
How often do you drink?

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I have a drink almost everyday.

A beer after work is a must for me. M-F I usually have a few beers after work. On the weekends or weekdays at the DZ I drink until its time to go to bed, Which is usually when the beer is gone.

so how often do you drink?
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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I cut down my drinking ALOT!

I have a few beers maybe once a month now.

Used to be a daily drinker but got tired of feeling like shit in the morning:P


Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Not a big drinker. I've been tipsy maybe a dozen times, and I've only been drunk 4 times.

1st time: I was a kid.. Like maybe 4 or 5 (???).. I don't really remember much - it was xmas and my friend and I went around the room emptying all the leftover glasses of alcohol.. We knew we were being naughty, but had NO IDEA the stuff was making us drunk.. We really had no concept of what alcohol was.. All I remember is that it made me really sick the next day.. I mostly remember it because all my relatives keep re-telling the story - apparently when they realised we were smashed they all thought we were absolutely hilarious! :D:S

2nd time: I was 16, in Sweden, as an exchange student. Alcohol over there is pretty expensive, so there is a market for (illegal) home-made alcohol. It's fucking strong and tastes horrible, but it's cheap. Downed several glasses in a row & felt fine.. Then like 10 minutes later I was DRUNK.. I mean, I couldn't WALK I was so drunk. It just hit me suddenly, like a brick wall.. Horrible.. Nearly died of alcohol poisoning.. Put me off from drinking altogether until my 3rd time..

3rd time: I was 24 or 25.. Went to a champagne party.. The kind where the bubbly flows and you don't really know how many times your glass got topped up.. Some embarrassing puking ensued the next morning, which put me off again from drinking..

4th time: shortly after breakup. 'Nuff said..!

After my 25th birthday or so (maybe 26th), I started trying to enjoy the odd glass here & there. I no longer feel ill at the thought/smell of alcohol, but I still don't enjoy it all that much apart from the odd glass here and there.

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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First drunk at 4 or 5!!!??!!!

Thought I started young:PB|



Ha ha ha!! In a way it almost doesn't count.. We didn't know what we were doing!! :P:)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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I am not a big drinker. I may have a glass of wine once ever so often and a beer or two every few weeks. I am trying to have at least 1 beer every few days or a glass of wine so New Years I wont be a one shot one beer drunk...:P

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Almost never. Not opposed to it. Just don't care for it personally. Taste or effect.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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In the past 15 years there have been 3 days that I didn't have an alcoholic beverage, Those 3 days were the ones spent in hospital after a horseriding accident. :|

I make wine, I sell wine, I sell winemaking equipment (for that matter, I sell to all food & bev companies in my area), I work as a consultant in wine, beer & spirits production. Why is having alcohol daily frowned upon?

If "drinking" means getting pissed / shloshed / hammered / drunk - I don't "drink" that much, but drinking as a normal social behaviour, relaxing with friends or enjoying a beverage that compliments my meal - every day :)

D.S # 125

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I have a drink almost everyday.

A beer after work is a must for me. M-F I usually have a few beers after work. On the weekends or weekdays at the DZ I drink until its time to go to bed, Which is usually when the beer is gone.

so how often do you drink?

Mine is really a sad/odd fucking story. You'll see why in a minute. Started in college w/ Army ROTC buddies. Enlisted in Regular Army in 1986. Drank briefly, but than gave it up for until 1996. Joined Tn Army National Guard. After drill the guys would hang out and drink, but I always went home. One of the guys drank alot one particular evening. On the way home, he ended up on the wrong side of the road & collided head on with a car who had a woman & her daughter inside. The woman was checking on the soldier when a semi topped the hill, striking and killing the woman. After that asshole left our unit, I'd stay with the group, have a few & then head for home. We would go to different schools and get hammered during our free time. We could always walk back to the barracks which was a good thing. Now, it's usually only on the weekends, (not every weekend) when I am watching football. It's all soon coming to an end though. In my new profession, .04% BAC is all that's needed to end my career. So it's not worth it. I'll only drink if I have a significant amount of time off to be completely sober/hydrated when I return to work.

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When i lived in Europe? Every day!
Get out of work, walk to bar, say hi to friends put away a few get dinner walk home.
In the US? One or two every Friday night.
This past Saturday...I think 1/4th a bottle of JW.
Not too smart of me!
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The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Depends what else I am doing with my hands. If I am in traffic and have to change gears a lot then not much more than once/minute; if I am just watching TV a bet more often.

So thats how the automatic transmission came to be invented! someone was tired of having to put down thier beer every time they needed to shift.
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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