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Everything posted by fossg

  1. I got to meet and jump with an old friend from the past completely unexpected. Last time I jumped with him was in 1990. I got to meet his wife who is a wonderful and gracious person. Ed and Mimi if you read this you two rock
  2. Known to abuse bottles of Jack Daniels
  3. Let it go and now he can't find it (kinda like
  4. Happy Birthday, may your landings always be soft, and your beer always cold
  5. The Hostess company is filing for bankruptcy no more HoHo's, Dingdong's, Snowballs, Twinkies Maybe the world realy is going to hell in a handbasket....
  6. I just remember the drawings on the wall of the cave.....
  7. The little piece of crap betryed his country. God only know how mny GIs got killed or maimed for his treachery. Not to mention the sources that were compromised and dissapered. You don't care about that stuff do you dreamdancer. Let others do the fighting and you just sit on the sidelines and complain about how fucked up this nation is and how barbaric its military is.....
  8. I agree 100%. The combintion of Steve Mrtin nd John Candy ws a masterful stroke of casting. It is classic.
  9. I will be staying at the dropzone 22,23,24 then early in to work for a double shift on Christmas so my friend (who still has a family can spend it with his)
  10. Those were some of my best moves.... ohhh the pain
  11. Thanks Shah, you're ok in my book bro..
  12. I have trod the ground you are wallking. My wife gave me thhe ultimatium of ''me or the sport'' I then snuck out of the house for about a year. Then I stoped for almost 20 years. Deep down I held a resentment against myself and her for stoping. Finaly a lot of things came to a head. I am jumping again. And getting a divorce. Try to reason with her. There are a lot of skydivers out there who raise familys and jump at the same time. Finaly who ever might be reading this and is considering getting in a relationship, make double damn sure that the ''significant other'' will be suportive of skydiving. If not wallk the fuck away... i
  13. Jeez the gal I sent that to promised not to put it on you tube
  14. All I can say is that I live in absolute fear of an 85 year old lady getting on a airplane with a colostomy bag.... thank God the TSA is on point for those situations
  15. It was great being there and being able to witness this. Plus there were more pioneers of the sport in the crowd supporting Pat than Bayer has aspirin. On a scale from 1 to 10 I would give this day an 11....
  16. Comet 300, XL Cloud (270 sq ft) Firebolt 328.... what can I say I'm big, I'm old, I'm hairy, and sometimes I'm grumpy....
  17. They gave me the "skydiving speech" at the bowling alley. (How was I supposed to know that ya gotta keep the stupid ball in the SAME lane all the time)
  18. Uh what about Probation officers that like to fish and Sky dive?
  19. fossg

    well follks

    I got back into the sky again