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  1. Past hour
  2. Agreed. Unfortunately, the laws being passed now do not respect that distinction. The Texas law, for example, does not make any exceptions for rape or incest.
  3. And that's enough trolling for one thread.
  4. Today
  5. Your delusion is understandable given your prediction that EVs would overtake normal vehicles in three or four years (now one or two). Let’s see what is happening in the real world… “Ford’s electric vehicle unit reported that losses soared in the first quarter to $1.3 billion, or $132,000 for each of the 10,000 vehicles it sold in the first three months of the year, helping to drag down earnings for the company overall.”
  6. Right - that’s exactly why when you say there’s a red line you won’t waver from it’s not a red line and you’ll actually waver so far past it that it’s out of sight. So in practice in the real world, are you actually in favour of any restrictions on abortion at all? It doesn’t really sound like it. Which is not a problem, I’m just not sure why you’re trying to hide it.
  7. It's more difficult to convince the base that the dog wanted it. :-(
  8. Not necessarily. That’s the problem with your don’t worry it’ll all work out because anyone can see the difference philosophy. Just out of curiosity, in your view ,there any obvious crimes that Trump committed, the prosecution of which, are being stymied by judges with an agenda? You are hoping against reality.
  9. Both of you quit trying to spin shit. Rape. Incest. etc. all falls under physical and psychological trauma.
  10. Because it got people to pay attention to him and respond.
  11. You added so many n's there it was as if you were filling in a grave. I feel as though, I failed to delight your senses, I'll try harder next time. I'm curious though why the need to EDIT such a post? We could always go back to a FLYJACK style message board of A fights B and either A or B triumph. I'd prefer to continue on with my own Mind-Hunting. Random inputs and provocations may be what we are left with after we have exhausted the gathered evidence.
  12. Oh right, now you realise you’re not getting anywhere it’s just ‘overthinking’. So why were you doing it in the first place?
  13. This actually shows your insecurity a lot - BillV wasn't bragging, because he was just saying it was improving California's air quality. He was just stating a good thing. It was you who suddenly turned it into a dick-measuring contest on which state had the better air quality. (Which no one was disputing, but you started it with such a silly argument that has now backfired on you) Looks like we've hit your one-variable limit again. That's okay, we welcome people of all abilities. You started this particular line of discussion, then got so thoroughly owned so I guess we should let you change the topic again to save yourself more embarrassment.
  14. I just think that it was funny that BillV bragged about improving air quality and referred to other states as “less developed” when California has some of the most polluted air in the country. Anything beyond that is overthinking. Let’s get back on track and discuss how Ford is projected to loose more than five billion dollars in its EV division this year.
  15. This has been his position all along. Wendy may take objection but in my opinion it was time to make him say the icky part out loud and give up the claim of being a moderate. If you would take away agency from another human being based on non-scientific, religion based beliefs, you are not a moderate, you are a part of the far right. If that's who you are so be it, just don't pretend otherwise.
  16. Lol right. So when Bill said use of renewables was improving air quality in California and you said ‘well PA burns loads of fossil fuel and the air in the small town of Nowheresville is more betterer!!’ that was because you understand the multitude of variables that makes major Californian cities different to small PA towns? Sure, that sounds totally believable and consistent.
  17. People prefer dogs to women who were probably asking for it anyway.
  18. Yep. It's a sad commentary on morality in America that shooting a dog will end a politician's career, but raping a woman will not.
  19. It’s also a function of size as well, among other factors. (You seem to be flummoxed by the whole multi variable thing)
  20. In practical terms, the doctor will delay treatment until the woman is so sick that death is imminent. If, afterwards, she recovers quickly, they go to jail for performing an unneccesary abortion. If, afterwards, she dies, they find themselves in a malpractice lawsuit. So for the doctor, erring on the side of letting the patient die is the safer course of action. For 99% of doctors, of course, they will simply turf the patient and refuse to treat her at all, and thus avoid the risk. Which is one of the the goals of such laws; abortion-seekers suffering through high risk pregnancies or dying is not a bad outcome for diehard pro-life people. Of course, there will be thoughts and prayers too.
  21. Doesn't seem to have hurt Trump the Rapist.
  22. So a 10 year old girl is raped, and doesn't discover that she is pregnant until after your criterion is no longer satified (yes, it happened in Ohio in 2022). And you would force that child to go through a pregnancy and labor and give birth to her rapists child. You have gone way down in my estimation. Way way down.
  23. Regardless of your opinion over what goes on inside a woman's body, what right do you claim to force your opinion on that person by legislation. It's none of your business.
  24. There's a very well fed troll in PA.
  25. And you keep failing to address my argument - it's not the existence of farms, highways, trucks, cars, and SUVs. It's HOW MUCH FOSSIL FUEL each state burns. It seems numbers are just too difficult for you.
  26. You: 2023 won't even be in the top 5 warmest years Me: Brent will ignore my question on where San Diego's air pollution comes from You're STILL proving me right
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