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Everything posted by outrager

  1. That's the most ridiculous thing i've seen here in a long while. "fought against immense odds, had our backs to the wall" can be applied to pretty much every other country but USA. bsbd! Yuri.
  2. New??? I'm pretty sure i did lines on the rock before... bsbd! Yuri.
  3. That would be just and fair. As for should they or not, this entirely depends on their current goal. As Mike just said above, "That's the problem with "An Eye For An Eye". Pretty soon everyone ends up blind." bsbd! Yuri.
  4. outrager

    Eiger conditions

    You gain roughly 1000m (2300 to 3300) at 45 degree angle
  5. My impression of Bush went down farther when I saw that he's one of those disgusting fucks who talks with a mouth full of food. One more recent Bush video gem: http://thinkprogress.org/2006/07/15/putin-jab/ ROTFL bsbd! Yuri.
  6. first of all, stop telling me what I value and how That was not an order, but an accurate observation bsbd! Yuri.
  7. You mean move Israel? Seriously, what solution is better? Moving to another place or living in eternal war that cannot be won? bsbd! Yuri.
  8. So i went and bought a place in Harlem. I could have gone to Upper East Side, but my uncle's grandfather used to live on 130th street and there's some sentimental and religious value attached to it. I paid for the place and legally own it, but my neighbours really didn't like me moving in. They shatter my windows with stones every day. In responce i kill them, using a somewhat corrupt NYPD for protection. This goes on for many years, and is now escalating. They throw molotov cocktails, i just bought a new Uzi. They are obviously wrong in hating me, but this cannot be fixed. I cannot kill them all - NYPD is not THAT corrupt. So what should i do? Wouldn't a reasonable person finally move to Upper East Side? bsbd! Yuri.
  9. You guys are not getting it. We are not talking about who has more firepower. We are talking about the fact that now, once "we are at war", it is fair and morally right to kill 100 israeli and 10000 american civilians in a well-justified eye for an eye attack, using whatever means necessary. If you want to reply, please state why it would not be fair, just and morally right. bsbd! Yuri.
  10. That is a foolish statement. They are and will be perfectly capable of killing israeli civilians, just not on the same scale as IDF. There will be plenty more blood, but that's not the point. The point is: any killings of civilians in Israel now look justified, fair and well-deserved. Edited to add: now looks like Canada ought to bomb the shit out of Israel? bsbd! Yuri.
  11. In order to keep things balanced, just and fair, Hamas will now need to work overtime to kill another hundred+ of israeli civilians. By the same token, USA deserves another terrorist act with about 10000..50000 civilian casualties just to keep things fair and square with iraqis. bsbd! Yuri.
  12. outrager


    Yo ! Put a few skydives on my new V2 today. Freaking awesome! Physical strength is definitely the main limiting factor when it comes to sustained perfomance. There is no way i can get 100% out of the suit, and i do not know anybody who can. This is a good thing, actually: we pilots have plenty of room to grow before we tap into the suit's max perfomance. Compare this with Classic, which could be maxed out without ever going to a gym bsbd! Yuri.
  13. Sure it has weight and merit. Instead of public hangings in reprisal for frendly losses you get public bombings, a more efficient way to kill. Nazi analogy applies specificaly in the value of life framework: Israel knows that it will kill many civilians with this reprisal, but they are subhumans that do not need to be accounted for. Same goes on a bigger scale for US in Iraq, etc. It is only natural to be barbaric, especially in a war. Unfortunately it upsets and inflames everybody who is watching, enemy and neutral observers alike. But in the end it really is hard not to take sides... for example i will never forgive what US did to Yugoslavia. Were you part of that or did you go later, on the peacekeeping part? bsbd! Yuri.
  14. Getting closer now, huh? Many/most people killed in Lebanon in the last couple of days did not try to kill you. And all that survived had their quality of life severely degraded. This operation was started with full knowledge that large numbers of innocent civilians will be killed and more injured, displaced etc. All of this over abduction of a couple of israelis - something that Israel does to palestinians as routine everyday business. I respect a will to survive, and on a personal level like Israelis way more than their opponents. The whole point of my post was not to find a solution to this dead-end struggle, but to show why those who claim to be more civilized are not seeing by the world as such. bsbd! Yuri.
  15. I guess that works for you and the Chechens too.... Yes, it works the same way for Chechen problem, and most other nation/religion/land conflicts. Not sure how it works for me, since i'm not a part of either one. bsbd! Yuri.
  16. Find a fault with this logic A third and final choice to settle this matter is for one side to annihilate the other, forever carrying the stigma of genocide. Should've taken that piece of land in Africa, eh? bsbd! Yuri.
  17. Uh, you must have not read the post - it states that the other side doesn't value any life much. We are not defending terrorists or fanatics, we are showing that their opponents lower themself down to the same barbaric level, with a peculiar Nazi twist. bsbd! Yuri.
  18. It is quite allright for Israel to abduct palestinians, and for US to abduct everybody (without giving POW status). One can only see this as a fair, albeit futile game. This responce-to-their responce-to-their responce never ends and has nothing to do with the subject of this thread. The subject was value of life. We already know that "terrorists" are evil. The point was not to give them any benefit of doubt - there is none. The point is their opponents are equally cynical and they put very little value on human life, except for "the chosen ones". As well as it is camouflaged, the underlying facts are not far from Nazi philosophy. I believe this is what pisses off most of the world so much. As far as peace in Middle East - there's absolutely no chance for it now, and both sides are equally guilty. Given that, a second best fair solution would be mutual annihilation. bsbd! Yuri.
  19. You misquoted. My post stated they do not value human life, they only value that of selected people - just like Nazi did. Quite a joke history plays here bsbd! Yuri.
  20. Exactly! Those pieces of s*it order acts that kill scores of civilians with a cynical calculation. Likewise US and Israeli leaders do so, with a cynical calculation. The difference is... well there is no difference. They are the same cynical hypocritical pieces of s*it. By the way it transfers down the chain of command. "Just following orders" is a good excuse for Predator drone, but it is not for a human pilot of B52. bsbd! Yuri.
  21. The goals and intentions are irrelevant in a value-of-life framework. This warrior knows he will kill civilians while targeting warriors. He disregards it and kills more civilians than terrorists ever manage, because a few of "his" people are worth more than lifes of a whole other country. Good intentions pave the road to hell. bsbd! Yuri.
  22. If anybody wants to understand why US or Israel is disliked or hated so much by so many around the globe, one can first look at an easier target: terrorists. Terrorists are universally hated because they disregard life, killing scores of innocent people for advancing their goals. Terrorists are uniform in their approach, placing little value on their own life or that of "their" people. US and Israel claim that human life is priceless and should be treasured. Indeed, when americans or israelis are killed, it is a big deal. Just a couple of kidnapped israelis is enough to start a war. A couple of thousand of dead americans is enough to devastate two countries. The end result: US and Israel kill scores of innocent people while advancing their goals. They don't kill "for", they kill "while" - but this difference is irrelevant for outside observers. What matters is they don't just disregard life and kill innocents on a huge scale that terrorists can't even approach. They also separate life into valuable "western" people, and dispensable subhumans on the other side that nobody even bothers to count. This was only natural in barbaric times. Nowadays, this is the most repulsive thing i can think of. bsbd! Yuri.
  23. outrager

    base addiction :)

    I dunno... just took 9 months off. Coming back, regular BASE jumps were scary but as boring as ever. Now a new V2 makes me shiver with excitement
  24. outrager

    base addiction :)

    Yes. I feel the same way. I hardly jump at home, or without a wingsuit. You already know what to do: get a job, rob a bank, make some money and travel! bsbd! Yuri.
  25. 2:30 is theoretically possible there with a slow flight, but AFAIK nobody got that yet. The longest is probably still a summer '03 flight off the 'shroom at 1950m/4.3km, a bit over 2 minutes. Available altitude bottoms out at 2150m at 5km distance. Since then a few other mountains yielded 2min flights. ITW is small (1200m), giving a bit over 1 minute. Longest tracking suit freefalls are in Norway, 50sec range (and probably closing in on 1min now). bsbd! Yuri.