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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. Thats pretty neat. Really intense, but definitely cool!
  2. all the times ive used them, they have burned warm, but nothing close to unbearable, get a set, and try them out while youre walking around the house or something, if they are too hot then dont use them, either way its worth a shot. . . I get burns every time I use them, and I never put them directly on my skin
  3. Ask Hushpuppy and/or Psychobob if they can bring some quality seafood packed in ice. They live down near the AL/FL coast. IDK how much I'd trust seafood after a 5-6 hour drive ... ice or not... Then again I have a sensitive tummy. It'll be fine. My family have done that for 40 years. Load up a couple of coolers worth of fish and shrimp at the end of our beach vacation, covered with ice, and drive 7 hours home. Then repackage everything for the freezer. Interesting.... Im pretty sure PsychoBob said he's coming, but who knows, I may have made that up in my head....
  4. Ask Hushpuppy and/or Psychobob if they can bring some quality seafood packed in ice. They live down near the AL/FL coast. IDK how much I'd trust seafood after a 5-6 hour drive ... ice or not... Then again I have a sensitive tummy.
  5. I like it! Thank you for sharing!
  6. What? I guess that should have been directed at Normiss only. Figured you were in on it too. After my rant about my name continuing to be left off after I added it, he reposted the list without my name. Then you posted it the same way. HEY! I tried to help you out, and you dont even notice!!!
  7. amstalder BillyVance dannydan Ellie (sweeeet) iluvtofly Jean Julie micduran Mutumbo normiss rick shakey dog skymama Spence The Don Taxiway (Scott) Wayneflorida
  8. Yes, this is me.. But does anyone else get confused when people change their pictures???? I know I was utterly confused a few moments ago in another thread, when someone mentioned AggieDave's post and I didnt see the armadillo.
  9. Who said we ignored them???
  10. I read the first one. And I agree!
  11. I was pretty excited when I read it... I wanted to spread the word far and wide..... What better place than the Bonfire?!
  12. I cant wait to find the other books!
  13. I DIDNT KNOW! Id never even heard of PostSecret before yesterday!
  14. Just spent the last hour or so reading PostSecret. Read it cover to cover. I am in awe. Here is a link to his website --> Long story short this man (Frank Warren) asked people to send him a secret on a postcard as a small project, and it has turned into this amazing world wide art project. It was really touching reading the ones in the book, and I cant wait to explore his website and the rest of his compilations... It's almost scary how many times I thought, "Ive felt that way" as I was reading.
  15. Mohawks are cool. fohawks (fauxhawk? you know what I mean) are not.
  16. Pretty much any haircut thats acceptable in the military... except high and tights... not a fan of those... On the right guy, a buzz cut is sooo sexy.
  17. I feel like I need to defend myself lol. I had the cute Asian schoolgirl bobbed version.. Not the icky soccer mom version with the spikes. I loved what I did with mine, and if in the near future I need to go short again, I will go back to that haircut, but for now Im trying to grow it out! (You have no idea how excited I am that my hair touches my shoulders now!)
  18. Haha, I almost missed the ping pong balls! I love it! (although its no wonder swine flu is so wide spread , such a yucky game!)
  19. I would...but who'll be doing the driving? You mean, you dont drive ETA: I think I read that the wrong way... Im not driving up there... Its cold!
  20. I have a version of it in my profile pic No shaving on the back of my head tho. Bleh! (and for the record this was before Kate Gosslin.... Needed something short and not boring for my "prison" time)
  21. That stuffing sounds amazing! Well all of it does, but the stuffing especially
  22. I don't know anything about field parties. Evidently, they go to fields and throw parties... that is what I got out of it anyways.... One of the better boogies I've been to was an early FreeFly Festival in Rome,Ga. We couldn't hold the party on the airport so they found a local land owner that let us have the party in a field about a mile from the road. Generator for lights and tunes,it was a blast. Now that sounds fun!
  23. Haha thank you Shah. My parents actually didnt know the builder was planning this. My parents know good and well not to get involved in my love life anymore than letting me know what they think of the guy