
World Trade Center attacked

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he looks like ron jeremy after a bad take

LOL, we've been talking about that at the office all day!:D


Seeing as how a bleeding heart like Alan Dershowitz has come out in favour of legitimizing torture in certain circumstances

Physical torture doesn't work. The US has been very successfull with other types of interrogation, such as treating them well and making them think you are their friend. When that doesn't work you just ask them the same questions over and over in different ways until you figure out where they are lying. It takes longer but you get better and more truthful results.

That's for sure. The Chicago police did a lot of torturing in the '80s and '90s, got a few death sentences imposed as a result of false confessions, and had a bunch of them thrown out when it turned out the "perps" were innocent after all.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I was visiting my ex in her (high)school when a friend of mine walked by telling me that terrorists crashed planes into the WTC and the Pentagon like it was no real big deal. I stood there stunned for maybe 5 minutes and then ran to the nearest computer. I spent the rest of the next 3 days glued to the TV screen with a mix of horror, sadness, and utter disbelief.

I may disagree with a lot of your foreign policy and whatnot else, but I have several personal American friends and I, despite appearances, really like most of you people. I will personally take a minute of silence 9:59 tomorrow morning.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I was in Seattle on a business trip. The radio alarm clock went off just after the first plane hit. I hadn't checked the volume or the station it was turned to, but it was very loud, and it was some overt-super-starry-Christian type program. The first thing I thought was, "Not my choice to wake up to." Then I heard, "Let us pray. Dear Lord." Now I'm groaning, then I heard, "Let us pray to stay strong and pray for our country." I'm beating the bedside table looking for the snooze button, then I heard, "For those just joining us this morning a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center."

***ALARMS IN MY HEAD*** As I zip out of bed beating the TV to get the news just as the picture comes into view the second plane had just hit.

The pit in my stomach was severe. I didn't move. I was glued until I saw the first tower fall. I called into work and the "planned meetings" which then seemed meaningless to me were still on.

My thoughts after that point, and the beginning of a useless day at work were projecting on where and when we would be at war. I had no illusions. I knew that this time there would be no volly of cruise missiles. This time, it would be much more intense. Longer. Not nearly as "certain", yet bitterly necessary. Many of these feelings are still with me.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I served with an Army LT in the 1st Cavalry division from 1993-1995. He was hilarious. He was a very hard worker but not real bright.:)
In 1998 while serving in the 101st Airborne division, I was doing morning PT and met him running down the street. He was commanding a company in the same division as me. We talked for a little while and promised to go out for a drink soon. We never did.

I found out three days after the attacks on the Pentagon that he was killed in the attacks. Just went in to work one day and never came home. His name was CPT Cliff Patterson.

That is what I remember most about 9/11. It wasn't personal until I saw his name listed.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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I had left the fire service and was working for an airline in a maintenance facility... yeah it was a rough day/week/month/ for all of us. I am now back in the fire department and am proud to call those fallen 343 brothers again

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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In the same vein as the two year bump, I remember where I was, too...

My father in law called in tears (he is from NY city) and could barely get out the words "Jaye. Turn on the TV. It's horrible, New York is under attack. They've killed them, Jaye. They've killed them all. It's horrible."

I turned on the TV, still on the phone with him as I was finishing getting dressed for work. I was just in shock.

"Oh my God, Jaye! They hit the White House (he was confused) too! A Goddamn plane just went into the Pentagon! Did you see that? Oh my God we're at war!"

I still can feel the frozen moment and the numbness.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Was on a United flight at Newark, 3rd for takeoff when the first plane hit the tower. Remember seeing the buildings on fire from the window of the plane. Never been on a plane that went back to the gate as fast as that one did.

All both my parents knew was that their only child was on a West Coast bound flight on United Airlines. Couldn't get through to them, both my cells had limited service. Finally was able to send a three-word text message to my dad:


That's how both my parents knew I was alive. Could see my apartment building in Manhattan from across the river, couldn't get back to it.

Surreal. Lost a couple of friends that day, and lived in an apartment building above Rescue 1, who lost 9 guys.

Four years later, and I remember it like it was yesterday.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Was on a United flight at Newark, 3rd for takeoff when the first plane hit the tower. Remember seeing the buildings on fire from the window of the plane. Never been on a plane that went back to the gate as fast as that one did.

All both my parents knew was that their only child was on a West Coast bound flight on United Airlines. Couldn't get through to them, both my cells had limited service. Finally was able to send a three-word text message to my dad:


That's how both my parents knew I was alive. Could see my apartment building in Manhattan from across the river, couldn't get back to it.

Surreal. Lost a couple of friends that day, and lived in an apartment building above Rescue 1, who lost 9 guys.

Four years later, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

That would have been just horrifying. :(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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...I will never forget this day as long as I live. What an awful day. Never forget the feeling of ALL the people completely stopped, staring at the TV with their jaws on the floor. Never forget the anger and unity we felt in the days after. I have NEVER seen so many American flags flying around, ever. What a horrible day. We should all take a moment to reflect. Godspeed...

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I came within 20 minutes of being on American Airlines flight 11 that morning, and my brother in law chose that day NOT to go to their offices at the WTC. We were very lucky, but a lot of people weren't.

I remember being in shock when I got the call from Amy that morning to make sure I hadn't been on that plane, and watching the second tower collapse. It looked like something out of a Bruce Willis movie, something that couldn't be real; the magnitude of the disaster was hard to process.

It's not a day I will ever forget.

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I'll never forget looking up at people stuck above the fires, seeing the camera guy next to me in tears, everyone in complete disbelief what was happening. This day never gets less painful. I can only hope that there will be a day where people stop searching for reasons to dehumanize others. All of us can work towards better days.

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I want people to realize something; that even though nearly 3k people lost their lives in that attack, incidents occur every day and have for the past 40 years.

These attacks have resulted in the deaths of Americans for merely being an American.

In some parts of the world that makes any of us a legitimate target.

Yet people remain oblivious to that fact.

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I want people to realize something; that even though nearly 3k people lost their lives in that attack, incidents occur every day and have for the past 40 years.

These attacks have resulted in the deaths of Americans for merely being an American.

In some parts of the world that makes any of us a legitimate target.
Yeah you are right. Things like this happen all the time :S:S:S I just love reading your posts for idiotic humor!!!

Yet people remain oblivious to that fact.

Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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