
Guys men are intimidated by

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90% of the Marines i've met are retards. double muscles and less brains for infantrymen. still, built retards can scare me.

Ooooh Gonzo is going to get you!!

He'd be surprised... some of the smartest Marines in the Corps are infantry. They just entered the Corps for a reason and for them, that reason was to be a grunt...

But... The most dangerous Marines I know aren't built. They're skinny little bastards with a lot of knowledge and tricks up their sleeves.
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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That is stable belly fly in student gear. In the last 5 jumps I've maxed out at 156 consistently. Maybe I need a baggy jumpsuit.

No, you need to learn to slow your ass down, the suit isn't your problem but this is the wrong thread for this too.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Nope. But then I'm a Captain firefighter/paramedic who can fix his own car AND rides a motorcycle.

Damn, if I was a Marine, I'd be the perfect man!


Hmmmm.... I was a Captain. Is now a Doctor. Could fix older cars (the ones without all those fancy electronics stuffs) AND rides a motorcycle

Damn, if I was a Marine, I'd be the perfect man! (well.... except being a woman. B|)

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Easy answer. Men aren't intimidated by other men.
Men are buddies.

First off, this is an article written by a male dating columnist for Glamour magazine.
There are two hints right there.

The article sounds an insecure person trying to rationalize
their failure to overcome 8th grade social issues.

I would suggest that most magazine articles, of any
type, are written for the reader.

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I see this thread every day and have tried to come up with something. I can't think of anyone that fits that bill. I've been told many times that I am intimidating, but don't understand why.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Rednecks that ice-fish.

What makes that picture so accurate is that no one ever spots their own flags because they're always looking out over the ice at everyone else's.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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90% of the Marines i've met are retards. double muscles and less brains for infantrymen. still, built retards can scare me.

Maybe it’s a reflection of the Marines I meet, but I haven’t met one who I would describe as retarded or dumb. Like any other group of people, I’m confident that if one went looking one could find one or two who have made some really dumb choices.

The last Marine I met (Friday) was a helicopter pilot who is now working on nuclear weapons policy. He asked quite a few questions that I would consider very smart. (Maybe I’m the dumb one?)
One of my favorite Marines (now-retired) is completing his PhD in history at Oxford. One needs some level of intelligence -- & perseverance -- to complete a PhD in anything, never mind from Oxford.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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90% of the Marines i've met are retards. double muscles and less brains for infantrymen. still, built retards can scare me.

Maybe it’s a reflection of the Marines I meet, but I haven’t met one who I would describe as retarded or dumb.


I have to completely agree.

One of my good friends here in Kansas City is a prior Marine. I believe that he is MUCH smarter than I am when it comes to the mechanical sciences. He understands engines much better than I can and I (and my husband) often discuss issues with him. AND... he's not just brilliant with engines, but also is rather skilled at conversation.

Another friend that I have that was a prior Devil Dog, is a very skilled photographer. Definitely NOT a "retard."

I agree that as a branch of the service, the Marines might have a lower cumulative IQ than ... say.... the Air Force..... but there might be a bit of bias in that statement.

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There 'may' be a grain of truth in your last .... in the RAF, for example... we NCOs send our officers (in the main) into harms way, whilst we stay in the NAFFI ... now that shows a modicum of inteligenceB|

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I hope your rigger isn't a former Marine. I have learned the hard way that Marines do not have a sense of humor when it comes to inter service insults:|

i AM a marine...and a grunt. :P i just think the marines i've been around are retards. i've met wise marines, but they're rare.

still...built retards scare me haha

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Guys that do really cool things like fly fighter jets, personally rescue people (firefighters), travel around the world on a regular basis, or other things you wish you did are only intimidating when they don't care about it.

If they aren't humble about it, they are just assholes ;)

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