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Everything posted by lummy

  1. my $.02 I'd have to agree with what everyone else is saying. Cisco Cert is the one to have. Solaris (Unix) is the other big money maker (at least here in the bay area). I've interviewed quite a few MCSE's who don't know NT from Win95. We call them Paper MCSE's. In other words, they only know how to pass the test. If you REALLY want to get a good job with the MCSE, get the experience first. Take some jnr sys admin position someplace. LAstly, HAte to say it since it's a superior Networking OS, but Novell is Dead. MS made Active directory to compete with NDS, Novell might as well rollover
  2. Sorry!!! If it's any consolation, I went to Byron last week and had t osit around all day cause they were on a wind hold for rentals :(
  3. Hmmmmm... sex Skydiving and Drinking.... DOesn't seem QUITE RIGHT Skydiving, Sex, and drinking Sounds better :)
  4. Sitting, taking care of the rugrats, UH... fine young kids that I am raising.. Yeah that's it. The frickin...... Hehe..... At least I get to Skydive all day tomorrow!!!!
  5. lummy

    Soul mates

    Very strange coincidence that a friend of mine and I were just talking about this. My friend being one of the lucky (IMO) to have found her soul mate, I was interested in how she accomplished it since I have NO luck with relationships. Long story short, she got fed up with the BS relationships and decided to just sit back and watch others that worked well while she worked out what she REALLY wanted in a relationship. eventually, she found the "perfect mate" Moral of the story? You need to be content with yourself first. If you are, IF you do not love and treat yourself with respect and honesty, how can you ever expect to receive it from someone else? Enuf of my ramblings!!! Hey everyone, Long time no write!!!
  6. Pammi, Good luck in court. I hope everything turns out for the best for your kids sake. Luckily for me, My ex hasn't brought up Skydiving as an issue. Then again, it's probably just a matter of time, She's a psycho as it is and will use anything to make my life miserable
  7. lummy

    toy parachutes

    Japanese keyboards look exactly like american keyboards. Only difference is that they have the japanese characters instead of the letters.
  8. Thanks for the reply unclbennie, I missed that part in your original post. Just trying to learn from everyone's experiences. Gary
  9. lummy

    toy parachutes

    There is an article in this months "Skydiving" about RC parachuters. Sound skinda fun. According to the article, you can buy everything commercially if wanted. here's the link
  10. Hehe... Did my first tandem at the Byron Boys boogie, Geez, 3 years ago almost. I guess I'll have to go there too :) SKYVAN SKYVAN SKYVAN :)
  11. lummy


    I'm not the expert, but my understanding is is that Corking is a freefall term when you shoot up relative to the other freefallers, kinda like a cork under water will shoot up. Funneling is a RW term for when a a part of a formation falls apart and goes low. How close am I?
  12. Skyvan to SkyDance!!!! Yippeee!!!!!! Hey, I think I've seen that bar you're talking about. It's on the Door? My first Tandem was from a SkyVan and one of the jumpers slipped his feet under the bar and hung upside down before exiting. REALLY COOL!!
  13. Question in regards to the brakes and kicking out of a twist. Aren't you supposed to leave the brakes stowed until your are out of the twists?
  14. IMO, I'd write a letter to the writer of the Sentinel explaining your views. At the very least, I'd send it to the editorial page. You can only hope that if you explained about all the safety involved in this sport as well as the details of the deaths in question, maybe one reporter will more accurately report in the future. Like I said, just my opinion
  15. I didn't see it, but if he went to 18k he is supposed to be on oxygen. Was that the case?
  16. I seem to remember an ad for skydiving checks in the back of Parachutist. I'll look for it if you don't have it
  17. UGHH!!! a DZ in Jamaica? Now that would be REALLY scary. would I jump or would I smoke? Hmm.. Don't wanna find out
  18. lummy

    A trend?

    Don't worry. I'll have the license by then, hopefully in the next 2 weeks. I have a Tandem party planned for this Friday (Free Jump Tickets!!!) and am planning on getting my APE jump out of the way
  19. Hehe... Actually, I have a friend who still works there. Just have to keep her on my good side til I can figure the logistics out. I'm BAD, REALLY BAD
  20. lummy

    A trend?

    ROFL!!! Only Skreamer can put such a twist on a thread to make you go EWWWWWW................. Still coming this way for the American Boogie Skreamer?
  21. lummy

    A trend?

    I guess you're not into "nibbling" then ;> Me thinks I have to learn the HTML smilies
  22. Merrick, I'll second that, let her go for it. I only have experience with one clit pierced, but she swears that it enhances the pleasure. Plus the fact that I enjoy playing with it doesn't hurt either
  23. Oh FINE!!! Just go ahead and talk her into what SHE wants!!! Hehe... (ok, I'm a little mischevious today)
  24. Hehe... I used to work on the 34th floor in downtown SF. EVERY Day I'd think how if I could just pick that lock, I could easily pull it off and land on the Punch Line's garage!!! FlyBoy, What do you need help with? I don't see ANY problem whatsoever