
Weekend Numbers 26-28/09/08

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I participated in a 4-way skillscamp at Texel, solving some major flaws in my basic body position, getting some tasks for the coveted B-licence signed off and having a great time allround.

Jasper, Paull and Gary as well as all the staff at PCT, thanks (yet) again!

Note to self, the local beer is waaaaaay too tasty..
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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:| : 1 : 0

went saturdays to the dropzone next to ours, did a jump there, then went to the gathering of the "survivors".. i was only late by 2 1/2 hrs, but i was last to leave. slept in the bar AGAIN! fucking beer's way to tasty too..! :)
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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I called it quits Sunday when I didn't make a downwind landing work too well and hurt myself a wee bit. I do claim style points since I crashed and burned into the accuracy circle with some amusing grace.

Irgity Dirgity

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I called it quits Sunday when I didn't make a downwind landing work too well and hurt myself a wee bit. I do claim style points since I crashed and burned into the accuracy circle with some amusing grace.

why were you landing downwind??

zip for me,car trouble prevented the DZ journey
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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zip for me,car trouble prevented the DZ journey

did KAllend get you for crashing your truck in his MG ? :|

yes, :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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after 4 weekends off i finaly have some numbers :)

6 tandem camera jumps and some pretty sweet swoops on landing, 5 paid jumps and one freebie for a the band that played at the DZ party on Sat night :)

Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky

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When we loaded the plane there wasn't much wind, so we all decided to land in one direction. The wind picked up a bit on final, so I followed everyone else like we had planned in the agreed direction. I just wish I had video of this landing. I bet it was freaking hilarious to watch. I can walk today, so I didn't do much damage to myself. ;)


Irgity Dirgity

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B|:Still married to Vskydiver:)

11: 3 AFF and 7 tandems, time left for a fun 2 way with a fresh AFF graduate. She did 3 docks. No beer for me, but maybe for her.:D

Hey Poe, try sliding out those downwinders if terrain and conditions permit. Does your DZ have an "out" area where you can land any direction you want? That's where I head when I want to land "the wrong way.":)

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On friday night I did my 100th jump in traditional fashion :$:):D Didn't even get arrested or thrown off the airport ;) I guess I should have owed beer for that one :P

Obviously we will require photographic evidence of said accomplishment! ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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1 day of sleeping in and doing nothing:5:~1

Worked 27 hours out of a 30 hour block Thursday/Friday so I slept a lot on Saturday to make up for it. The weather was crap so we got to the DZ on Sunday and did 5 jumps. 4 freefly and my beer video for an AFF Eval course. HOLY CRAP shit goes wrong fast on the bottom end of those if the course instructor is pushing the students! It was fun to watch but it was more excitement then I like in the last 10 seconds of my skydives.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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On friday night I did my 100th jump in traditional fashion :$:):D Didn't even get arrested or thrown off the airport ;) I guess I should have owed beer for that one :P

We demand Pic's or you can't claim it really happened.

3 sweet RW jumps. I love this sport!
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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Great time at the No Tornado Boogie (only could make 1 day but made the most out of it)

3 tandem videos
2 H&P
1 4-way FF
1 2-way FF
1 Solo FF
1 jump videoing a student just for fun
1 shooting video for an 8 way

Beer owed for the following, luckily nobody called me on them :)
Case owed for first time doing paid jumps at a boogie
Case owed for first time doing paid jumps out of a big plane
Case owed for first time jumping a Diablo
Case owed for first medals of the fall season (I coach Crew, and we brought home some hardware from our first race of the season.)
Case owed for #900

Awesome weekend.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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That's awesome! Wanna jump together some time ;) ?

Way to go! Be safe, Blue sky's!

Thanks for the pic, I guess it really happened. I wouldn't have kicked you off the DZ either ;)

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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Well 6 if I get to count Wed night. Jumped a no moon night 3-way and turned 5 points. Landing was like sinking into a vat of india ink but pulled out the mad PLF skills and arose from the darkness just fine.

Thanks out to Kelly (300) and Dan (500) for inviting me on the milestone jump. We each picked a random and made it work.

2 team jumps trying to figure out the Meeker exit off the 182.

Packed alot over the weekend and came out ahead on the books $16 so I'm happy.

Jenny in KC, congrats and thanks for the "evidence". You are welcome at our DZ in Kansas anytime you feel the need to just get nekkid & yell door!;)
It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama

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