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Everything posted by tb62871

  1. This should propvide the leverage. I would think.http://dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=627845;#627845 --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  2. I beleive the lesson is not over until your student has landed. Fly the pattern you teach. Expect a student to do what you do. The radio is a back up just like some of our other safety gear. Don't rely on it. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  3. I'm the oldest of three boys and all three of have jumped at some point. My middle brother has about 500 but doesn't jump much now. The youngest got to 11 and decided it wasn't for him, and I got my A last June --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  4. Cool video Gary. New Endland is represented well. Thanks Phree for lending him the space to show it to us. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  5. I jump with goggles over my glasses. The glasses are pretty small so I don't need the huge goggles to cover them. You could checkout http://www.sportrx.com/ for another option. Or you could wear your glasses behind a full face hemlet with a visor. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  6. The inflation device is either a blood pressure inflation bulb or an external compressed air source. It is not contained in the helmet. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  7. tb62871

    Drunk Foods

    I keep frozen pizza arround for just such an occasion. Because drunk is the only time frozen pizza is good. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  8. The New England record was just set this Tuesday at 81. That would be the Mass. record now too --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  9. Every page that I saw on their site had a spot that said Paramedics click here. We seem to have quite a few first responders here, and if they don't already know about the system I hope they will take a few munites to look at the site and share the info with everyone they work with. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  10. If you need to land in a farmers corp you also need to remember to land with the rows as well. Between the rows are furrows, and if you catch a foot and break it that's going to hurt more than a crosswinder with the rows that you can stand up. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  11. A quote from the article. The bladder can be folded into any convinent shape for any helmettype. Several helmet companies are reportedly looking into including the system in the manufacturing process. A piece of the existing foam rubber would be removed to give the bladder a "nest". Some commpanies have considered molding a small indentation into the inner liner. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  12. I found this in the tech section of a raceing magazine , but saafe helmet removal is crucial to anyone that wears one.http://www.hatsoff.info/index.html --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  13. Check out the size of the canopies too. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  14. tb62871

    Porn Crackdown

    Sodomy is ok but porn is not??? --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  15. VIBES Heal quick. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  16. Good vibes to you, Chris. Hope to see you out at the DZ soon. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  17. After enough hot chics have posed. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  18. I'll help you. http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/07/25/bambi.reut/index.html --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  19. tb62871

    How dodgy?

    Years in prison: 111 Potential fine: £7000 --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  20. Not only do you have to shovel, but you have to go to Florida to jump. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  21. Sounds quite simmilar to a snow storm in New England. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  22. Have you considered a three way? They make light bulbs that do that too. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  23. what wattage? --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  24. any time. --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.
  25. Certianly you mean revenge is a Bytch. Don't you? --TB Welcome my friends to the show that never ends.