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Everything posted by robskydiv

  1. He Casie, You've got to show the recruiter your icon. (Cute Kitty) He'll give you anything you want.
  2. Utah! Cool, your'e allowed to have multiple wives!! j/k Welcome. Harry
  3. Houston, we have a problem. There's a jumper out there and you need to bring him in for a landing. matousek, check the back of yor parachutist magazine, or PM Wendy. Hope you find the best DZ ever.
  4. Hey there Gator, Keep posting and you'll lose that "newbie" title. btw, welcome.
  5. Well put motherhucker. You make a salient point.
  6. Congrats Dave! Confucius say: "When you find a job that you love to do, you won't work a day in your life."
  7. Hi Bill. I'm a skydiveaholic. Welcome.
  8. Yo vi a los fotos. Que gente mas linda!
  9. I understand the purpose of the "Safety and Training" forum. I don't feel comfortable reading about anyone's speculation about someone's personal tragedy so soon after it happens no matter who the victim was. I would like to suggest a waiting period that would follow the posted incident. Think about this and you decide how long.
  10. I like your initial question. Technically when one meets all of the D-License requirements, he/she is awarded the title: "Master Skydiver" I used to interpret this as meaning one who has mastered the basics of formation skydiving, canopy control and safety. Changing the numbers requirement aren't going to change a thing. The sport will continued to be represented well by those who have been mentored and poorly by those who haven't regardless of the number requirement.
  11. Major, positive vibes, flowing your way!
  12. Good job Skymama! Keep doing night jumps! Pretty soon, you'll be teaching the class.
  13. Wow! And Woe!!! Thanks for sharing your experience Nubain. I was really wanting a Spectre 230, but now, you made me fall back in love with my Falcon 265. I'm glad that you are ok. I trust that you didn't fracture any ribs or vertebrae. Good luck and be careful. Harry btw, I 've heard that those Skymasters have soft openings.
  14. Hi Asta. I like your avatar.
  15. Welcome Mellies. 101 is a very nice number. Keep jumping friend. Blue Skies!
  16. Well, ALRIGHT!! Congrats, and enjoy your AFF course.
  17. Hola querida. como estas? Me alegro de que encontraste este pedazo del internet. Bienvenido. Donde esta tu dropzone? Humacao? Tu amigo, y hermano del aire, Enrique
  18. I'm so happy for you. I'm so proud of you. You have intestinal fortitude and you are pushing yourself to try something that is adventurous and very cool. Enjoy your jumps. Harry
  19. I've used the RSL everytime except for three camera jumps. Now the skyhook looks like a promising development.
  20. On the "small" dropzones where I jump, the hook turners stay away from the others and vice versa. There is mutual respect, and so far it's worked out great.
  21. I've watched a few times. And I've helped install cypress set-ups, many days ago. The Reserve Repack is involving. I think that my rigger earns his forty bucks.
  22. Go Speed Racer. Everything will be alright.
  23. robskydiv

    Friday Haiku

    I jumped the West Wind It was so much fun to do Tullahoma RAWKS!!!
  24. Hi Casie. The Air Force is very specialized It can give you some awesome career skills. Make sure that the recruiter knows about your degree.