
why didn't I do this sooner?

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I would like to say hi to you all who come to read this. I am 32 and just got A qualified this summer, and I cannot stop jumping. I am addicted. I sit in front of a computer during the week and all I can think of is the weekend and jumping. Why did I wait so long? I am single, almost always have been. never married, no kids. I have entered a new world I never knew existed, and I feel at home. Thanks to those at the DZ in Star, ID, for the knowledge I have gained and learn each day I am part of this awesome sport. If you want to drop a line and say hi, I would be more than happy to hear from another psycho. Blue Skies, and Ballz out!

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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Welcome!!! I think it's great to hear from others that are also addicted! I think the addiction is addicting! LOL! I wish my wallets were bottomless because I would be jumping every chance I could, we all love it here! Hope you enjoy dropzone.com as much as I have!
All my life I've been called Rocky, but now some say in my tandem jump photo that I really look like Rocky the squirrel!

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I guess I will post this to all of those who have visited my site thus far, and for those lovely ladies that chose to respond. Thanks to you all. I wish you all blue skies, and soft openings.

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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Congrads on your A license! I have 1 aff level and some other stuff to go still before I get mine. As for your question, "why didn't I do this sooner?" ... I asked myself the same thing, and i'm only 22. haha! Everyone i've met has been awesome and chill, it really is a family!

Have a blast!

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I'm also 32 and recently addicted, experiencing the same distracted state at work, also wondering how I missed all this years ago... and wondering how to stay married now that the affair is begun...

Blue Skies



good friends, blue skies, and sweet, sweet altitude...

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you know ricky, that one day you came out to the dz? i kept wondering why you were still there after your tandem, as almost all of the tandems leave in a state of bliss! as you stood there and watched i could see it that you would be back. It sure is nice to have a new friend, its too bad that sometimes you have to put up with my two screamin entities, but it is always good to see you and I hope we can start something good with preston and I, by next year well be like the Idaho airspeed 3 way team. I hope that you enjoy all the fun we have at the DZ with us, because it is sure a stress relief for me to have something else to do than just sit around and listen to well you know K, and S. holy shit they can get annoying. Its is great fun I think now that you finally got to do some rw with us, work on your spottin and maybe well jump this weekend, or i guess that I or the P dog could do it. Like everyone else says welcome to the family!! Hope youre enjoyin it. Blue skies full of industrial haze to ya, shit yea that haze stuff is fukin fun, just wait well get a good one, one day

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hey mfob, whaaaatz uuuuuup! I was hooked from the word ARCH! (The Little General's credo) Since being out at the DZ I have found new friends in you and P, and S. I know times with them can be hard but it could be worse ya know. Rub the Buddha for good luck before leaving the door in hopes you'll be on the next load, back for more! Maybe we'll jump this weekend? what are you high? of course I am jumping, What else would I do? Yet I long for the dayz of haze so that I may touch a bit of heaven, as I rocket through the sky. If you want to know how much I like jumpin' hear this, right now it's better than sex! Do you think I like skydiving? you're damn skippy!

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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Hi Rocket, I visit eastern Oregon once in a while and the last time I was there I called a DZ in Caldwell and they said we only jump by appointment on week days. Do you know if there are any full time DZ's out that way? By the way what are you guys jumping out of?

blue skies


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hey b1jercat, there is 3 dZ's in idaho, caldwell, star and somewhere else. I jump at star, best facilities. We jump a c182 normally, but have 3 boogies a year, during the summer. the next one is at the end of September. Caldwell has a 182,402 and just recently a king air was there. It is hard to explain the atmosphere out here. Not many jumpers so by appointment is how it is done. This is why I have made a decision to go to other dZ's, that are bigger and full time, to get as much experience as possible. Don't get me wrong our DZ is fun, the people ........... great, I just want the whole experience. If you are by this way, drop in and say hi. Do a load or two, or ten!

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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Thanks zoomie, and yes it did hurt. I got it as a present to myself when I graduated college. 4 years and 4 times done over it is still a work in progress. The tattoo actually covers my entire upper left torso, That is just a sneak peak. What is it like jumping in Canada?

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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