
H1N1 Vaccine...will you get it?

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While some parents said they oppose the vaccine because swine flu doesn’t amount to any greater health threat than seasonal flu, others cited concerns that flu vaccinations are known to cause the paralyzing nerve condition Guillain-Barre syndrome. 500 cases of GBS were detected
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I've already had the seasonal flu vaccine (because they give it to us at work).

I've also already had a case of the flu, though I didn't get tested I'm fairly sure it was swine flu, since that was going around the schools when my daughter brought it home to me.

Therefore I don't think I'm getting the extra vaccine.
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The risk of GBS is practically non-existent and it's rarely fatal.

I'll be getting the vaccine when it becomes available for my risk group(healthy adult male). I ate chicken for lunch. That was probably more likely to kill me than the flu shot I got 30 mins beforehand.

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Please note the 500 cases of GBS you refer to were during the 1918 epidemic.

Although I'm not directly involved in the field, I'd favor a guess that the state of the art has improved over the past ~100 years.

Bring it on.

Elvisio "skydiving and GBS: both involve running out of air" Rodriguez

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No. I think they whole reaction to H1N1 is rather a knee jerk one. It's just the flu. Doesn't seem any more serious than any other kind of flu, statistics wise. After all, any flu can kill you from it's complications. They is to pay attention to your health and get treatment when needed, and prevention when needed. Not to rush out and get every kind of vaccine there is. Besides I'd rather they work out the kinks first on someone else. And yes I do get the regular flu shot, but only because it's free at work.

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I think the biggest worry with H1N1 is that it'll mutate into something nastier. The 1918 spanish flu started out as the "three day fever", it wasn't a big deal til it mutated.

The idea behind the vaccine is to stamp out the current H1N1 and keep it from spreading before it can mutate.

I never used to get vaccines because I'm a healthy guy and I really don't worry about getting knocked out by some strain of flu. But now I get them to help with herd immunity and so I know I won't spread the flu to someone too young or old to handle it.

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Yes. Got the H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal flu shot last week. Pulling the band-aids off was the only discomfort.


I can't find anyplace that will give me a shot unless I can prove I'm pregnant.>:(
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I will get it not only because Uncle Sam tells me I have to but because I don't want to contribute to the spread.

I wonder, if the deaths from any flu could be traced back to who spread it to who, would people take vaccination more seriously?

"sorry you have the flu and feel like crap. Here's some medicine, you'll feel better soon. Oh, by the way, the child you gave it to last week died today. You want to send a sympathy card to the family?"


"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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I will get it not only because Uncle Sam tells me I have to but because I don't want to contribute to the spread.

I wonder, if the deaths from any flu could be traced back to who spread it to who, would people take vaccination more seriously?

"sorry you have the flu and feel like crap. Here's some medicine, you'll feel better soon. Oh, by the way, the child you gave it to last week died today. You want to send a sympathy card to the family?"


Wow! Where is the eye roll icon when you really need it? This is the FLU, not small pox or polio. There are new and different strains of flu every year and no vaccine protects you from all of them. The good news is, for most people, the flu is more of an inconvenience than anything else. If you're in a high risk group, get the vaccine (if it is available, anyway.....), if you work with the public, specifically people in those high risk groups, it is also probably a good idea to get the vaccine. If you are a healthy adult who rarely gets sick and doesn't fall into those categories, why not save the vaccine for someone who really needs it?

The best way to avoid spreading the flu is to stay home when you are sick.

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Wow! Where is the eye roll icon when you really need it? This is the FLU, not small pox or polio. There are new and different strains of flu every year and no vaccine protects you from all of them.

Agree, but why not mitigate the risk of getting the most probable strains?

The good news is, for most people, the flu is more of an inconvenience than anything else.

The bad news is, some people will die because of it. I lost a cousin (~5yrs old, girl) this way

If you're in a high risk group, get the vaccine (if it is available, anyway.....), if you work with the public, specifically people in those high risk groups, it is also probably a good idea to get the vaccine.


If you are a healthy adult who rarely gets sick and doesn't fall into those categories, why not save the vaccine for someone who really needs it?

Why not avoid being a carrier and get a simple shot or mist?

The best way to avoid spreading the flu is to stay home when you are sick.

The best way to avoid spreading it is to stay home starting about 24 hours from when you feel sick. I can't predict this. I'll get vaccinated

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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Yes. Got the H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal flu shot last week. Pulling the band-aids off was the only discomfort.


I can't find anyplace that will give me a shot unless I can prove I'm pregnant.>:(

Ditto; or under age 24. And some lower-population counties have lots of available doses, while some higher-population counties only seem to have low supplies. Doctors' offices? Are you kidding? Fugetaboutit! Spotty, uneven, unpredictable availability; no public service advertisements, etc. Finding doses for my under-24 kids and elderly parents was like searching for free money. Somebody's really screwed the pooch on this.

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I'm very sorry for your loss, but your young cousin probably caught the flu from another young child, not a healthy adult like me. And chances are, when your cousin got sick, the vaccine was not even available in her community.

For the record, as of right now, neither vaccine is widely available in my area and the priority is for the people who really need it. Again- that's not me.

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No, and same for the regular flu. I'm a healthy adult, no real risk factors. I prefer to keep my immunity up naturally instead of injecting little researched crap into my body.

I really hope you do not feel the same way in regards to the MMR and other such ones.[:/]

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When we visited with the Rhuematologists 2 weeks ago, they made it very clear that everyone who is around Streaker should be vaccinated. Streaker has no immune system right now, and if one of us gets sick, it could be horrible for him.
I am usually a very healthy person, but I don't want to carry something to him, that he can't deal with. I will also get the seasonal vaccine when I see my doc next week, because only about 30,000 or so people die of seasonal flu every year, and that is too large of a number for me to justify at this point in time.
[email protected]

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I am usually a very healthy person, but I don't want to carry something to him, that he can't deal with.

This is right attitude. Although many people believe that they are healthy and rarely get sick so they don't need to be vaccinated, the truth is, while their own immune system is doing a good job in fighting off infections, there is a period of time that they will be asymtomatic and passing on the (or any) virus (look up Typhoid Mary) until they have built up the correct antibodies to fight off the infection.

You are not born with the means to immediately kill every invading organism that enters your body. Your body has to make the defenses as you encounter new threats. Vaccinations are how we get our bodies to make the right defense, before encountering the full blown attack.

If you never get sick from flu, good for you. You probably have a very healthy immune system and kill off the flu before you even know you caught it. It's that 24 - 72 hours that you DO have it and can pass it on that the rest of us need your help with. Please get vaccinated if you can.
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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