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Everything posted by hwt

  1. We had a year of more than usual hurricanes and they said it was from global warming , then last year we had a less then usual year of hurricanes and i suppose that also means that was from global warming . Its damn if you do and damn if you don't from these global warming idiots . all they want is to tax from the people who have and let the U.N. give that money to the people who have not . That is why they are trying to B.S. everyone, they want to socialize the world.
  2. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-wed-obama-econ-team-dec24,0,5966312.story I am still waiting for Joe Biden to pick out the pork from the first stimulus bill .
  3. Funny thing is , approx 70 thousand years ago the entire human race was down to 5,000 breading females and all of them were living in Africa.
  4. And what has Obama done to earn a bad mark so far? I bet you said the same about Clinton early on, then he fixed your hero, Reagans, pile of shit. So much for your prognistications. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You complain about the debt that Bush gave us and so do I, he left us with 7.6 trillion in debt in 8 years. The last time i checked Obama brought it up to 12.3 trillion and that was in 1 year . Now he wants to throw away the constitution and make health care mandatory which will increase the debt further and how will he pay for it ? By eliminating fraud? How stupid does he think we are?Face it he wants to make every worker in the country belong to a union and to socialize the world.Do you honestly think that will make this country stronger?China is soon to be the #1 power in the world and why? They turned to capitalism and Obama and the progressives want to turn us to socialism .
  5. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/aug/06/white-house-war-terrorism-over/ The white house and John Brennan have single handedly won the war! Hooray for Odumbo!
  6. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ so you think that people who like the constitution the way it was written are idiots and people like Odumbo who wants to change our constitution are smart? What kind of logic is that? If you don't like our constitution , move to France or Greece.
  7. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ yes they can remove them from top priority on the spy list.. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/20/china-removed-top-priority-spies//print/
  8. When a new congress person goes to washington they are greeted by the clowns that have been in office for 20 or more years. these clowns just simply teach the newbies "how things are done in washington" . The idea of 2 term limits has been thrown around for years yet The good old boys just vote it down time and time again. When people voted for Obama they voted for change and all they got was same old crap from the good old boys. Why can't our poloticians understand that the people should come first and not the party.. I am all for this idea but i remain a skeptic ..
  9. Here is Odumbo showing off his hair to the Japanese Emperor . http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33978533/
  10. Read what this progressive professor has to say about him , and this guy is a liberal democrat? . http://www.counterpunch.org/green12212009.html
  11. Ok so you "proved" that all the right wing deadenders enjoy hi "preaching" to your "masses" and are in goosestep right with him. Other people have options to get political opinions..... obviously... the nutjob tea bagging party of NO on the fringe right.. does not. After reading you rampage , I come to the conclusion that you have been watching Msnbc too long. as their one sided views spew from your words. here is a look at the last election poll for fair and balanced reporting...no wonder fox is the only news organization left... the numbers don't lie .. http://www.yelp.com/topic/new-york-foxnews-is-the-most-balanced-election-coverage---pew-research-centers-project-for-excellence-in-journalism-2008
  12. Lets just look at the number of viewers and that will decide this argument. 5 pm..Glenn Beck– 3,040,000 viewers (888,000) (1,385,000) 5 pm..Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—536,000 viewers (139,000) (217,000) 6 pm.. Ed Show—541,000 viewers (211,000) (262,000) 7 pm..Hardball w Chris Matthews—778,000 viewers (265,000) (380,000) 8 pm..Countdown w/ K. Olbermann– 1,091,000 viewers (320,000) (504,000) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glenn Beck has more viewers at 5 pm than msnbc has in 4 hours of prime time ...enough said
  13. I want to know what the repubiclowns are doing with their hands... since they are not applauding for anything.....could it be a right wing circlejerk?? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ that's the answer , try and make fun of the people that you disagree with .we can accomplish so much that way! We only need to look at California's economy as to how well the state of the union is doing . Its at 12.4 % unemployment ,even after the so called bail-out. and the figure isn't accurate . It doesn't account for the people who quit looking.
  14. So you're his #1 cheerleader; we're convinced. So show me his or your proof of whatever. Of course you won't, you just gleefully hop behind the pundits with their BS. Like your other hereos, the Cato Institute, another POS rag like the Heritage Foundation, they say FDR tripled taxes when it was in reality Hoover with the Revenue Act of 1932. So just keep paying homage to the repositories of misinformation WHILE NEVER ACTUALLY DISCUSSING ISSUES OR EVIDENCE. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ see the videos for yourself before you speak http://glennbeckclips.com/
  15. Glenn Beck is #1 news host. you need to watch this guy. He shows proof to everything that he says about the progressives. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2010/01/30/glenn-beck-really-most-watched-cable-news-host
  16. Before you toot your horn too much , read this Hatzius says much of the slow economic growth we've started seeing in recent months is due to temporary factors. The first is the effect of the inventory cycle as companies restart production lines following months of stock liquidation. The second is the fiscal stimulus, which he estimates is contributing the majority of the perceived growth. Taken together, these factors represent around a 4 percent boost that will most likely diminish or disappear by the second half of 2010 in the face of continued high unemployment, budget-conscious consumers, and overcapacity in the manufacturing sector and housing market. Hatzius is this year's recipient of the Lawrence R. Klein Award for Blue Chip Forecast Accuracy. The award, which is sponsored by the W. P. Carey School of Business, recognizes the economist who has compiled the most consistently accurate economic predictions over the preceding four-year period among those who contribute to the national Blue Chip Economic Indicators. Sluggish Growth for 2010 is expected...Blue Skies!
  17. _______________________________________________ Do you have a clue what Acorn is about? or its ties to S.E.I.U. and Obama ? I do understand that both sides need to be scrutinized by all of us and we cannot do this while we are being distracted by partisan B.S. Blue Skies!
  18. I don't know if you are in a union or if your government imposes a lot of overhead on business there to pay for their employees but i do know that where they moved to has about the lowest wages in the U.S. In America our manufacturing is going to Mexico and China in the masses and there seems to be nothing we can do about it . G.M. went bankrupt because of the high overhead demanded by the unions . Russia failed because of socialism I do know that the bigger the government becomes , the more corrupt it becomes and the less freedom we have . Capitalism has its faults , but it is what made the U.S. so prosperous . By the way i used to own a CNC machine shop until the economy collapsed and a lot of my suppliers went under or outsourced their work to China .. Blue Skies!
  19. Are you suggesting that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good? Once again here we go dividing up the people along party lines. I suggest that you start looking at things without the partisan B.S. Any human being is capable of committing a crime . Take off the blinders and start looking at the world from the middle , without politics . This country is based on we the people not the right or the left . Blue skies
  20. hwt

    Blame Bush

    Lucky, you don't get it . first, i am an independent and that means non partisan . just because i pointed out that both sides are to blame , this does not mean that i am from one party or the other. Here is my point ... pointing fingers at the other party does nothing to help this country except divide us. The constitution starts with we the people ...how does Blaming Bush help ? when both sides are to blame ? I think everyone should take off the blinders and carefully look at both sides with skepticism . and not blindly follow one party or the other. The way our founding father George Washington warned us to do when he gave his final speech to the people when he left office . Blue Skies
  21. hwt

    Blame Bush

    Lucky , i read your post and i can't believe that you allow yourself to be sooo distracted by that one sided opinion of yours . This country belongs to the people and not the government . wake up and try not to let the politicians control your mind so much . This can be done by carefully looking at both sides and do not allow either side to distract you . If you think that this is one parties fault , then they already own you . The people in the tea party movement would vote for either party and are truly independent. Blue skies
  22. The U.N.simply wants to take money from people who have and give to the people who have not .It is a well thought out scheme which the Progressive / Communist party has endorsed because this is the best way to socialize the entire Globe. Notice how they changed it from "Global warming " to climate change when the warming trend went the other way? The democrats do not want an investigation into weather or not the "hacked e-mails"show fraud because the fraud would have been exposed. Scott Brown saved us from the Democrats plan to taxing us to death
  23. It was the independent voter that elected Obama and he made the mistake of turning his back on them by allowing Pelosi / Reid to draft the contents of the bill. These two are Progressive / Communist and was written by extreme left nuts who want to make us a socialist country . Capitalism has its faults , but it is what made this country so prosperous. No one can make a rational decision until you get feedback from both sides of the spec tram. Blue Skies