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Everything posted by DaVinciflies

  1. Right on. We should be teaching survival BEFORE fun. The system as it stands has its priorities all wrong.
  2. That's a bit of a stretch. Right. Not all whuffos are black.
  3. It seems to me that this is addressing a non-issue. There are better BSRs they could address.
  4. Great video. Who is the ginger British Doris who makes a few comments?
  5. Might be OK, but it depends on several things, including luck. Is the question "will they survive?" or "would you recommend it?". Do you know how this person would explain why they want to skip a canopy size and go so far outside the recommendations? I'd be interested to hear the reason given by the jumper (not other people's guesses as to why, especially if they contain the words "mad" and "skills" spelled with a "z") . Re: landing on a runway as a reference point as to whether they are ready; that might be a good measure if it was width-ways, and downwind.
  6. That's only true if he is tethered by the top of his head or his feet!
  7. It's lucky we all live in an ideal world. I have seen jumpers struggle to undo their seatbelts for an exit on a normal jump run, having forgotten to do so earlier. I have also been in an aircraft emergency (not requiring an emergency bail-out) and seen the lack of communication that occurred. Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large numbers, especially when you add panic to the mix. OK here's another reason to undo your seatbelt when everyone else does. What of the door is open because everyone is assumed to be unbelted (yes I know you should confirm - see earlier remark about an ideal world) and your PC gets away from you and out the door? That's going to leave a mark.
  8. Good luck with that with the pilot shouting "Get out" and 15 other people climbing over you.
  9. What if there is an emergency at say 1200ft and you're the one holding everyone up from exiting? I agree. There should be zero tolerance for drug or alcohol use during the jumping day.
  10. This. I make it a point never to be my own WDI. There is more to deciding if it's safe than x mph, including: - gusts - eg. 20 mph might be fine, but if it's 8 gusting 20 that might be a different animal. - wind direction - wind from the South might be over miles of flat fields making it perfectly jumpable, but from the North might take it over a bunch of 100' high trees which means a potential turbulence zone of 1000' plus down wind.
  11. It seems to me that the rule changes make sense and are akin to the changes that are regularly made in F1 to keep things safe and competitive.
  12. Sarcasm can be tricky and unwise in a text-only medium.
  13. Are you fucking kidding? That is pathetic. And stupid in ways you can't even comprehend yet. You are everything that is wrong with the world today. Have a problem - take a drug for it. How about man up and do it without pharmaceutical assistance or don't jump.
  14. The weight of the wing is included in wingloading.
  15. That had better be an exaggeration, or I suggest that whoever the instructors involved are should have their ratings stripped. hey are the ones signing the newer generation off.
  16. ok...so this does align with the perception I was getting re might have to flare earlier for no wind landing no? Or is it best to forget about this even if it is the case, flare at the same height each time for consistency, and if you happen to have a higher wind day and don't need as much toggle input, then there's no real negative? Your canopy does not know how far off the ground it is, or how fast the wind is blowing, or in what direction.
  17. There is no doubt that the margin for error (including not reacting fast enough or over-controlling the wing) does increase with more aggressive planforms and higher WL, but it does not have to be too small. There are ways to approach HP landings that are designed to maximize the margin for error, such as using front risers vs. toggles, carving turn vs. whips, being prepared to abort, starting from zero after every downsize to re-calibrate to the new wing's performance envelope and recovery arc. A major part of the problem (as you acknowledge in your later post) is that many people either don't know about this stuff or don't take the time to learn/apply it. HP canopies are fun to fly and I think it would be a shame to ban them, but they need to be treated with respect and learned carefully with dedicated canopy jumps. One of the problems as I see it is that, if you don't have the training and experience, by the time you realise that you are in the shit you don't have time to get out of it. We're on the same page.