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Everything posted by skycamefalling

  1. That was pretty cool............all I seen was a big blank fucking screen. I guess we know why there are no followers on that page. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  2. Bllllllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Tumbo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  3. I think this is the best christmas song I have heard in a long time Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  4. Noooooooope it is meeeee DD Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  5. That was pretty bad ass. Thanks Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  6. Bored and tiiiired here. DD Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  7. This song is not on the list "Carol Of The Bells" Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  8. Nope, it is me checking in for the evening. Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  9. Both of those were pretty cool. How about this fella? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  10. Thanks for clarifying I understood the OP question. I was simply stating that I love the Oddessy container, but opted out of going in to a long boring rant. To the OP, try going to and see if they have the ordering form that you can create your own custom coloring on a Oddessy before you actually order one......that is if you do go with that container. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  11. I love the Oddessy containers........but got an infinity instead. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  12. I am suprised that with all of the threads talking about Gopros on this forum, there is not a way that people who put the word Gopro in there title, that it will redirect them to a page that has all of the other threads on that camera. That way, we wont have to read any more threads about the Gopro. We would all be spared....... There, problem solved. Lock this thread up now Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  13. Welcome to the forums and one of your lifes greatest and newest luxuries. Ok, well not really luxurious........cuz you will be spending all of your money on skydiving. Unless you call eating ramen, living in a tent or your car luxury Blue skies. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  14. We dont sleep.......we black out from heavy alcohol consumption. Twaaaardo Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  15. a hot guy in a uniform..... I wear a uniform Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  16. I dont understand why people would choose to and jump with a camera before they are ready. There have been jumps where I would have loved to get footage of. But then I think about it, if I was jumping with a camera and someone were to ask how many jumps I had, I may have not been on those jumps. Also, I think jumping with a camera should be like getting your drivers license, it is a earned privilege and not a right. Enjoy the learning process one step at a time. Just my .02 Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  17. Hahahah +1 And just for shits and giggles...... +2 Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  18. That was a quickie.....umm, workout. Workin out the arms doin 40oz curls? Speedracer Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  19. Face matter how taters are made (mashed, sliced, fried, baked...etc) they taste fucking awesome. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  20. Well that narrows it down......but what the hell, I will bite. I need entertainment........oh what to do? Maybe I will go listen to some Justin Beiber. Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  21. Fuck......I am bored also. What the hell is wrong with everyone?? I think I will go to a donkey show. Anyone without sticky hands will be next Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  22. Ok, we all know that at some point in our lives, we have either been a huge fan of and played the hell out of the game or have watched someone else play it. So for those of you that like talent, here is 2 different reditions of the original Super Mario Bros theme song. So lets take a vote.....which one do you think is better. Some of you have probably seen these, but I am sure others have not. And last but not least........I am really bored, so thats why I am posting this Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  23. Checkin in Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  24. Why do drive-thru ATM's have braille lettering? Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.
  25. Just here leaving my mark. Rider Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.