
Never getting the flu jab again...

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Oh. My. God. I think this is what dying must feel like..

On Thursday I got the flu jab at work.. I was warned that I may experience "flu-like symptoms".. Fuck that - I have the flu. I read the documentation beforehand and it said

"The flu jab doesn’t cause flu as it doesn’t contain any of the virus. However, you may experience side effects after having the jab. Some people experience a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards. Your arm may feel a bit sore at the site where you were injected. More severe reactions are rare."

Here's how I feel:
-runny nose
-severe headache

And I feel achy all over B|:(

It's taken all my energy to get out of bed for the second time today just to type a few responses on this.. And now I think I will drink some water and go back to bed..

Soo.. Tired..

I want my mommy... :(
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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mmm chicken soup.. If only the kitchen weren't so far away.. feel like death.. need more sleep..
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Maybe you got the actual flu, since full immunity from the shot takes about 2 weeks to develop.

I had a flu shot 3 weeks ago and just had a slightly sore arm.

And, as of the last CDC update, pretty much all circulating flu is still h1n1, which the seasonal flu vaccine does not protect against. If you are that unlucky, then that is just unfortunate timing.
I have yet to see a case of seasonal flu in my practice this year.

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Baxter and all the pharmas are a bunch of money grabbing crooks.
Public health and wellbeing is not the reason for their existence they just want £$£$£$£$

For anybody that hasn't already I would urge you to at least consider the facts

here's a start -

watch jane Burgermeister on youtube

wake up!!
but what do I know

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I will never get the flu shot again either! A few years back I got one and got HORRENDOUSLY sick. I was sitting on the toilet and throwing up in the garbage can and then blacking out and having to have my parents pick me up off the floor. This went on for 12 hours, every 15 minutes. TMI-I know! I ended up having to go to the ER to get fluids.

They are coming around my work with the shot right now. I actually sent a msg to my Dr. asking if I should get it or not. At first she said yes, and then she wrote me back again and said that she would consider what I had a "severe reaction."

YUCK! Hope you feel better soon!

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Not aimed at the OP, rather a public health announcement and risking (again) this thread going to speakers corner..

I am not convinced that vaccinations even work, as the link to the graphs I posted earlier suggest. Further -

A 1989 study by the US health department that documented 170 measles outbreaks found that 89% of infected persons had been vaccinated..

.. a 20 month study released in the same year of whooping cough incidences in Nova Scotia showed 96% of victims had been vaccinated..

... a South Australian Health Commission study of 7 years of data on whooping cough released in 1996 - 87% of victims had been vaccinated.

.. and what about the mexican doctor who in April this year revealed that two of his colleagues died from swine flu - after they'd been vaccinated. :|

If FACTS like that don't stop and make you think then carry on -
It's your body - do what you want to it, but at least do some research and make your own mind up rather than letting a man in a white coat who's been brainwashed by the pharmas tell you what's best for you. At least stop to find out what's in them - you do know they're cultured from cells of aborted fetuses and brains of monkey right? Mmmmm.. monkey brain.

but what do I know

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Pssst it does not take into account that even if you contract a disease after being vaccinated that the form you contract can be a mutated variant.

Plus even if it is the same strain the symptoms and severity may have been reduced due to your immune system being prepared.

Exposure seems to work as well, why do you think Nurses and Doctors can be exposed over and over again without ill effect most of the time?

Because that built up an immunity from multiple exposures and contractions over a lifetime.

Plus common sense precautions like washing hands, sheets, bathing, saline solutions in the nasal cavities etc.

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Nataly, what I'd do is document your reaction this time(how long after the shot you got sick, the symptoms, etc) and then next year when the shots come around get another one and see if you have the same reaction.

It could very well be a co-incidence or you just may be someone that has a bad reaction to the shots. I got my fly shot last Thursday and didn't even have a sore arm from it.

If you have a bad reaction to the shots there's nothing wrong with not getting them. Let the rest of us that don't have reactions get them and you can benefit from herd immunity.

As for "vaccines don't even work" posts... I prefer to get my science from respected well educated scientists rather than crack pots on the internet posting graphs that don't mean anything.

Vaccines are extremely effective. Small pox killed over 300 million people in recorded history. Vaccines eradicated it in a decade for a mere $50 million dollars a year in costs.

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As for "vaccines don't even work" posts... I prefer to get my science from respected well educated scientists rather than crack pots on the internet posting graphs that don't mean anything.

Vaccines are extremely effective. Small pox killed over 300 million people in recorded history. Vaccines eradicated it in a decade for a mere $50 million dollars a year in costs.

There's currently a movement afoot (lawsuit, no less) to prevent the H1N1 vaccine from reaching consumers.

Some people are socially irresponsible, and although I suppose it's okay for them to decide that they want to be a public health hazard, it just takes the cake that they actually think they have a right to prevent those of us who are not from getting a vaccine. >:(
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Not getting a flu vaccine is socially irresponsible? WTF?

I have never gotten a flu vaccine and do not consider myself a public health hazard. Not to mention, the H1N1 vaccine was developed and produced very quickly and has barely been tested- no one knows how effective it will be or if there are serious side effects. I wouldn't join any movement to block it, but I do reserve the right not to become a human test subject and that does not make me "socially irresponsible", a "public health hazard" or "crack pot."

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Not getting a flu vaccine is socially irresponsible? WTF?



You're free not to get an H1N1 flu shot.

I'm free to hold the opinion--and I do--that failing to be vaccinated is socially irresponsible. I feel the same way about those who fail to vaccinate their children against the wide range of preventable diseases.

With that said, it's no skin off my nose if you don't because I and mine are and will be vaccinated so we won't be catching anything from you.
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Even though I'm 35, I had some straight A's back in the late 80's in science-related classes. I had a subscription to Scientific American (back in the day when it was more of a real science journal rather than a Popular Science copycat -- and I still have a subscription 20 years later!) I have enough information to strongly believe vaccines are effective due to various factors such as herd immunity -- even in when a specific vaccine is only 30% effective, provided a majority of the population is inoculated...

I strongly believe in vaccination. However, my main problem is when information is being withheld and it's hard to make a decision. The flip side, is there are at times, specific vaccines for specific conditions in the history that have also been questionable...

For example, if a vaccine decreaess your likelihood of catching something only by 10% while having big side effects -- versus decreasing your likelihood by 90% with very few side effects. There might be a great argument towards the latter (in the name of public good) and argument against the former (due to greed by the companies wanting to continue with a borderline vaccine). I generally take my flu shots, but I tend to from time to time, be concerned of whether a specific vaccine for something specific, is effective enough to be worth the risk.

That said, if you are sick for any reason and become dehydrated, I suggest do not just drink plain water if you're getting dehydrated. Get some electrolyte beverage if you're expelling lot of fluid from any end of your body. A dilute Gatorade mix (50% gatorade, 50% water) is a popular recommendation, even by doctors. Or getting packets of Gastrolyte from drugstore, or something else similiar that serves a similiar purpose. One can drink tons of water and still feel dehydrated to the point of hospitalization, in extreme cases.

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Wow.. I just crawled out of bed and couldn't believe people were still posting to this thread!!

Thanks for the well-wishes everyone.. I feel *almost* ok now.. This morning I was convinced I'd be fine for work, until I woke up with my forehead covered in soggy cheerios :S[:/] Yes.. I fell asleep in my cereal bowl.. hmm..

I'm kind of borderline on vaccinations.. I think on an individual basis there is strong evidence that it works.. Unfortunately, there is also strong evidence that we are creating "super-bugs" by making diseases stronger and stronger.. So.. I don't know.. All I know is I felt like it was worth a shot (cheezy pun intended!)..

But Holy Crap.. I'm NOT getting it again. I don't care AT ALL whether my illness was related or not - I felt fucking terrible. I still feel a bit off, but still better.

I'm NOT going to take notes and try again next year - no way!! I'll take my chances like I have every other year of my life, thank-you-very-much.. :SB|

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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I'm kind of borderline on vaccinations.. I think on an individual basis there is strong evidence that it works.. Unfortunately, there is also strong evidence that we are creating "super-bugs" by making diseases stronger and stronger..

As to the creation of superbugs...we're doing it by taking antibiotics for head colds and using using antibacterial soap, as well as similar kinds of dumb practices. OTOH, we have wiped out smallpox by making sure that everyone who needed the vaccine received it.

In your specific case, if what you're having is actually a bad reaction to the shot, then you're likely right not to get another one. The only way for you to know for sure that it is the shot is to repeat the experience next year, but the risk probably outweighs the benefit.

I hope you're feeling better soon. Nothing sucks quite like the flu.
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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To echo what RhondaLea said, vaccines don't create superbugs. They work with your immune system to help you fight off a disease if you're exposed. We create superbugs by overusing antibiotics and antibacterials.

It all contributes to creating stronger, more resilient strains of diseases.. I studied some of this stuff at uni - scary, but *fascinating*. Trouble is that there is no "proof" in science.. Only "evidence" and "strong correlation".
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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