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Everything posted by skycamefalling

  1. I did not jump today for a couple of reasons. #1 It will not stop raining where I live at. #2 Working like a mad man this weekend. But if you were to take away #1......#2 would not be an issue. I mean hey, what are sick days for?? For when you are either sick, or sick of I right? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  2. Hold ur breath for a minute Twardo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  3. Wroooong......oh wait.....ummm..... Next up will be....... Turtle Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  4. No Way The Cabin Boy Not a chance Still me floatin around Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  5. Noooope. It is meeeeee. Skymama Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  6. Welcome to the forums. Take what you read on here with a grain of salt. There is a lot of good info and bad info on this site. You need to be able to determine what is crap and what is not. And never tell your instructors "but I read it on". But in the end, always consult your home DZ instuctors for advice. Blue skies Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  7. is me. Turtle Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  8. I need to subscribe to that Blue Skies magazine. It looks like they got some pretty sick shit in there. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  9. Damn, I knew I forgot to type something. Now u are up Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  10. Yeah the one around here has been closed for a few years. They just opened back up a few weeks ago. Let the obesity continue. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  11. They all learned about that in the D.A.R.E. classes from Officer Kronick. Drugs Are Really Expensive Thats about the only thing I learned about. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  12. Clicky Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  13. Why is it so entertaining.....who knows, haha. I just had a krispy kreme donut for the first time in years. That thing was sweeet as fuck. I think they added a shit load more sugar than they used to. Tumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  14. hello.... It is my bed time but I will pick on theonlyski And you were sooooo close......but not And the winner will be petejones45 Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  15. Everyone is welcome to jump in.....even the ladies We sure cant let this thread keeps me entertained Mutumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  16. Well hopefully you will have a quick and speedy enough recovery so that you will make it back up in the air for next season. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  17. Damn that sucks. What was it that you did that caused the injury? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  18. .......whats a SKYCAM?? Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  19. Is that the new concept for the next Mirage ad? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  20. Well u gotta make some time and go use them damn things. You know they are just calling your name to come jump them. My guess........tumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  21. One of these days coming up that the weather is gonna be decent, I think I will get sick all of the sudden and have to miss work. I got a few jumps I need to use up. They are burning a hole in my pocket. Tumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  22. Uh oh, haha. I am dying fornsome decent enough weather so I can go make some jumps. It just kills me to see my rig just sitting there all lonely. Maybe I should take it for a walk. Tumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  23. I wish I could use my phone and post a pic on here. I dont want to get on my computer. Too lazy to walk 10ft or so. Back to u Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  24. Mirage this, Mirage that.......if I had a Mirage, I would start a Post Your Mirage thread. On the other hand, that was a pretty sick photo. Do you think he was jumping a Mirage? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  25. Yeah I love sleep. I need to get off of my ass though. I seen the "Post your infinty" thread last night and need to get some pics of my rig to post on there. Mutumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.