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Everything posted by maxwellman23

  1. Exactly just because I leave my car unlocked doesn't mean it's OK to steal the radio, you might argue that I should have been more cautious but that falls short because it shouldn't be done in the first I am ALIVE!
  2. I checked out a Hawaii DZ website and it stated a requirement of 75 jumps if i recall correctly or a B license, considering the conditions such as wind and water it makes sense. I am ALIVE!
  3. The answer is so obvious considering what skillz we posses; load a skyvan or otter with skydivers, these skydivers of course will have supplies attached to them. Find a remote location in Alaska to jump into or a remote island. after that it's a matter or hunkering down and learning how to live off the land. With a diverse group of 30 or so people you would be fine. Now just wait 12 months, send out scouts afterward I am ALIVE!
  4. And the NEW house I am building and will be completed next year WILL have solar as well as wind generation as well as diesel genset backup . It is smaller.. it is more efficient... it has its own watersource is pretty much EQ proof and is purpose built to keep crazies at bay should that need arise for whatever reason. Tell me about this house, is it an Earthship? What where the costs involved?? Crazies? Like zombies and such?? I am ALIVE!
  5. Bro, Start running, start drinking H2O exclusively, start taking fish oil, start meditating, start Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) stop dwelling on negative thoughts, instead let them easily pass as you focus on all the good in your life. You are happy, you know it I am ALIVE!
  6. I can say from recent experience that when I was late my Dad was all talk and no action. I eventually would stay out all night and disregard any restrictions "imposed" on my doings. I realize now that my actions strained our relationship horribly. Ive done much growing up and it isn't a problem now but it got that way because my Dad wasn't willing to take away the car keys. I am ALIVE!
  7. I know a guy in the Air Force who thought he could jump from the top of a two story building into grass and be fine just using the PLF, he was right. Jumped and did it perfectly, got up and walked away. Although he was Pararescue and im sure had the training ingrained into his being. Just study the technique and apply, rinse and repeat p.s. the second guy who tried landed on concrete and broke both legs I am ALIVE!
  8. This sounds fairly badass, although personally I think diving behind "enemy lines" in a giant paintball game loaded with ammo and CO2 would be preferable fun. I am ALIVE!
  9. Try meditation. In general and specifically oriented to the task of AFF. I can't remember the exact science but your brain reacts the same way to doing a task as it does thinking of or visualizing the same activity. I believe this video explains what im writing of in some detail, could be wrong though I am ALIVE!
  10. Good evening Dropzone, Im currently stationed in Anchorage,AK and in the next few months will be getting free money(Permanent Fund Dividend) thanks to good Ol' Gov Palin! With this in mind and the on base Aero club(close location and supposedly much cheaper) becoming a pilot is a dream well within reach, however when summer rolls around I want nothing more than to being freefalling through the clear Alaskan air. My question is, If you where in my situation would YOU go for a private Pilot's License or your A license? sidenote: if I become a pilot in time for skydiving season I would have relatively no experience, am I able legally to fly for the Dropzone and earn money towards being a skydiver? all your opinions are valued I am ALIVE!
  11. Same here, i've only done 2 static line jumps so far but once im on the strut the only thing on my mind is to look at the instructor for the OK to go, after the chute opens I start to react I am ALIVE!
  12. Same situation here, i just moved to Alaska which has only 1 DZ and with only a 5 month jumping season on top of summer weather that changes at the drop of a hat. Got 2 jumps in the day after my ground school a month ago, none since then. Hang in there! I am ALIVE!
  13. It takes 250 jumps, for the rest I would google and check the USPA site I am ALIVE!
  14. You know death is unavoidable, so live with this fact in mind and decisions will be made accordingly I am ALIVE!
  15. I would prefer an AFF progression but im learning in Alaska which has only 1 DZ and at anytime 1 AFF instructor. I certainly do enjoy the thrill of literally climbing out onto a wing and hanging until i get the OK from Tom(instructor). However, freefall is what i want the most. The 2nd jump was great just like the first...until i realized what the legs straps where doing to the vitals I am ALIVE!
  16. 1st static line jump 20 minutes ago, another today. I am ALIVE!
  17. Call the Authorities I am ALIVE!
  18. Granted the small sample size, I expected a very differant response. Perhaps the subject o intercourse is touchy for some, maybe out evolutionary mandate overides all. I am ALIVE!
  19. Substitute "sex" for "skydiving" in the above and you probably get the same result. Maybe, but in my observations, very few people that enter the sport of skydiving remain for longer than a few years while most people I know continue to have sex for many more than that. Why do you think that's so? The cost? Loss of passion? I am ALIVE!