
Watching an engineering / science girl bitch about online dating...

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As your internet troll, I mean... therapist-I tried to get you to explore the expanding of your dating preferences. But as usual my methods have failed and you continue to seek views via misogynistic narcissism. Since I have no work right now and plenty of time to waste I am gong to have to step up the treatments, for those of you reading this, excuse my disgusting analogies, it's part of the procedure.

Let's begin by examining your pussy to hand ratio; Using your method of insult then proposition, how often are women letting you touch their pooty tang verses the number of times per week you engage in un-lubricated spontaneous jerking it...are you spanking it more than a monkey? or less?

Now lets discuss your relationship with your mother; You said you have to find a woman she approves of, which I surmise means - no drunken skanks. I am afraid that kind of approval seeking will lead to your mother actually standing over you in the bedroom smacking you on the ass with a spatula conducting the rate and depth of porking penetration after you are married- This is not a healthy scenario. So confront your mother about this and then ask her if you were breast fed as a child..just to ease the tension.

Now, speaking of pickling peter piper in penelopy's pitstop, What kind of face do you make while you are gettin it on, do you look like you're solving a math problem while constipated? If you don't know, set up a camera and post the footage in the sick and twisted thread so we can zapruder it for you... your face only please.

If this line of treatment continues to fail we will have to rush you into a dominatrix clinic to have your cock and balls insulted, or prescribe the butt buddy touch hole training set as a last resort.
Have a good weekend and we'll schedule you for another session.

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Shah wearing antique Talon 1, student Bev Suit, holding a can of red bull laying on couch looking at the sealing....


Let's begin by examining your pussy to hand ratio; Using your method of insult then proposition, how often are women letting you touch their pooty tang verses the number of times per week you engage in un-lubricated spontaneous jerking it...are you spanking it more than a monkey? or less?

Ah wow...well I am a twice a day kind of guy. Morning is left hand and evening is usually right. Need to keep both sides of my brain ready to rock and roll you know....

I would say I do no better than the average dude. I would say on any given year I have about 4 sexual partners for the past two years? I don't do one night stands though I have a few a year which I don't count.

*Shah looks around screams DOOR!*

Now lets discuss your relationship with your mother; You said you have to find a woman she approves of, which I surmise means - no drunken skanks. I am afraid that kind of approval seeking will lead to your mother actually standing over you in the bedroom smacking you on the ass with a spatula conducting the rate and depth of porking penetration after you are married- This is not a healthy scenario. So confront your mother about this and then ask her if you were breast fed as a child..just to ease the tension.

Yeah this is a hard one....no pun intended. We three boys had three basic rules to live by when it came to dating. No moms, no chubby chicks and no Persians. My mom knew the little town we were living in was not a place where one could obtain a high paying job thus the idea that if you didn’t date a single mom you could in theory escape. The no chubby chicks has to do with cultural issues. We are Persians and well we are as well versed in poetry and art as we are in the art of being shallow. Thus looks matter to us. And the last the Persian girls because well they hunt men rather well and I've never seen an old Persian girl...though their husbands look as if they are on deaths door due to having at least 4 jobs to cover her over the top tastes in designer clothing.

*Shah is now on laying on the couch face down looking left and appears to be doing points with the pillows*

Now, speaking of pickling peter piper in penelopy's pitstop, What kind of face do you make while you are gettin it on, do you look like you're solving a math problem while constipated? If you don't know, set up a camera and post the footage in the sick and twisted thread so we can zapruder it for you... your face only please.

From the various partners I've had and the god knows how many videos...all available for $19.95 + S&H I smile. I toughly and without a doubt enjoy making love. I'm a very look in her eyes, kiss her and smile kind of lover really. I think it stems from my deep passionate self and well....hell I'm making love. Can there be anything more beautiful between two people.

*Shah is now on laying on the couch face down looking left than right and waves off and throws his pilot chute*


So dock how did I do? :)
Oh to update, I spoke to the girl about giving the engineers and scientists a little more slack and to understand where they are comming from and that maybe just maybe her ego is a bit big but most of all to enjoy her dates.

She went out last night and I got an email today saying of all things "Thank you" She relaxed and actually had a good time with a Comp Sci dude!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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>Well....from what I've seen the more attractive the woman the more you have to treat
>her as if she were a horse.

Exactly. Either she's an ugly cow with a hump or she's an attractive woman who wants to be treated like a horse. Either way treat her like livestock. Glad that's working for you.

>Instead of saying, "You showed up to this date wearing that!" I say "Nice outfit."

Gotta work on that, and get more comfortable saying "now we're going to back you into this chair, Bessie, before you crap on the sidewalk again."

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Wow wow brother....horses are beautiful intelligent animals.
Calm down man...breathe in....hold it....and out....
Yeesh! See thanks! Now I'm trying to be a dick and you make me come out and be all nice!

But really...I have to admit it is kind of funny...girls who like "take charge" kind of guys do seem to be hotter and happier.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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>Wow wow brother....horses are beautiful intelligent animals.

Yep. But that line may not work well either. Just sayin.

I have told a girl she had the eyelashes of a Giraffe that got me laid.
Then there was this other girl I said had the grace of a gazelle....that worked too.
The legs of a horse.....maybe if she were French?
I mean we do compare cars and bikes to women.

Any how....
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Ever ride a horse? A horse wants you to tell it where to go. It knows it's bigger than you and can more or less kill you. But it is happiest when you are telling the horse what to do and where to go.

Originally the idea of "getting back on the horse" wasn't so much about the psychology of the rider--it had more to do with the psychology of the horse. If you let the horse get away with throwing you it will soon think it can always get away with throwing you and will become unrideable.
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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You are delusional and quite sad to be honest.
good luck


I would love to mate, trust me I would...but I have this $260k led weight around my nuts holding me in the deepest darkest NJ.
I was dating a gorgeous girl out of Brooklyn, stunning blond size 8 with a PhD....god she was as much fun to look at as to talk with.
Sadly...location killed it.....

But like some sort of cockroach I will survive.

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Whatever dude. Someone stole my dog a couple weeks ago. Not going into details but no one can or will help so we are on our own to get him back. To get him back will involve possible trespass and hiding from thugs that will stomp my head just for fun. (yes I mean that). I'll post a picture when he's back with us. It might take a while, but it will happen.

That pisses me off more than anything some internet forum could ever do.

So .... why do you let shit like this consume so many of your thoughts? I seriously couldn't read the entire thread but I got the gist of it.

My room mate's girlfriend, is an engineer and she's hot. Not just a little either. Other than just being overly smart and sometimes socially weird, she's quite alright. AND she can hip hop dance like a pro. Oh yeah. She rides a sport commuter motorcycle every single day rain or shine. It's normal for her.

The socially weird part can be said about almost anyone.

There are a lot of engineers around here that are nothing like you describe. Sure there are some but good god.

Put some added effort into work instead of being such a troll about how shitty things are for you. Maybe you'll get out of that 260 grand ball and chain a little sooner.

Nothing personal. I don't know you and would probably be happy to sit and drink with you.

Have a nice day:)

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Sorry to hear about the dog. That really sucks I hope it all turns out ok.

And guys.....and gals it all turned out ok. She chilled and had a good date with the compsci date. I mean all is well you know good news good karma and what not.

I am great if I may say so myself :)

Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Let's begin by examining your pussy to hand ratio;....

nuff said.

As far as a woman, any woman, wanting her guy to bend over backwards for her: what the fuck is wrong with that?

If I ain't ready willing and able to bend over backwards for a chick I know its time to hit the road.

rationalize your misogyny all you want but don't expect others to buy into it and play nicely when you post it in public.

just sayin...
namaste, motherfucker.

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just sayin...

And you would bend over backwards for a chick?

I guess divorce will do that to a guy....
I use to bend over backwards....and in the end...I was bent over.

Thanks but no thanks!
It was not fun.

Now as for out engineering chick who was on the dating web page, she even uploaded a nice photo of her self and things look good for her.
Just had to tamp down her expectations with respect to dating due to increased competition of the real world compared to the office which she works in and where she went to school.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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dude, i have only been visiting for a few hours and i have noticed a couple things...

you seem to be clothed in teflon. no matter what anyone says to you it just slides off and you keep going. this in itself is an admirable trait.

but in your case you seem to disregard or recouch reason when it is proffered. not so admirable.

so, either you really are as oblivious and narcissistic as it seems OR you are just a really, really good troll.

i hope for your sake that it is the latter, if there is a difference.

in any case, i have said what i have to say and really, anyway, who the fuck am i to call you out.

rock on with your bad self.

that is all.
namaste, motherfucker.

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so, either you really are as oblivious and narcissistic as it seems OR you are just a really, really good troll.

Don't forget misogynistic. [:/]

Hum...I'm ok with being shallow but a misogynist now I'm a little offended. I like girls! Hell one can argue I'm a little addicted.

I just call out blow egos. Which may offend some.

If you are the only girl in a group of guys and you have a bag....don't ask me to carry it because you are the only girl. If you can carry it....do it. But I will hold open the door for you.

Case in point this chick. She is really a nice girl, well educated and not a bad body. She was just expecting so much from her dates. She is a technical girl and so she attracted technical guys but was disappointed in that some were not as exciting as she wanted or as accommodating.

A little talk about how technical guys operate in the real world and how normal girls over 30 have to hustle a little more in the real world compared to technical university and now all is well :)
So who is going to offer me a hug for me working to make the world a much better place!

But seriously, if you know a good friend or a friend of a friend who is single and works 10 hours a day and just is out of his or her groove when it comes to going out and meeting people. Don't just sit there. Do the right thing offer them some help. Introduce them to other single people their age. I'm not saying set them up, but a simple "Have you met my friend...."

It's good karma :)
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I'm just callin' it as I see it.

Anyone who makes disparaging blanket statements about women on a regular basis doesn't really like women ( except as sex objects, and liking sex isn't the same as liking women). That in my book is not the equality you claim to want.

Although, you contradict yourself on a regular basis, so it's hard to determine what you really want.
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Although, you contradict yourself on a regular basis, so it's hard to determine what you really want.

Entertainment ;)

When I'm serious you will note it via my context.

But as I said....I'm not a big fan of blown egos and I call people out on it. In the field of engineering and science where there are 4 girls per 100 guys....there is some seriously blown egos and I enjoy pointing and pricking and popping
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I've missed you pds. :)
missed you too darlin.



I've missed you pds. :)


don't be jealous remmy there is enough to go around.

you guys need to PM me when/if you are in or coming to Az so we can eat and drink.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I've missed you pds. :)
missed you too darlin.



I've missed you pds. :)


don't be jealous remmy there is enough to go around.

you guys need to PM me when/if you are in or coming to Az so we can eat and drink.
Ill be there in December, sort out with Remi a night of food and fun:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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