
Farting on the ride up

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Hello all. Since the cat has been let out of the bag on offensive behavior (re: Skreamer and his no smoking diatribes), I have a very serious complaint. Seems like someone on every load expels some really rotten gasses on the ride to altitude. I jump from old ratty, noisy 182's (mostly, unless I'm at Mollala, Kapowsin or Lost Prairie) so no one can be identifed by the sound! Lord have mercy!!! Since I am a smoker and when I get out at 12,000 feet, my lungs/brain feels like it 45,000 feet, I think that this is a very dangerous practice. I mean, here I am hurtling toward the earth almost unconcious due to smoking and noxious anal emissions! Does anyone have a fix for this problem? Less beer the night before? Less eggs for breakfast? Maybe an amended USPA bsr prohibiting farting?

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I think the tandem instructors are the worst, at least at my DZ. They always like to blaim their "nervous" students too. My best defense is a Z1 full face helmet. Even with the visor up there is some filtering action going on. For the really bad ones the visor comes down.
I always do my best not to contribute to this problem. I think some people do this on purpose. You won't convince me that you can't hold it in for the last 2k feet. Is it so hard to hold it till the door is open at the least?

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ROFLMAO. I just had my first experience with a smelly person on the ride to alti. And I wasnt even jumping! I was on a fly along, for the sunset load. And damn did it stink. I mean it stunk something putrid. I wanted to stick my head out the door (to get some fresh air and to jump) but anyway, it was just putrid. At least the person only farted, cause if they shit themselves I would have been throwing up like crazy.
anyway. im hoping for great weather, quick rides to alti, and no "natural" gasses from anyone this weekend!

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I must agree with everyone on this one!! It is bad!! The best defense I have been able to find it a full face helmet! The pilot at my old DZ always made sure he had a can of airfreshner in the front with him. You could always tell when it got bad, if he got a whiff of it before you did, because all of a sudden it would smell like oranges in the plane!! Maybe you could mention that to your pilot, but I think a helmet is your best weapon!!

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Well, I'm not sure, it CAN make your ride to alti sooner. Last time I was really hung over and had an upset stomach, it was bad, real bad, like the other people (&pilot) put me on jump run @ 3k. Luckly, since I was in the back of the C-182 and it would of been hard for me to climb over everyone (I'm not exactly a short/compact guy) they let me ride to 11k with them (and with the windows open). :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Here's the science behind farting in the jump plane. This is an excerpt from an article I will soon submit to "The Slammer":
"Since we spend most of our time at or near sea level, the gases in the lower intestine are at 1 atmosphere. When we climb to altitude, a pressure differential develops between the gases inside of us, and the air at 10,000 feet or higher. This pressure differential must be equalized by the movement of gas molecules from the area of high pressure to the area of low pressure through the relevant orifice. Farting is merely a scientific demonstration of the wonders of chemistry.
(To see a detailed FAQ about farting in general, click on this link:
http://www.heptune.com/farts.html It's fascinating reading)"
Copyright 2001, Terrence Brann
-Speed Racer

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I do gotta say this. although it is caused by the decreasing pressure. I'm sure thta those big time drinkers would not have to be equalized so much if they didnt drink thier own body wait in carbonated bev's after last call. last call to hop, that is. try bringing a "can" o' beer up to altitude and shake it...i wonder if it'll fart too.
there have been a few loads i was on that i wondered if someone didnt do more then emit gases. but try taking some kinda flavored chap stick w/ you and sniff on that instead/or if you're loaded up w/ a notorious farter, put some around your nose.
I thought about bringing a cork:D with me for some people but that would just add shrapnel..:o
and put us all in danger:)

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One time we had someone let one go that was so bad it actually caused one of the other jumpers on the load to throw up. He got it on like 3 jumpers and then hung his head out the door for like 3K and dry heaved. It was the absolute worst i've experienced.

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Hey Diver123. I've jumped mostly at Beaver Oaks at Estacada. Going to start flying there this month for free jumps. Damn, I will be exposed to all thoses toxic gasses even more! Perhaps I will have to obtain an oxy mask with a bailout bottle for emergencies! See ya the Mollala later on.

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One time we had someone let one go that was so bad it actually caused one of the other jumpers on the load to throw up. He got it on like 3 jumpers

I was just going for this! Not only have I put up with numerous smells on the ride to altitude but at our Halloween Boogie, in the CASA, a jumper who had partied a bit too hard the night before and was on the first load sitting next to me hurled ALL OVER me. I about hurled myself but managed to keep it in and luckily for me, the team I was practicing fast RW with didn't object to still jumping with me even though we had to get REALLY close to each other holding on to grips on exit. It was the WORST feeling wet and smelling riding up to altitude and then COOOOLLLD being wet after jumping out. Needless to say, I chucked the RW suit for the rest of the day and freeflyed on all the rest of my jumps that day after rinsing off in the shower. HA HA HA. The guy felt REALLY bad and I just laughed it off and told him it was okay. I actually felt bad for the poor guy even though he shouldn't have been on the first load that morning.
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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Farting is, always has been, and will forever be funny as hell. I don't see one person on that plane who doesn't really enjoy a nice poot. Everyone laughs and has fun blaming that one quiet dude in the corner.
I say fart on! It's bonding, and it takes those tandem students' minds off being afraid!!

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OK Ya'll,
1. The medical term for farts is flatus which is Latin for "the act of blowing"
2. The average person farts 14 times a day.
3. The amount of actual gas released ranges from as little as one cup to as much as one half gallon per day.
4. Where do farts come from? Billions of tiny living bacteria that reside in your large intestine. They eat whatever food is undigested in your small intestine and sometimes that food makes them fart. Their gas builds up inside you and when the pressure is too great, these millions of tiny bacteria farts come out your butt.
5. A fart is actually a mixture of gasses, some of which are odorless (carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane) and some which are not(indole, skatole, and hydrogen sulfide).
6. A fart gets to your anus by intestinal contractions, a process called peristalsis. Peristalsis is stimulated by eating, which explains why we often need to fart right after a meal.
7. And finally, the tiny termite has the honor of being the animal with the most output of flatulence. Because of their diet(high fiber) they produce as much gas as a human. In fact, termite farts are believed to be a major contribution towards global warming!!!
Triple F

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Yo FFF thanks for the technical data,, I was braggin ta Froggie tonight on how bad my dog "Kitty" smells when she fumagates the house,, I have a constant supply of incense in Winter since I can't open windows,,,, at work we blame it on the unconscous patient,, but had one flight with a bud that litterally made my eye's water,, nose wa burning!! Put my face to the little air vent on the ceiling ta try and get some fresh air and 'bout busted my nose cuzza turbulance,, sad ta say he was really proud! ya'd think he just had a baby boy!! In AZ just before the dude in front of me jumped he looked back and said "sorry,, had some sushi last night",, then he bailed and the rest of us gagged!! Awww crap,, damn dog.. I gotta light another incense thingy,,

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ya'll are slaying me!! i haven't laughed this hard since some other post i read! hahahahahaha!!! people puke in planes all the time i am told but THANK GOD no one has puked on me yet. god carrie you poor thing! that would soooooo piss me off. i don't know how i would react. probably the same way you did unless i had PMS or i too was hungover. i rarely make the first load of the day, because i like to sleep but also because i don't want to jump w/a hangover. i did once and the pilot gave me those cute little puke baggies from airliners just in case. how sweet...i thankfully didn't need them but i was afraid i would. so now, no more first loads if i am feeling puny.
lol!!!!!!!!!!!! sis

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