
Weekend numbers 16-17/05/09

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:) : 4 : 0

Four awesome CRW-instruction jumps at the Rubberduckieboogie with Eward Slot as my coach.
Thanks again Eward, I learned a lot :)
How I managed to avoid owing any beer at all is still a mystery to me.

Weather forecast sucked, so the reality was a godsend. Only 1.5 h standdown on Saturday - which happened to coincide with lunchtime. Sunday was less perfect, so the CRW-group decided to pull the plug. I hear that later in the day it was jumpable after all, but I'm not complaining.. I'm sore enough as it is what with spending >30 mins under canopy in one single day. (not for the first time though..)
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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2 CReW
4 RW
2 Sit

:D for first jump on new canopy and nailing a stable sit for the first time.

I think it's time to pick a discipline and stick with it for the whole summer.
It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama

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:) : 4 : 0

;) : :)

No jumps here. Expect to have $$$ and be back playing in the air this coming weekend (Memorial Day weekend!!)
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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Beer owed for completing AFF, for my first solo jump, and for my first overnight on the dropzone. The Freefly Film Festival was hilarious and I got to meet a ton of dz.commers :)

Congrats on finishing AFF! :D
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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2 Recurrency dives for a marine student and 1 fun jump.

Flew my custom Firebolt 128 for the first time...and loved it. Even brand spanking new, it's such a DREAM to pack!!
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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1 solo free flail out of the cessna
3 (10-ways) - 2 of which i went low on (including the staff jump with livendive, but it did look cool from below - urgh
5 other RW jumps that rocked!

down sized back to my 168 - landings were a little rough on saturday but sunday there was marked improvement. I love having my 168 back. Sorry doc - :D:D:D:D
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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0 : 6 : 3

AFF 5 - 8 (video of 8: http://www.vimeo.com/4700459) and two solo jumps.

Beer owed for completing AFF, for my first solo jump, and for my first overnight on the dropzone. The Freefly Film Festival was hilarious and I got to meet a ton of dz.commers :)

Congrats on finishing! Doc and I will be down to terrorize you in june so hopefully you will have your A by then so we can jump with you!;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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OSU weekend #1... I got 1 Tandem video in Saturday morning before the clouds moved in... and 7 Tandem/AFF Cat A Videos on Sunday... Both Saturday and Sunday Start really early... and as such I'm worn out... fortunately next weekend is a long weekend.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I had every intent on jumping Sunday, but I fainted in the bathroom twice and whacked my head hard on the tile one of the times. I figured I didn't need to get in a plane.

Next weekend though...[:/]

Irgity Dirgity

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I had every intent on jumping Sunday, but I fainted in the bathroom twice and whacked my head hard on the tile one of the times. I figured I didn't need to get in a plane.

Next weekend though...[:/]

Quit trying to pull out the trailer by hand:P
It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama

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Not sure. I stood up from a laying down position, walked to the bathroom, grabbed the handle of the door to open it, and then my hearing went silent. The next thing I remember was laying on the floor in pain. I have low blood pressure normally around 92/50. If it dropped lower, I think that may have done it when I stood up.

Irgity Dirgity

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I had every intent on jumping Sunday, but I fainted in the bathroom twice and whacked my head hard on the tile one of the times. I figured I didn't need to get in a plane.

Next weekend though...[:/]

Quit trying to pull out the trailer by hand:P

...but nobody else will tow it... :D

Irgity Dirgity

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OSU weekend #1
I showed up on Saturday at 6:30am and volunteered my time until they called it bc of weather at about 2:30.
Sunday I was there by 5:45 am. I volunteered my time until 10ish. Then I did 5, 4-way video for a 4-way team that was training and didn't have their videographer bc he was too busy making money at the dz. I left at 7:30pm... I was there for 13.5 hrs.
Honestly I am burned out and unlike every one of the AFF, Tandem and videographers there, I made no money for being there all weekend. Now I am burned out and can barely function at work. Clothes lay dirty and dishes uncleaned at home. I just need someone to pick me up, and its only Monday. Work is piling and I just want to cry... not that anyone will read this or care, which is fine with me, bc I am just wollowing in my self pity.
Sleep sounds so good.

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:) : 4 : 0

Four awesome CRW-instruction jumps at the Rubberduckieboogie with Eward Slot as my coach.
Thanks again Eward, I learned a lot :)
How I managed to avoid owing any beer at all is still a mystery to me.

Weather forecast sucked, so the reality was a godsend. Only 1.5 h standdown on Saturday - which happened to coincide with lunchtime. Sunday was less perfect, so the CRW-group decided to pull the plug. I hear that later in the day it was jumpable after all, but I'm not complaining.. I'm sore enough as it is what with spending >30 mins under canopy in one single day. (not for the first time though..)

And to add...I did jump 516 on 5/16 and jump 517 on 5/17...thought that was kinda kewl.
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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1, 2, :D:D:DWaaay too many to count.

Didn't get laid, but I think a brand new rigger ticket counts as a "signifigant event". No I won't do your reserve for free.

2 jumps, see below for more info.

First time:
At Skydive Chicago.
Staying at a DZ (for a whole week).
Meeting DZ.commers - Sunny, Skittles and Gene03.
Packing a reserve
Packing a round
Sewing on a real commercial machine
Jumping from aqn Otter
Getting freefall video
Jumping with a DZ.commer
Getting a kiss pass:)Getting a "number" - Sunny #122

There are more, but those are the highlights.
WOW! What a week.B|

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Nearly doubled my jump totals for the year. :S

It was nice to just have some fun with my friends. Lots of zoo dives and some jumps with a low timer from a 182 dz. Our 6 point 6 way that was to me super sloppy was bad ass for him. that reminded me that just jumping out of a plane and landing safley is pretty damn fun by itself.

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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