Duke Nuken

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How many remember the game Duke Nuken? it says it will be relased next month (june) I just gave a deposit for the game for opening day..... I cant believe nobody talks about a game with10+ years in the making

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Probably because the new Duke Nukem has been "about to be released" vaporware for over 10 years! It is actually it's own meme and a running joke on much of the internet.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Wiki says 6th June release date

Too late; The Rapture occurs on the 21st.[:/]

dont worry thats just the rapture. so as long as you're not one of the chosen ones, you'll have a couple of months to play while you wait for the actual end of the world. & I highly doubt any skydivers are gonna make the purity/innocence cut:);)

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Probably because the new Duke Nukem has been "about to be released" vaporware for over 10 years! It is actually it's own meme and a running joke on much of the internet.

yeah, EXACTLY. they have been yapping about it for damn near a decade. and after 10 years of design it had damn well better be the absolute best thing ever made, i mean seriously. as many times as they said they were going to release it then didnt. . . .i dont care anymore.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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