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Everything posted by Andy0689

  1. Nothing like hypoxia when you have to exert yourself at the same time. We went up Rainier (14,411) Aug 5-6 and it amazes me what the difference in altitude does. All three of us had spinning heads from time to time and pressure breathing sometimes makes it worse. We watched some video footage of us and while I thought we were moving out pretty good, the video shows otherwise. Regardless, it's nice to have bagged two peaks two weekends in a row. This weekend off and then back up Rainier next weekend. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  2. Just finished editing a video of the climb. Eldorado Peak Climb - July 2011 Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  3. It's all snow right now. I've seen some pics from last year and the summit is very rocky. We've had a heavy snow year in WA and it just doesn't want to melt. Altitude is just over 8800'. Not enough to really burn your lungs but the legs take the brunt of it. As brutal as the approach was, going down was pure torture. I climbed a 10.2k' peak in Oregon in early July that was nothing compared to the hike in on this one. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  4. No. I tell my two older kids that if you have to lie about your age to get an account, you don't need to be on there. I don't like invites from relatives my kids' ages either. My youngest nephew is about 6 mos old and his mom set him up an account to post pics. Doesn't make sense to me. FB is a place for me to interact with my friends and I don't necessarily want my kids seeing all of that. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  5. Still haven't gotten back up into the air with my feet off the ground but managed to get out for a good climb Friday-Saturday. The climb itself wasn't as much work as the approach but it did have a bad ass final 40 meters to the summit. The mountain is Eldorado Peak in North Cascades National Park, WA. It was a fun lead. Anyone else climbing any this summer? Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  6. In your water bottle. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  7. There was an article in the Tacoma News Tribune about this a month or so ago. It has become such a problem in some areas that there is talk about having hikers carry out their urine too. So, on top of having to haul out blue bags full of shit we have to carefully keep our piss bottles separated from our gatorade bottles. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  8. This is completely wrong! First, the cat is supposed to be tossed out first, then the jumpers chase it. Second, I'm pretty sure it is cheating to cover the cat's paws ...takes the sport out of it. Agreed. The Georgia Cat Chasing Championships was the definitive competition. I've heard that cats will actually get stable, feet-down in freefall. Guess a tail really does help them land on their feet. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  9. Happy Birthday, Don! I miss you all at SDA! Enjoy the beer!! i wonder what Gary will build for you this year that'll beat the fire claw!! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  10. Nothing wrong with that. I've had my mind on rocks a lot lately. Just spent a weekend climbing in Leavenworth, WA. Some great rock there! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  11. Ever respond to an accident where an airbag fired on a passenger who was resting his/her feet on the dashboard? I always cringe when I see people driving down the highway with a passenger doing this. I can only imagine the trauma it would cause. Seatbelts for me and my family- always. I don't feel comfortable in a moving car without one one. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  12. Will boobies help? Since I don't have my own, I'll find some to post as payment for Facebook votes. Just tell me what you want to see and I'll find 'em. Thanks Attachment is NSFW for all of you who are bored at work Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  13. Can all of you facebook junkies give me a hand here? I entered a photo in a contest being run by The North Face on Facebook. Click the clicky to my photo and then vote for it. I think it requires a North Face App install to your FB account (annoying, I agree). I'd appreciate the help and will bring much beer when I start getting back out to the DZ this summer. Contest winners get a $500 NF gift card. It's not a cruise but nice enough for some mountain rescue gear. Thanks! You all are swell!! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  14. uh-oh. I better stop taking my phone with me to the "massage parlor." Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  15. Don't you mean Persian Food? Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  16. Looks like it might be a rumor Can't say which is a more reliable source. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  17. Andy0689

    Jackass 3D

    I've heard it's funny. I'm adding it to my NetFlix Cue. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  18. Bump... Less than 2 weeks out again! We should have 'em around the 13th! Thanks to the REI visa and a military move, another awesome, big dividend is coming! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  19. 3-way? So, was she hot? Make something up for all of us to enjoy. Something better than advice for someone new to the area. Was she buttering you up for Ryoder's suggested 3-way? Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  20. +1. I have a contour that I wear for hiking, skiing and climbing (not jumping) and have noticed that when I have the camera on, I'm thinking about the footage and what the camera is seeing. Still pay attention to what I'm doing but the camera is one more thing on my mind; where I'm looking is where the camera is looking, keeping as still as I can so the footage isn't shaky, etc. When I get back and view the footage, I take note of adjustments I need to make next time I shoot. How could skydiving be any different from being on your feet? Sad thing is that no matter how much the subject is brought up here, those who are going to wear the cameras, small format or larger, will do so regardless of how many times it's brought. The arguments to convince the jumpers with low numbers not to wear them shouldn't be started here. I think it's gotta be better done face to face even if it means that you skip a jump with someone wearing one. To jump with someone you say nothing to or advise not to wear is the same thing as advocating it, if not, then that you at least approve of it. How many of us opponents of small-form factor cameras/low jump numbers have made a jump with someone wearing one? I did a jump with someone wearing who had 60 jumps and was admittedly barely jumping enough to stay current. Jump went off without a hitch and he even put together a good video. When I saw the camera, I was thinking that I have low jump numbers so who am I to tell him otherwise. I even rationalized that the DZO had to know about it but never asked. I thought about it afterwards and came to the conclusion that I won't jump with a low-number vidiot again. A large percentage of the time, nothing will go wrong, but the one time it does, I'm sure one of the first thoughts will be that the person shouldn't have been wearing a camera. In taking responsibility for my own jump, I'll have put myself at a higher risk by exiting the plane at the same time. With safety day coming up, would this be a good topic? Maybe not as good as canopy piloting which has contributed to a larger number of injuries over the past year. Perhaps, as a community, we all just need to come together and let folks with low numbers that if you're wearing a camera, you'll be jumping alone. In other words, when 6 folks show up to dirt dive, regardless of personal experience, a unified 5 have to agree that either the camera is out or the jumper is out. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  21. Quick everyone. First thought on this one. Mine...... STD I do hope it's nothing bad though. Good luck with that. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  22. They do rock! I enjoyed working with them when I was an ER nurse and now when we occasionally work with them on rescues that aren't in the backcountry. They are a lot like skycivers. Work hard when it's time to and love to goof around when they can. It's always fun to be around folks who love to laugh. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  23. Andy0689

    "Like" Love

    Cool, Lisa. I just posted a slide presentation put together by the Sierra Madre Rescue on our page a few days ago. THanks for helping out. Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  24. Andy0689

    "Like" Love

    Thanks! Keep 'em coming! You all are great! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
  25. Andy0689

    "Like" Love

    If you all have a few seconds, can you please go to a FB page and "Like" it for me. We just switched it over to a page from a group and lost all of our fans. I need some "Likes" to get a custom FB URL. Seems climbers are a bunch of slackers so I have to get some help from more reliable skydivers! It's for the Tacoma Mountain Rescue Unit where I volunteer. Thanks a million!! Clicky below and Likey! Andy I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!