
Online dating dramas...

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Maybe I'll give it a shot again... I wonder if they know what "no whuffos" means?? :P


it would prolly cut those 32 pages down quick fast and in a hurry.

:D:D:D It sure did. When you use "skydiving" or "skydiver" as a search term is mostly returned people who want to "try" it "someday".

yeah add a few other things in there like paintball, or some of the other things i do and youll cut that list to 0 quicker, faster, and in even more of a hurry hahahah:S:S:S
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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:D:D:D It sure did. When you use "skydiving" or "skydiver" as a search term is mostly returned people who want to "try" it "someday".

yeah add a few other things in there like paintball, or some of the other things i do and youll cut that list to 0 quicker, faster, and in even more of a hurry hahahah:S:S:S

LOL - there was a BASE dude in there.
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Well, skydivingchad and I met on match.com and got married 4 months after we met, it's been nearly 7 years, and we are very happy together.

We both handled it the same way... we were very blunt... this is who I am, this is what I want, if you want to know more, great, if not, good luck in your search.

There was no fluff, no pretenses, we both showed the good, the bad, and the ugly of ourselves. Both of our pictures were just one photo each, something simple.

I'd say it was well worth the money :-)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I'm right there with ya. I did the free match thing on e-harmony. Spent forever filling out this un-godly long profile and the only thing that ever came out of it was 2 matches.
I'm also on 2 other free dating websites.(Yes, I am very sick of being alone). I've been "winked" at, sent fake flowers, asked for sex,received numerous messages from people that have absolutely nothing in common with me "Hey I liked your profile and think we'd be a good match." Their interests are hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, canoesing etc. NONE of which I am interested it. Exactly what is it that you think we have in common??

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Here is what I don't get.
Why does any girl have to go out and "look" for a date?
Here are my thoughts on the subject. Dress for success!
High heels, tight jeans, v neck shirt, push up bra and brush your teeth and go out to bar.
Wait till a guy you like comes over and if you like him give him your real number?
What gives?
Are guys that afraid of walking up to a girl to say hi or are you maybe going out dressed in some sort of burka?


this fails because a lot of decent blokes don't chat women up in bars.

me included.

Personally I don't think the bar is the best way to meet people. I think that's great if you're in the "college scene."
But also, I think men and women alike don't really just go chat with someone at the bar. This is just my opinion though!

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:D:D:D It sure did. When you use "skydiving" or "skydiver" as a search term is mostly returned people who want to "try" it "someday".

yeah add a few other things in there like paintball, or some of the other things i do and youll cut that list to 0 quicker, faster, and in even more of a hurry hahahah:S:S:S

LOL - there was a BASE dude in there.

wow!! now only if theres a BASE chick there id be SET!! :) lol
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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I've been out to the bars a few times, but it is not really for me. Too many smokers and too many people who are drinking to get drunk. By and large not a great place for me to meet people. I have met people though activity groups, like a hiking club I am in and a running group. Much better way, but online has worked very well for me too. I've only been on the free sites.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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It's been a long time since I was on any online dating sites, but I found that match.com was kind of like monster.com and other hugely popular job sites - the signal to noise ratio wasn't worth it.

For job searching, I had a lot more luck with personal networking and smaller sites like LinkedIn. Same goes for dating - actually getting out and doing things and meeting people helped, as did looking at smaller sites. When I did do some online dating I went for an online site affiliated with the local alternative weekly paper - found that the mix of people on there was a better fit to what I was looking for (and vice versa). Still didn't have much luck with it, but better than match.com.

She knows what a SNR is...

How YOU doin? ;):P
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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OK maybe the bar was too much.
But book stores, and gyms and other places where people go to just breath a little.
Dress nice and smile!
Yes you ladies smile!
If you see a guy looking at you and he looks to have all his fingers and toes and isn't too poorly dressed smile back at him.
Look yes you want to find "the guy" but to do so you have to give "guys" a chance.
Yeah some like me just don't give a rats ass and will come over and say hi. But lots of great guys are just too scared.
Yeah scared! It sucks to put your heart out on a limb and to either be shot down half way over or shot down at "Hi"
Look do the world a huge favor, take what ever pill you take to disarm your bitch shield, turn off to cockiness and your unjustified hate of all men and be pleasant and just give the poor guy 2 min of your time to at least say hi and his name.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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The whole point is that the stuff I enjoy tends to be solitary (or full of women).. Running, yoga, reading, curling up to watch a DVD, cycling, riding (though I only just started)..

So I'm trying something new. I thought maybe there are people out there like me.. Solitary types who like sharing their solitude..

Wouldn't really expect you to understand - you seem to think attractive girls just whimper and 20 guys fall at their feet just begging them for hot sex.. 'Cause after all.. Easy sex is all anyone wants, right?

Marry Me??


But for real... same here... I Enjoy doing things that arent very social.. Im just not a huge social bug.. guess thats why i havent had luck on either site.... :|
"In this game you can't predict the future. You just have to play the odds. "-JohnMitchell

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Ah Shah.. All your advice involves me doing stuff I *dislike*.. What are the odds of meeting my equal whilst doing something that simply isn't my style??! I'm sorry, but it's not that I'm being lazy - I'm just not prepared to behave in a way that's totally opposite to who I am.. That's NOT the way to meet the right person..

Anyway.. It's not like I'm desperately seeking a companion - it would just be really nice.

The whole point of this thread is that I'm trying online dating and it's proving to be quite entertaining (and not really in any good way).. So I thought I'd share my experience.. Shoot the shit.. Have a bit of a laugh/whinge about it, etc.. No offence, but *this* isn't exactly the best place for dating advice!! :D:D:D

Edit to say: In fairness, there *has* been one or two good ideas on here, so bonus!!

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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So Nat you just expect the man of your dreams your perfect match the ying to your yang to simply fall from the sky one day? Or maybe crash into you while on your way to work?
But hey, if you are a home body don't be surprised if socially retarded homebodies start hitting on you online.
Look I hate to tell you this, the tall dark and handsome guy who knows how to Tango and cook a heck of a dinner and carry a stimulating conversation after the evening news isn't going to be at home.
I don't mean to be rude, but yeah your a hot chick but no one is going to notice you if your no more than a wall flower in your own living room.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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The last woman I dated on line in May from Yahoo was cool. Our first date I took her and her buddy, I mean um - her body guard obviously -a tall big haired, attractive,girly girl bombshell type- though wuffo to the core! To the DZ;

We had a blast- they got to put on rigs and act all skydiverly, went up in the Cessna with me for their observer ride...the pilot,whom the wing girl was totally macking on, gave them a hell ride while I did a hop and pop. BEST DATE EVER!

Back at the DZ the staff approached me and said "Where did you find these two- Couger.com??":D:D:D I guess they were being a little flirty with everyone.B|

Anyway on my profile I joked that I like household projects but don't expect me to re-do the cabinets unless you plan on feeding me that day!:|

Well it turns out that she had squirrels in the attic and the little fuckers were partying up there every night.... SO my second date involved cutting a hole in her ceiling, pulling out piss soaked insulation, and plugging up the squirrel hole! Next I noticed she wanted a new roof and her kitchen needed a new floor!!!

I mean I did get fed and we made out on the couch but-

Can you say PULL THE RED HANDLE.......After I saw that roof I was out of there Mutha Fu*^ka!!:D

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Oddly enough, some of the best "advice" in this thread came from Shah.

OK so hell has frozen over hu? What's next my hair is going to grow back?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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So Nat you just expect the man of your dreams your perfect match the ying to your yang to simply fall from the sky one day? Or maybe crash into you while on your way to work?
But hey, if you are a home body don't be surprised if socially retarded homebodies start hitting on you online.
Look I hate to tell you this, the tall dark and handsome guy who knows how to Tango and cook a heck of a dinner and carry a stimulating conversation after the evening news isn't going to be at home.
I don't mean to be rude, but yeah your a hot chick but no one is going to notice you if your no more than a wall flower in your own living room.

Some fair points here.. But I have to say.. Not all "homebodies" at socially inept - I'm not. I just to *enjoy* crowds.. I prefer smaller groups. I'm a very independent person - I don't rely on other people to do the stuff I want to do.. I just go and do it. But I'm finding that more and more I have long days at work and I'm drained and tired when I get home.. A lot of the social things I used to do just don't appeal anymore.. Also, I used to always be in male-rich environments but the tables have turned and I now spend all my time with women..

So no.. Obviously I don't expect my ideal match to fall out of the sky. But my ideal guy also isn't a social freak who spends all his time clubbing and partying.. So yes - I do think there is a (small) possibility that my match *might* just have the same idea as me and try this online dating thing..

I totally get that I'm not going to meet anyone from my own living room, but honestly, in my view, I *am* putting myself out there. Shit.. Don't forget that I'm only starting out here - I've NEVER dated in my life.. I've never needed to.. I used to do tons of activities that were in male-rich environments, but more and more I'm hanging out with girls, so it's not so easy anymore. I mean, christ.. I'm still a little bit recovering from a severely broken heart, so I think on balance the fact that I'm even thinking about dating is a small step in the right direction.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Come work here with me for the US government where the saying is "If her eye brows aren't touching and she's not wearing sweat pants and white tube socks she's a catch!" Oh and there are something like 200 guys to every....well I guess you could call them girls. So you wouldn't even have to shave your legs!

Funny thing actually, you sound like my good friend Stew. Her and I were lab partners and as the only other good looking girl in engineering class she has no problems getting dates. She would walk up to a random guy she liked and more or less dictate the terms and conditions of the date. When to pick her up, what he would wear, where they would eat, what time he would drop her off and if she would hug him or not. But now she's a teacher, and just another chick in a sea of chicks. To quote one of her more memorable complaints "I just can't rip a fart like I use to and expect to get a date."

But that being said, what most women find "attractive" in a man in terms of personality and general good looks is a result of being outgoing, being sociable and living a healthy lifestyle. All of which are part of being a part of a larger social group. And thus these "dreamy" guys tend to be more often found in a social setting where they are holding court and not in their sweat pants online giving advice.......

Thus in conclusion look at the sea in which you are fishing. Understand that the typical Chad Sexington will most likely not be there unless he is cheating on his wife or has a few kids. And if that's ok with you? Then great. Wade threw the sea of pale skin, skinny dudes with poor social skills till you find that guy. But in the mean time, never underestimate the your own real life social network of friends. Who knows maybe the man of your dreams is the friend of a friend who went to that dinner party you said no to?

Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Any one else out there struggling with "virtual dating"???

Yep. I like the idea of online dating. It's an environment where you're meeting nothing but people that are single and looking for a relationship. You also get a bit of info on their interests right up front. Those are things you don't get in real life meeting someone on the street. You get to do it from the comfort of your home too. What could be better?

So, should be real easy right? Find some profiles, email enough til you run into someone that thinks you're interesting, do a coffee date and if you click, start hanging out and see where it goes.

Yeah, no, it feels like a second job: Wading through a lot of whackos. Tuning your profile so you get better response rates. Learning to tempo your email conversations so they don't lose interest/don't scare off.

Bleh. I'm beginning to think going up to a random person on the street, starting a conversation and asking if they'd like to hang sometime is way easier and much more effective.

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