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Everything posted by hwt

  1. hwt

    Blame Bush

    I am an independent who blames both parties for the mess we are in . But i am sick of Obama blaming Bush for the economy . In 2005 McCain tried to pass a bill which would have clamped down on Fanny Mae and Freddy mac but Obama and the Democrats filibustered the bill because they wanted to lower the restrictions to buy a house so everyone could own a home and now they blame Bush ? Both parties are to blame and both parties want to distract the people and point fingers at each other. The tea party movement is the best thing that has happened to us and it is growing. The election in Massachusetts is proof that you can't ignore the Independent voters any longer. http://forums.military.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/69719858/m/7360015991001
  2. The sleeping giant is awake and both parties better wake up because this tea party movement is not going away soon. As a resident of Nevada i can say Harry Reid , your going to be voted out come November . Blue skies!
  3. We relied on my research to make sure we were registering more Democrats than Republicans. The goal was to achieve a 7:3 ratio, so that we'd net four votes for every 10 registrants. This was all compliant with election law. _________________________________________________ this group is supposed to be bipartisan as tax monies are payed to them by both Republicans and Democrats.. this clearly demonstrates that this group is corrupt as hell and needs to be investigated and disbanded. Blue Skies
  4. Sigh. Some things are just a lost cause. ___________________________________________ They have been trying to kill infidels since the crusades , nothing new about bin laden's threats . Blue skies!
  5. Isn't "union tyranny" why the U.S. automakers are going out of business? _______________________________________________ I could not say it any better. Blue Skies!
  6. The opposite is true here. As a matter of fact in Nevada , the new medicinal marijuana law requires all participants to give up their right to have a gun and they can never ride any amusement rides. Talk about b.s....Blue Skies!
  7. Sprayed concrete on top of the steel? And you think this would hold up to the heat / impact? Think before you believe these Idiots.....Blue Skies!
  8. Is this the same cult that practices ritualistic cannibalism? You know they eat the flesh of and drink the blood of their deity ?...
  9. Now thats what i call job security .Blue Skies!
  10. hwt


    My brother is a pilot/examiner for fed ex and i can tell you that they are treated like union workers only they don't have to pay the mob dues.
  11. If they want to critique the bible,You need only go to Adam and Eve having two Children , Cain and Abel . Now how did those two guys do it? Blue Skies!
  12. There should not be testing at all , unless an accident occurred.I am amazed how people out there push to control everything. Picture going down to the unemployment office and getting put through that treatment.We are not criminals nor should we be treated like one.Even if the worker was on drugs , he still earned his pay check.Blue Skies!
  13. Prohibition doesn't work, never has .They tried controlling alcohol and look at the money we pissed away trying to control people from drinking.And we had even more people drinking after passing that stupid amendment. Now people make the same excuses against pot. Hello. McFly, anyone home? Prohibition doesn't work . All that money we are spending to control people from smoking weed and we could regulate and tax it and get us out of the debt that this country is in Alcohol kills, Not pot..smoking weed leads to suicide? Stop making excuses..Blue Skies!
  14. Here's my empirical data - Once there's no more drunk drivers, then lets talk about legalizing marijuana. __________________________________________________ Are you implying that we need to outlaw alcohol?? Prohibition does not work, never did and never will. When they outlawed alcohol, they started the largest increase in crime and violence. Mobs and the rum runners and the speak easy bars. Not to mention the quality went unregulated . Why do people always try and control other peoples choices?The action of a few do not justify the banning for everyone.Blue Skies!
  15. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5g5JWoRo7LsT5rvjtBmJO2UVm78PAD96T5SL80 ___________________________________________________ Check this out.Blue Skies!
  16. This is blatant stupidity.! Any of us ran our household this way, We would go bankrupt .The democrats are going all or nothing with everything..Blue Skies!
  17. Excuse me.. why are you complaining about this now... OH thats right Democrats can NEVER be allowed to use the same perks as the GOP Neo-Cons. _________________________________________________ I can't believe you are defending this.I don't care which party it is , this is unacceptable Thats the problem . People choosing a side a sticking with it now matter how wrong it is.Wake up both parties Blue Skies!
  18. What really amazes me is that some people are busy blaming one another while this problem is snowballing. Currently there are medical and government jobs available, while the manufacturing in this country has been declining since the late 70s.The very thing that got us out of the last depression is being ignored by both sides. Blue Skies! (Time to air out my tent)
  19. You forgot Lou Dobbs, One of my favorites..
  20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1159677/Pictured-The-credit-crunch-tent-city-returned-haunt-America.html Do you think the tent cities are just the beginning of a second great depression?...Blue Skies!
  21. In this case, it's an attempt to garner support for legalization by offering the 'carrot' of additional monies. ___________________________________________________ Why is it illegal in the first place?...prohibition does not work. enough of trying to control people's choices.. By the way , pot is the only known appetite stimulate known.. Unless you count steroids.
  22. hwt

    GM sinking

    huge local machine companies just shut their doors because their main customers were auto. _________________________________________________ As the owner of a machine shop, let me say that machine shops across this country are folding and auto is only one facet to that problem.The so called free trade we have with Asian countries who subsidize their manufactures with cheap steel is a bigger problem. Now China wants to stimulate their economy by giving their citizens 2 free appliances of their choice. The investment into manufacturing brought us out of the great depression.Now We export our manufacturing and China stimulates theirs.Whose economy will prosper first?
  23. ______________________________________________ The real question should be : Who is running the Democratic party? Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid ? or Obama?