
Uninvited Guest; Extra Adrenaline

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We had a break-in about 4:30 this morning . . . while we were home! My husband heard what he thought were the blinds blowing in the breeze, and went into his office to shut the window. As it turns out, it wasn't the breeze. The window had been totally closed. However, when he walked into his office, a man was standing there at the window, trying to put the screen back in. We got lucky. If the intruder was armed, he didn't try to use anything. In fact, he tried to convince my husband that he had been "invited" and that he just wanted to come inside to get his friend. Seriously? You crawl in windows of the homes you're invited to . . . at 4:30 a.m.??! Anyway, I heard my husband telling him to get out of the house and had 911 on the line before the guy crawled back out of the window and left. We're all fine and we have new locks on the windows tonight. The police think they got some great fingerprints on him, too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the last we'll see of him!
TPM Sister #102

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I agree with O......get a guard dog & a gun.

Anyone who breaks into someone's house deserves a bullet in the head, no questions asked...
Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Well, I have a dog . . . but she's a 14-year-old deaf chihuahua. :D As for the guns, we have some but I don't want to send this to SC. We're okay, thankfully, and we live in a good neighborhood. We asked the police if there had been robberies in our neighborhood lately, and they said no. I'm hoping this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

TPM Sister #102

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I'm glad that you're ok too! :)
Do you mind if I ask you something?...does your house stand out? Do you live in an affluent part of town?

Sometimes robbers assume that such & such house, on such & such house has valuables.

Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

you'd kill a person over trivial property:S
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

you'd kill a person over trivial property:S

I won't speak for ChileR, but as for me:
I would not kill merely over property, but I would kill to protect my family, or even my own sorry ass.

This was a nighttime burglary of an occupied residence (assuming the intruder was lying, which I think is a reasonable presumption). In most US jurisdictions - and the OP can verify or correct this, as she's an attorney, too - burglary of an occupied structure, especially a residence, especially at night, is considered by law to be a crime of danger to persons, warranting enhanced penalties (compared to burglary of an unoccupied structure).

So for me, a crime of danger to the persons in my home constitutes a physical attack against the persons in my home, warranting the use of deadly force in response.

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Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

Every situation has to be taken on a case-by-case basis, but I'd think that you should dial 911 first if there is time an opportunity to do so, since events about to happen might prevent you from dialing 911 once you're further involved. Remember, almost all 911 systems in the US these days (even calls made by cell phones) have caller locators for the police, so you don't even have to take the time (or make the noise) to speak over the phone - just dial 911 and leave the phone on.

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I don't think the house stands out in any particular way. It's a nice part of town, but nothing like gated-community nice. We're not even on the corner. Who knows what the trigger was?

Couple guesses - perhaps the window the intruder used was obscured from easy view by position + darkness, or nearby cover, etc.? And/or - do you have nice cars that can be seen coming/going? And/or - maybe he was able to figure out that professionals lived in the house (easier than you think, though I won't broadcast the ways here). Or maybe it was just random.

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

you'd kill a person over trivial property:S

Someone in my home in the middle of the night taking my "trivial" property....

If caught, most likely gets more than a stern warning from his mommy. Said burgler probably knows theres a cell with his name on it.....unless of course he removes me from the picture. These assholes dont want to go to, or back to jail for my crap, so thier options are run when caught, or take other action. Is the guy strung out, should we sit and talk about it. My home, my family, MY trivial crap.

*edit* I guess i could have just said "Is a burgler willing to kill a person for trivial property"?
The Dude Abides.

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

you'd kill a person over trivial property:S

This point was already eloquently made here by Andy ...

Someone breaking into my home in the middle of the night? I'd have no issue shooting him/her. Depending of how threatened I feel in the particular situation, I'd shoot to kill, or shoot to disable.

This is not about "trivial property" - it is about someone blatantly invading and attacking your most personal safety space. I got no family (which would probably make me even more "fierce" in such situation), but I care about my own life enough to take such action.


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Glad you're ok and the situation didn't turn out worse.

I do vote for a big friend with a deep bark for your chihuahua. ;):)

Also, Radio Shack sells alarms for windows and doors if you don't want to pay for a monitoring service. They're run on batteries and can wake the dead if they go off. Just another option.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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a man was standing there at the window, trying to put the screen back in.


doesn't make sense, you sure this was not an old boyfriend visiting???

Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Someone breaking into my home in the middle of the night? I'd have no issue shooting him/her. Depending of how threatened I feel in the particular situation, I'd shoot to kill, or shoot to disable.

Your statement shows a bit of lack of knowledge of the reality of using a firearm for defense.

If you're going to shoot at someone you must "be in fear of imminent death or serious physical injury". That's the wording for my local laws, your's will be very similar.

There is no "shoot to disable" or "shoot to kill"...that's movie crap. You shoot to stop the attack...period.

A few years back I too had someone come in my home. For me it was a daytime burglary attempt. The guy rang the doorbell (I was on the throne, couldn't get there in time). About the time I get to the front door I hear the sliding glass door in back open. I realized what was happening, scooped the dog to keep her quiet and went upstairs to retrieve the pistol. I expected the burglar to start taking my computer system apart in a room on the first floor but instead I hear him coming up the stairs. I met him at the top -- him with his little wooden club, me with my pistol. After an intense moment of eye contact I told him to "GET DOWN". I guess he thought I said fall down 'cuz he turned and tumbled back down the stairs before running out of the back door.

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Actually, it so happens that I know how to use a firearm; no, I never had to use one to defend myself (I'm thankful for that).

If someone sneaked into my home in the middle of the night, I'd consider myself being "attacked". Not knowing how I'd react because I've never been in that situation is a fair point. However, I'm pretty sure that "freeze and coward in fear" wouldn't be my reaction ... and I'd use a gun if it came to that.


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Wow! Glad you and your family are ok. I am a big fan of monitored home security systems. I have one and pay only $35.00 a month. They have install specials all the time that make it very affordable. My mom's was actually installed for free. nice piece of mind when away and early warning (and probably scare away intruder) when home.

Of course, if needed, I have the tools to defend myself and property should someone press an attack.
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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Lucky he wasn't found in our house, he'd been chewing on either fiocchi #4 buck or Speer Gold Dot 9mm 124gr +P.
No questions asked.
No excuses taken.
Dead or dying intruder.

Protect your family/property first, then dial 911.

you'd kill a person over trivial property:S

Yes. And I wouldn't ever have the slightest bit of remorse.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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shoot to disable.

There's no such thing, if you shoot someone you are using deadly force.

I think the OP's hubby did the right thing.

He was 'surprised' by the intruder and quickly removed the threat as best he could by verbal command...then called the police.

If you live in a nice neighborhood, haven't had a rash of burglaries and believe a noise is the wind...you probably aren't walking around the house armed and at condition one.

If ya ARE, you may have other issues. ;)

I always get a chuckle at threads like this in which, usually intelligent people get all John Wayne about how, why and what they would use to kill another human being in their home.

I'm definitely not saying to become a victim or allow yourself or loved ones to be harmed...deadly force IS sometimes the only viable option.

But I speak from experience when I say you don't just blow the smoke from the barrel of your gun and go back to bed after something like that.

That course of action will have a negatively adverse effect on your life for a period of time...possibly financially, certainly emotionally...and if someone were to dig up an obscure Internet thread in which you discuss at length exactly which hollow point you would use and where you plan to place the shot, you just may come off in court as crazy as the guy you ventilated on the living room carpet. B|

And a quick word of advise should the situation arise, you weren't shooting to disable or maim...not even to 'kill'.
You were trying to STOP the 'evil doer' from harming you.

'Speciality Ammunition'?
Don't know anything about that your Honor, I just bought what the gun store guy said I needed. ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Huh? Nobody is questioning how the hubby of the OP handled the situation - everyone is glad it didn't escalate. Also, he had the benefit of being a man - an intruder is more likely to comply with the "get out" command when it's coming from a man, than he would be coming from a woman living alone. (I doubt anyone would dispute that.)

As far as consequences of killing someone who is attacking you in your home, being raped or killed would be a far worse consequence than dealing with the emotional trauma (I'm certain it would be there) of killing someone.

Again, if someone is in my home in the middle of the night, I'll assume he is there to rape or kill me (or both), not to steal "trivial property". I'm not sure how I'd react, but getting into a conversation with the intruder about his exact intentions won't be part of it.


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a man was standing there at the window, trying to put the screen back in.


doesn't make sense, you sure this was not an old boyfriend visiting???

I know, that's the odd part. The police have some theories about that, including the concept that if it's unclear how someone got in, you also might not miss any stolen items right away. Either that, or he's a neat freak! ;)
TPM Sister #102

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