
Most screwed-up love story of your life?

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Mine: Being in love with two sisters...the 2nd ten years after the 1st. :S:o

I knew a guy who married the little sister of an ex-GF.
I've always wondered jsut how much tension there was at family gatherings.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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In 1972, my high school sweetheart had graduated and was going to college about 60 miles from home. After a few months, her brother casually told me she was about to get married! I jumped in the old jalpoy, drove over there, and told her I loved her and couldn't live without her. Of course, as a 19-year-old, I could hardly speak, and I must have looked like a real idiot. She never answered me, and I went back to my car and left for home. I never saw her again, but I knew she had gotten married to somebody over at the college town.

Thirty-some years later, I ran across her. I've been married for 20+ years, and I'm still married. Anyway, my high school sweetheart told me that YES, I HAD talked her out of getting married to that other guy, but after that, whenever she tried to call me, my dad told her that I didn't live there any more! She tried and tried, for MONTHS to contact me and couldn't get through. She finally got married some 10 years later, had a couple of children, and was now divorced, living with a dog and a cat in a little travel trainer in Fowlerton, Texas.

Most tragic story I ever heard! And it messed ME up for 8 or 10 months afterwards.
I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.

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I left home when I was 20 to go work on the other side of the country. I left my girlfriend that I had been with for about 6 months behind. I found out a few months later that she was now dating my little brother. I was fine with this but wrned him that she was a crazy bitch. He called me a few months after that and told me I was right. ;)

A few years later I was back home visiting my parents and I was out partying in the city with some old friends. I picked up this girl at the bar and went home with her. While I was getting it on with her she noticed my tattoo on my stomach, she stopped for a minute and goes "oh thats why you looked so familiar"
My other brother has the same tattoo as me and apparently this chick was my other little brothers ex girlfriend.
Had a good laugh about that one. My bro wasn't to impressed but found it pretty funny.

Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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In short, I had a crush on a girl who had been raped since she was 9 years old by her father for 8 years of her life. Only found out when her father killed himself while on the way to jail after being convicted. I should add that they were my next door neighbours and I went over often, I can recall her father having clothes pegs laid out in sex positions on the kitchen counter. I guess I could be glad that I was too shy to act on the crush.

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Woman had two personalities. One axe murderer, one stepford wife. I still kind of miss her, but I've been afraid of red heads ever since.
Buddy of mine married her and they found out she had Vitamin B deficiency schizophrenia. Got he on meds and she was fine.
U only make 2 jumps: the first one for some weird reason and the last one that you lived through. The rest are just filler.
scr 316

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My grandma divorced her first husband and soon after, married his brother. So Dad's uncle became his stepdad.

I did not find out until lately that my Grandmother's sister slept with my Grandfather's brother, that produced a son they could not keep and had my "Grandparents" raise as their own (my Dad). So my "grandparents" turned out to be my Uncle and Aunt and my Uncle and Aunt were my Grandparents.

I think I ended up with the same DNA on my dad's side.

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As many of you know, TLML and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary by getting divorced. One of my best friends at that time was the former divisional secretary at Air University on Maxwell AFB; she and I kept in touch and often went out to lunch together.

When I got my divorce things intensified between us and while we were talking on the phone one morning she told me "I can't stop thinking of you even while making love to my husband!" A couple of weeks later she moved in with me while still married to him (that only lasted about a week, though).

TLML and I had become more civil to one another after the divorce and have been (re)married for 19 years.

As for my GF, she finally did divorce her husband and got married about 10 years ago -- to a gal named Lisa.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I did not find out until lately that my Grandmother's sister slept with my Grandfather's brother, that produced a son they could not keep and had my "Grandparents" raise as their own (my Dad). So my "grandparents" turned out to be my Uncle and Aunt and my Uncle and Aunt were my Grandparents.

I think I ended up with the same DNA on my dad's side.

Now that is going to be hard to top.:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I did not find out until lately that my Grandmother's sister slept with my Grandfather's brother, that produced a son they could not keep and had my "Grandparents" raise as their own (my Dad). So my "grandparents" turned out to be my Uncle and Aunt and my Uncle and Aunt were my Grandparents.

I think I ended up with the same DNA on my dad's side.

Now that is going to be hard to top.:D

Yep. The sisters love triangle in my past is looking better and better! :P:D

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