
Why do people get offended when someone checks them out?

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... I don't have pics. & that would be super creepy for me to try to get them. I will admit that she is not the most gorgeous girl out there, but not to the point of extreme ugliness like she seems to think...

Would I do her?

Is there really a level of ugly you wouldn't do? :P


I'm not taking about just there. On the street, subway, coffee shop, etc. Smile back or something if someone smiles at you...ya know? It's not that difficult!

See?------> :)

Since missbrz got to vent, I want to vent, too! I hate when you walk past someone and you try to say Hello or make eye contact or smile, and they turn their head as if that'll magically make you disappear! GAH.

On a total side note, I got "daaaaamned" when I went to the store today. It made my day :D

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agreed. If you get hit on its a compliment so why get offended. Even if you're not interested, accept the compliment and move on. I'm equally annoyed when women don't think they're hot & refuse to let anyone tell them otherwise. Like at work, we need to come up with team names for our groups for a team building scavenger hunt. Our all girl team wants to be the "Jalapeno Hotties" but we cant because one girl doesnt want to be called a hottie since she doesnt believe it to be true. >:( (sorry to go slightly off topic just wanted to vent)

About to leave office to go on a team building scavanger hunt ... now, that's creepy :D ...


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agreed. If you get hit on its a compliment so why get offended. Even if you're not interested, accept the compliment and move on. I'm equally annoyed when women don't think they're hot & refuse to let anyone tell them otherwise. Like at work, we need to come up with team names for our groups for a team building scavenger hunt. Our all girl team wants to be the "Jalapeno Hotties" but we cant because one girl doesnt want to be called a hottie since she doesnt believe it to be true. >:( (sorry to go slightly off topic just wanted to vent)

About to leave office to go on a team building scavanger hunt ... now, that's creepy :D ...


lol apparently its a common thing now... do ya'll have a team name :D

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Obviously it's more women getting offended or creeped out when guys are checking them out, but having worked in a bar for 5 years, I've some guys get weirded out when women are excessively ogling them also.

The point is...the first perception is visual and physical, no matter how you cut it. Whether it's a smile at someone or a look, that's all we get at first. So why the hell do people get offended? As long as you're not acting like a complete weirdo (goes for both sexes), what's so difficult about smiling back at someone when you smile at them? All you're really saying is 'damn you're good looking and yes I noticed that.' :P

It's an anthropological threat and hardwired into our little monkey brains. You do not stare into the eyes of an ape.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Obviously it's more women getting offended or creeped out when guys are checking them out, but having worked in a bar for 5 years, I've some guys get weirded out when women are excessively ogling them also.

The point is...the first perception is visual and physical, no matter how you cut it. Whether it's a smile at someone or a look, that's all we get at first. So why the hell do people get offended? As long as you're not acting like a complete weirdo (goes for both sexes), what's so difficult about smiling back at someone when you smile at them? All you're really saying is 'damn you're good looking and yes I noticed that.' :P

It's an anthropological threat and hardwired into our little monkey brains. You do not stare into the eyes of an ape.

You lookin' at me?

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It's an anthropological threat and hardwired into our little monkey brains. You do not stare into the eyes of an ape.

And that is why missbrz wears her sunglasses at night.

(that and sunman's penis)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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It's an anthropological threat and hardwired into our little monkey brains. You do not stare into the eyes of an ape.

And that is why missbrz wears her sunglasses at night.

(that and sunman's penis)

technically that was Ryan & not me :P

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It is better if attractive women were not reminded of it.

Those women that express their taking "getting checked out" as a compliment, and want to let others know about it have a very unattractive personality trait - vanity that can't even be kept internal. The desire to express their vanity for all to see is really ugly.

There are many that agree with this, but not so many will say it.

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It is better if attractive women were not reminded of it.

Those women that express their taking "getting checked out" as a compliment, and want to let others know about it have a very unattractive personality trait - vanity that can't even be kept internal. The desire to express their vanity for all to see is really ugly.

There are many that agree with this, but not so many will say it.

You see vanity; I see confidence. I'm damn sexy and I know it. I like knowing that others agree with me too.

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It is better if attractive women were not reminded of it.

Those women that express their taking "getting checked out" as a compliment, and want to let others know about it have a very unattractive personality trait - vanity that can't even be kept internal. The desire to express their vanity for all to see is really ugly.

There are many that agree with this, but not so many will say it.

Um you are lumping quite a few different personality traits into one big ass pile. ;)

Just because one takes it as a complement and moves along does not make one vain.

As with most things everyone has their own opinions.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
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You flaming rat bastards! You are all as shallow as me!
(I am your lizard king!)

That delusion of grandeur aside.

"God god girl, slap your ass and call me sexy! Yum yum and a bottle of rum!"
There aint nothing and I MEAN NOTHING wrong with a girl checking out a guy, extra points of she is checking me out. Short, tall, skinny, fat, wide, extra wide, size 8+ and hell even BLIND! Who cares! She checks me out oh yeah I’m feeling like I did some good today!

Now me checking out a girl? Yeah, look her straight in the eyes and smile. Extra points of you start from her feet and move up and then catch her eyes and smile. Every girl loves to be hit on. No matter how prudish or how big of a stick she has stuck in her crack, EVERY WOMAN likes to get hit on. So make the world a better place, next time you are out and about, and you see a girl who is cute check her out. Smile!
No harm no problem. It's all good fun.
AND LADIES! Get off you god dam high horse and slap your friends around! Sure YOU may be checking out dudes....but if you have ANY female friends...slap them around a little and tell them it's perfectly ok to check out any guy they find at all attractive!
And what's the worst thing that can happen? So the dumb dork comes over and lays down one very lame pick up line. Or offers to buy all of you ladies a round of drinks (now that there is a class A dumb ass move)?
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It is better if attractive women were not reminded of it.

Those women that express their taking "getting checked out" as a compliment, and want to let others know about it have a very unattractive personality trait - vanity that can't even be kept internal. The desire to express their vanity for all to see is really ugly.

There are many that agree with this, but not so many will say it.

You see vanity; I see confidence. I'm damn sexy and I know it. I like knowing that others agree with me too.

Fine example of doubling down on the vanity.

From National Lampoons Deteriorata:


...Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
Would scarcely get your feet wet...

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It's an anthropological threat and hardwired into our little monkey brains. You do not stare into the eyes of an ape.

All too true so why do women get all bent out of shape when you stare at their tits boobies? Go figure.

"My eyes are up HERE, asshole!"

(edited to align with current bonfire political correctness.)
My reality and yours are quite different.
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It is better if attractive women were not reminded of it.

Those women that express their taking "getting checked out" as a compliment, and want to let others know about it have a very unattractive personality trait - vanity that can't even be kept internal. The desire to express their vanity for all to see is really ugly.

There are many that agree with this, but not so many will say it.

You see vanity; I see confidence. I'm damn sexy and I know it. I like knowing that others agree with me too.

Bla bla bla...

Less talk, more pics. :P

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I hate when you walk past someone and you try to say Hello or make eye contact or smile, and they turn their head as if that'll magically make you disappear! GAH.

Years ago I tried to make a girl magically disappear by not saying hi back to her and looking the other way. She followed me into the store, walked up and stood in front of me as I was looking at the drinks and sucker punched me good in the stomach. Says, "The next time I say hi to you you say hi back". We hung out at the bonfires at the beach that night with her friends. I said bye to her later on, she refused to say bye. Burn.

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I refused to acknowledge a girl who was flirting in "Cubby's Bar" in Chicago, in 1999.
She kept flirting and trying to catch my attention, i pretty much ignored her totally, she walked up kissed me square on the lips, I still ignored her, she gave up and hunted down someone else.
She was cute, but it was fun annoying her:ph34r::ph34r:

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I refused to acknowledge a girl who was flirting in "Cubby's Bar" in Chicago, in 1999.
She kept flirting and trying to catch my attention, i pretty much ignored her totally, she walked up kissed me square on the lips, I still ignored her, she gave up and hunted down someone else.
She was cute, but it was fun annoying her:ph34r::ph34r:

You're a sick man:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I refused to acknowledge a girl who was flirting in "Cubby's Bar" in Chicago, in 1999.
She kept flirting and trying to catch my attention, i pretty much ignored her totally, she walked up kissed me square on the lips, I still ignored her, she gave up and hunted down someone else.
She was cute, but it was fun annoying her:ph34r::ph34r:

You're a sick man:P

Agreed...for multiple reasons. ;)

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I hate when you walk past someone and you try to say Hello or make eye contact or smile, and they turn their head as if that'll magically make you disappear! GAH.

Years ago I tried to make a girl magically disappear by not saying hi back to her and looking the other way. She followed me into the store, walked up and stood in front of me as I was looking at the drinks and sucker punched me good in the stomach. Says, "The next time I say hi to you you say hi back". We hung out at the bonfires at the beach that night with her friends. I said bye to her later on, she refused to say bye. Burn.

Yeh. Suppose the incident had never happened, and you and she had hooked up sometime in the future. What kind of steady-tempered SO do you think she would have made? Good fortune sometimes comes in disguise.

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Yeh. Suppose the incident had never happened, and you and she had hooked up sometime in the future. What kind of steady-tempered SO do you think she would have made? Good fortune sometimes comes in disguise.

Not sure that it says anything about her temperament but she sounds fun! ;)

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Less talk, more pics. :P

I second this. I haven't actually met anyone on here before so I need proof of just how ugly hot some of you are. :$

well go boogie-hoppin' like I do & you'll meet tons of people on here.:P I'd make suggestions of places to go, but I don't know where you're from so don't know what's close to you.

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