Where the Heart is
A league of Their Own
Raising Arizona
Napoleon Dynamite
Anything with Jackie Chan in it.

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