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  1. Seems kind of odd to me that the top barrel is Magna ported -- or some other type of porting. I suppose you could port the bottom barrel, but it seems to me it would make an big mess on the outside of the top barrel. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  2. kd5xb

    Tourettes Guy

    I think it's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3hX2bfOloY I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  3. So perhaps the college simply thought its program was redundant, given the local environment and opportunities. ALL college sports programs except football and basketball are money losers. Lots of tinfoil hatters around here nowadays. You may be right about why ENMU dropped its shooting program, but I'm not too sure about your tinfoil hat statement. MY hats are all made of straw or beaver fur. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  4. Standard gratuitous, sound-byte brush-off of all college-level academia. Anyhow, I look forward to your solid information. I have searched for a good while today, and can't find anything about it. The NCAA page for ENMU formerly had a shooting team listed, as shown in cached pages, but the current one does not. Honestly, the thing that bothered me most wasn't the loss of the shooting team at ENMU, it was the suddenness they went about it, and the total lack of any venue for discussion. It was presented as a "done deal". About 2/3 through one semester, the announcement was made that the team would not exist the next semester. I spoke to several students that were on shooting scholarships, and they were really in an awful position, trying to find another school to get a shooting scholarship from, on such short notice. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  5. Not intended to say anything other than the university doesn't match up with the local population. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  6. Not sure why ENMU dropped the program, but I'll see if I can find out. ENMU seems to be a VERY liberal institution, so I've always suspected their motives. Honestly, I don't know how they stay in business in this part of the country with such a liberal slant. One of the mysteries of life, I suppose. "Magic bullet"! I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  7. I haven't really noticed anybody "riled up" about anything in this thread, just a few people asking questions -- so why your statement re: anger management? I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  8. I know this thread is about Cornell, but let me state this -- as I understand it, a nearby university (Eastern New Mexico University) completely killed their shooting program a few years ago. No warning, no thought it was going to happen, just a sudden message that the program was over and students on a shooting scholarship had less than one semester to find a school willing to award them a scholarship to continue with their college career. This is NOT a private school, BTW. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  9. I think I was there at one time, using -- uh -- was it MRC??? I quit even reading that page when some chick from Texas A&M went off on me and I figured she was totally insane. I didn't want any part of it after that. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  10. You know, Andy -- I lurk here from time to time, and I usually dislike your opinions. But you're correct on this point -- the United States Constitution doesn't say anything about citizens, it refers to persons, men, people, etc. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  11. Well, you seem to be going on the "nice" route. If that doesn't work, you could always try a couple of Cibie Oscars. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  12. Or a bumper sticker. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  13. Somehow I can't see him flapping his arms to gain altitude, so that leaves -- landing "out", and possibly even in the lake. Are LEO's not responsible for knowing all aspects of whatever "law" (or not a law?) they are going to "enforce"? This whole thing sounds like "they went off half-cocked". I would have been happier with him going through a trial, being found "not guilty", and then suing this group out of existence. I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  14. I haven't explored this much, but you might try http://web.archive.org/web/20070707182248/http://www.skydivingmovies.com/ver2/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=3454 I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.
  15. My perfect DZ would be that little grass strop where I learned to skydive in 1978. It was called Big Daddy's, was just outside of Goldsboro, NC, had a seafood restaurant -- a GOOD one -- on the field! Two Cessna 182's. Of course, it would also have 1978 prices! And, the only change I would make is that the DZ would own the airport and the land around it. Am I mistaken, or did I just describe the Lincoln SPC, except with Twotters???? I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.