
Coldest Place In The World

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Was edmonton last night, -46.1c Fuck Winter! >:(


I got up at 5 am to go to work. Got to work and filled out a time card for 8 hours weather delay and drove home. Most of our equipment such as zoom booms and manlifts cant be run past -20c. Spent the daydrinking coffee and baileys and sleeping on the couch.
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Yes, It was a bit cold this morning on the way to DeLand, so I turned down the a/c ;)

Hardee har har Fisher. Woke up to 16 and sun which gave way to 20 and snow then 30 and freezing rain. No tellin what it'll be like tomorrow but I'll be out in it just to be out in it. Glad the Cessna lives inside cuz that's where it'll be.


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Yes, It was a bit cold this morning on the way to DeLand, so I turned down the a/c ;)

Hardee har har Fisher. Woke up to 16 and sun which gave way to 20 and snow then 30 and freezing rain. No tellin what it'll be like tomorrow but I'll be out in it just to be out in it. Glad the Cessna lives inside cuz that's where it'll be.


Hi Jon,

What the hell are you doing in that crap? Fly that puppy to Florida
You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime

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That is stupid cold for this time of the year.... But then again, I remember being there last year a couple weeks before xmas too, and it was in the -30s...

Oh how I miss the north....:ph34r:

It's supposed to -1oC on Thursday.

Gotta love Alberta! :D:D:D:D

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Sarah Palin's house ?

My guess is Tiger's house (....and it's in Florida).

Naaaahhh, not any more.... Elin arrived here in Sweden yesterday according to the tabliod press :P
“The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw
He who dies with the most toys, wins.....
dudeist skydiver # 19515
Buy quality and cry once!

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Was edmonton last night, -46.1c Fuck Winter! >:(


What is the conversion, celsius to farinheight (sp)? I keep forgeting if it's muliply by 9/5s (or is it 5/9s) and add (or is it subtract) 32. Junior high physical science was really a LONG time ago. :)

Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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So what.

Spent the weekend on indoor stuff instead.

8 days till I'm Southbound to Eloy!

PS - For those who are not familiar with Metric....

-46*C = -51*F

With Wind Chill...

-58*C = -72*F

It was a little Nipply out. Should have seen Shell666's highbeams flashing......

Major Dad
CSPA D-579

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So what.

Spent the weekend on indoor stuff instead.

8 days till I'm Southbound to Eloy!

PS - For those who are not familiar with Metric....

-46*C = -51*F

With Wind Chill...

-58*C = -72*F

It was a little Nipply out. Should have seen Shell666's highbeams flashing......

You should go camping in that shit for a few days at a time... SERE was SOOOOOO much fun in the winter up there:S:S... Nothing like having the training be life threatening if any of your students do something stupid and actually applying the training you are giving them.

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So what.

Spent the weekend on indoor stuff instead.

8 days till I'm Southbound to Eloy!

PS - For those who are not familiar with Metric....

-46*C = -51*F

With Wind Chill...

-58*C = -72*F

It was a little Nipply out. Should have seen Shell666's highbeams flashing......

Only when the car starter fired up every 4 hours! :D:D:D

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You should go camping in that shit for a few days at a time... SERE was SOOOOOO much fun in the winter up there:S:S... Nothing like having the training be life threatening if any of your students do something stupid and actually applying the training you are giving them.

Many "fond" memories of Winter Warfare Exercises back in my day.... Drove home the point that any damn fool can be uncomfortable....

Rather be Chillin' in Eloy instead.....

Major Dad
CSPA D-579

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