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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. I actually have had major surgery, and have experienced a lot of physical pain. And even mantal pain and irritation. No this wasnt physically painful. By no means did I intend to imply that it was physically painful. However, I am usually quite good at holding conversations with people I dont know and keeping a situation from being awkward. But the fact that this kid expected me to fawn over him (his reputation is known around here, its a pretty small area) and couldnt even hold a conversation with me or my parents, was quite unacceptable.
  2. I don't know anything about field parties. Evidently, they go to fields and throw parties... that is what I got out of it anyways....
  3. So, my parents are building their retirement home, and the lady building it is this super sweet little lady. Well for the last 4-5 months she's been talking about her grandson and how he needs to start taking responsibility with his life and how his parents hand him everything (theyre millionaires) and blah blah blah. Well, evidently he just broke up with his girlfriend. Well, I decided today that I would go out to the house with my folks and see how it's all turning out. Theyre signing for it on Monday, so its almost done! This was my first trip out there in awhile, and the builder had met us out there to discuss some stuff with my parents. and she brought this grandson with her.... And this is where the pain starts.... She introduces me to him (and while youre reading this make sure you remember these two have VERY deep Southern accents), and the next thing out of her mouth is "And she skydives! Can you believe she jumps out of planes with a parachute strapped to her back??" Ok, no big deal, she's super sweet. Well this kid responds after a few seconds with "I dont know anything about parachutes." So I tried to be polite and just smile, and make a little small talk. But holy shit it was hard. You could just see him trying to rub together his 3 brain cells to form sentences. I kept asking him about school and what he wants to do with his life (basically the idea of school to him is its a place to party, and he wants to take over the family business after college... A real hard worker you know.). He asks me if Ive ever been to a "field party" It was seriously the most awkward/painful experience of my life. BUT my parents just told me theyd fill up my car for being nice
  4. Last night I went birthday present shopping for my dad.... got him a few nice cigars and some random stuff. That was fun, except i had to run ALL OVER Pensacola before I could decide what to get him! Dads are hard to shop for! Today is the Blue Angels Airshow, so after I make a couple jumps I'll head over there to watch my friends jump in! And tmrw perhaps jump some more?? And study!
  5. I believe what he meant was "Sex is like air, its only bad when you arent getting any."
  6. Didnt read the article, just looked at the title, very appropriate
  7. I think she will learn to not read the post and just click the clicky's really soon... Oh Im learning alright!
  8. I don't think it will ever die... So Im pretty bored tonight, and figure I have time to read through 48 pages of this, and I get to page 2, and the OP has worked everyone up... and HE EDITED OUT HIS ATTACHMENT! , so now Ive read about his "mach 3 look" and the "dayummm" posts, and I have no way of knowing if its really "dayummm" worthy! Pg 12 need I say more!! I havent gotten that far yet... only on page 10... kind of hung up on TypicalFish right now.... For some reason I think there is a better pic of him on pg 12....I could be wrong though... Im getting there! Im getting there! He has another on page 11, dont rush me!
  9. I don't think it will ever die... So Im pretty bored tonight, and figure I have time to read through 48 pages of this, and I get to page 2, and the OP has worked everyone up... and HE EDITED OUT HIS ATTACHMENT! , so now Ive read about his "mach 3 look" and the "dayummm" posts, and I have no way of knowing if its really "dayummm" worthy! Pg 12 need I say more!! I havent gotten that far yet... only on page 10... kind of hung up on TypicalFish right now....
  10. I don't think it will ever die... So Im pretty bored tonight, and figure I have time to read through 48 pages of this, and I get to page 2, and the OP has worked everyone up... and HE EDITED OUT HIS ATTACHMENT! , so now Ive read about his "mach 3 look" and the "dayummm" posts, and I have no way of knowing if its really "dayummm" worthy!
  11. amstalder

    Designer vagina

    I didn't see a link in that thread... But the thread was still hilarious.;post=3392826;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; I remember that thread... Here is your LINK Ok, I retract my earlier statement... I might consider it if I had one that looked the ones in those pictures.... That doesnt happen with childbirth does it???? I never looked at that site so I have no idea how bad those before pics were. As far as what childbirth does the the vajayjay you have to ask dr kbordson. That is her specialty... DONT! Its terrible! Im afraid for my vagina!
  12. amstalder

    Designer vagina

    I didn't see a link in that thread... But the thread was still hilarious.;post=3392826;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; I remember that thread... Here is your LINK Ok, I retract my earlier statement... I might consider it if I had one that looked the ones in those pictures.... That doesnt happen with childbirth does it????
  13. I had a few like that back in my 20's. One was buried so deep that it took a sewing needle to drill a hole down to it and then when I squeezed, pus sprayed out in a roughly 1" diameter pattern on the mirror. It was awesome. EWWWW! We dont need to know about your STDs!! I forgot to mention it was on my chin. Never had a STD. So much for a late night snack.... YUCK!
  14. So how you doin' this evening? I think she is a bit confused... Its so true, Im just a confused little girl. Oh what will I do?? you need to get a role model....I can suggest a few.... I will happily take suggestions.
  15. I had a few like that back in my 20's. One was buried so deep that it took a sewing needle to drill a hole down to it and then when I squeezed, pus sprayed out in a roughly 1" diameter pattern on the mirror. It was awesome. EWWWW! We dont need to know about your STDs!!
  16. So how you doin' this evening? I think she is a bit confused... Its so true, Im just a confused little girl. Oh what will I do??
  17. This whole thread is MEGA confusing! Im about to go start googling acronyms....
  18. amstalder

    Designer vagina

    If I'm going to spend money on plastic surgery it certainly wouldnt be on my vagina... A pair of boobs perhaps... Seriously, how many guys really pay attention to how a vagina looks? Most guys I know only care that it's clean....
  19. Actually some people think it is Anyone remember Mary K Laternaeu (sp) Wa state circa 1995, fell in serious love with 13yo student. My Wife actually met Mary K while they were in prison (WCCW) at the same time. In the name of "love" Mary K lost her husband, their 4 children and did 7 years in prison . I think the victim (jailbait) was still under 21 by the time Mary K got out of prison and was able to marry him, and be reunited with their two love children. Google is your friend To each her own, I guess.
  20. Yuck, I didnt even go to my own prom. And when I was in high school condoms were for decorating car antennas (not that long ago btw, so I'd imagine he isnt doing much different with them)
  21. Im not too worried about it. Just wanted to share. I do understand where your daughter is coming from however... My donor married a 20 year old when I was 14. He was just under 40 at the time. I was lucky I had my stepdad through that time, and he's the man that truly stepped up to the plate as my father.
  22. And a 19 year old girl does? Hmmmm. Of course not! But how do you expect me to learn??
  23. TTIWWOP. -->This Thread Is Worthless WithOut Pictures
  24. ] HAHAHA i was waiting for that, surprised it came so fast! Just think how I felt!!