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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. But to get TWO big round apples in a girls butt??? The hole isnt that big!! I hope they knocked the girl out for the process.... Id imagine it was traumatic.
  2. OOOO, good question.... I knew a guy who couldnt after 2 beers. Lame. I've always been able to get hard still after hours and hours of straight drinking. It just takes longer to get off. Come to think of it why don't women wanna bang drunk guys ALL the time? Well I know for me, it usually means Im drunk too, and when Im drunk I want to make out for about four minutes and then go to sleep But I rarely drink anymore, so no big deal.... Maybe i should spike my bf's drink this weekend BF?! boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. and to answer the question. you could spike his drink or make him wear a condom. alcohol and condoms have the same effect as far as making it take way too long.
  3. Did you ever figure out how you got there???
  4. OOOO, good question.... I knew a guy who couldnt after 2 beers. Lame. I've always been able to get hard still after hours and hours of straight drinking. It just takes longer to get off. Come to think of it why don't women wanna bang drunk guys ALL the time? Well I know for me, it usually means Im drunk too, and when Im drunk I want to make out for about four minutes and then go to sleep But I rarely drink anymore, so no big deal.... Maybe i should spike my bf's drink this weekend
  5. Wait, does that mean you have?? Bc I truly want to know how she got them in there! Seems to me there shouldve been a lot of ripping and discomfort!
  6. OOOO, good question.... I knew a guy who couldnt after 2 beers.
  7. Last year my friend showed me a video of a girl who pushed two whole granny smith apples out of her butt.... I still wonder how she got them in there
  8. Drive from SC to Bama-fly from Birmingham to Memphis-drive to Tunica, MS for a few days-back through Memphis to Ozark, AL via Birmingham where I'll pick up my car again-on to Bay St. Louis, MS with a possible stop in Pensacola for a day or two then home. Looking at 18 straight days on the road. I haven't worked up the courage to tell my wife yet. Not entirely sure where youre trying to go, but I live right outside Ozark and Im in Pensacola every weekend if yall need anything! Oh really? I may be going to school in FL. There are a lot of things I need. Btw I'm gonna try to make this as uncomfortable, in a sexual tension sort of way, as I possibly can while I'm still high on painkillers and have an excuse. You can ask all you want, doesnt mean the answer will be yes And awkward moments are fun.
  9. OK - So - Line up 5 bucled straight jackets, 4 Abnormal Psychologists, 3 French Maids, 2 bottles of KY, and a Poster of Janeane Garofalo . . . that should do it for him. Ok I shouldnt had said "anything."
  10. Drive from SC to Bama-fly from Birmingham to Memphis-drive to Tunica, MS for a few days-back through Memphis to Ozark, AL via Birmingham where I'll pick up my car again-on to Bay St. Louis, MS with a possible stop in Pensacola for a day or two then home. Looking at 18 straight days on the road. I haven't worked up the courage to tell my wife yet. Not entirely sure where youre trying to go, but I live right outside Ozark and Im in Pensacola every weekend if yall need anything!
  11. That makes sense... (and dont worry Im terrible with these things too! dont have a clue what to do when it comes to this stuff )
  12. Tits and Ass?? of course lol, it always comes back to that. I shouldve known
  13. So um, I just looked up "meat and potatoes" on urban dictionary, and all I found was that it could be a reference to a mans cock and balls, a reference to a bisexual man, and a reference to shoving a mans cock and balls in to teeny weeny shorts in Australia... I have neither cock nor balls... so what are you looking for here??
  14. Why would you name your rig after a small town in Nevada? Ive only been to Vegas. Might have to make a trip to Fallon, Nevada one day tho, just because it has an awesome name. I love the name Don't drink the water or eat the local lake fish. BTW - Manufacturer named my rig "Wings" - says so right on the side. I always thought the "Infinity" on her side was her last name Thanks for the tip on the water/fish!
  15. I want to go to Hell, Michigan for the same reason. They run a 10 mile race there that'd I'd love to run for the "Run Thru' Hell 10 miler" race T-shirt. Thats awesome!
  16. Why would you name your rig after a small town in Nevada? Ive only been to Vegas. Might have to make a trip to Fallon, Nevada, one day tho, just because it has an awesome name. I love the name ETA a comma.
  17. You really shouldnt make assumptions
  18. Dont know about the other women, but a LOT... and its gotten worse now that I dont have the money to spend on shoes REALLY! Are you serious! I mean ok I spend maybe a half an hour looking at motorcycles or motorcycle gear. And just as much looking for an audible.....but how much time do you "window" shop online? I doubt it's close to the supposed 4 hours a week your average guy spends looking at porn but still...even if it's 3 hours I will be surprised. Oh no definitely not that much. I may spend 1-2 hours every week looking at shoes, purses, clothes etc. But for me thats a lot. I keep a page open with dropzone or facebook up most of the time, but I dont actually spend a ton of time on the computer.
  19. Dont know about the other women, but a LOT... and its gotten worse now that I dont have the money to spend on shoes
  20. So basically youre trying to burn your house down
  21. I wish they were still that cheap.. My low tops out of the kids department cost me $40 bucks before the 10% sales tax... thats two jumps!
  22. +1 And when he lets me pluck his unibrow
  23. Depends on what he does in the navy, but I always had to ask permission, and I knew guys who got in a good bit of trouble for not submitting the proper paperwork. But if it's just a tandem, and doesnt brag about or decide to take up the sport, he'll most likely be fine. And if he doesnt get hurt/killed (Shit can happen, which is why there are waivers galore)