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Everything posted by wolfriverjoe

  1. In order to flip, the prosecutor has to offer a plea deal. Generally, that happens when the prosecutor needs additional testimony to convict the primary target. It seems that Jack Smith has enough to convict Trump. I'd doubt he'd offer much to the others. Personally, I'd like to see all 7 of them get significant time for Seditious Conspiracy.
  2. Governor Lepetomane (Mel Brooks) had the big line. Hedley Lamarr had the 'Give the Governor a Harrumph'. https://www.google.com/search?q=blazing+saddles+harrumph+scene&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS910US910&oq=Blazing+Saddles+Harru&aqs=chrome.3.0i512j69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i390i650l3.7201j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5773bff2,vid:jLO7VrRij_M
  3. Nah. Many presidents have pardoned many people at the end of their term. Most are innocuous, some are controversial. As far as 'only the Rs', look up Bill Clinton. Particularly the FALN terrorists and Marc Rich.
  4. Oh yes. Western nations are providing huge amounts of information, in addition to physical supplies. There are reports that Russian satellite imagery is badly degraded, while commercial Western satellite info is being provided to Ukraine. How much military satellite info is being provided is still a secret (speculation runs from 'a lot' to 'just about everything'). Back in the early stages, there were NATO AWACS planes flying standard patterns over Poland and the Baltics. There was a lot of speculation that Ukraine was being given 'real-time' info that they could use to stop the Russians. Putler blustered and threatened, as usual, but anyone who understood the situation and capabilities of both NATO and the Russians knew full well that he'd never even try to attack those planes. In part because he'd fail if he did try.
  5. A couple thoughts: The Ukrainians are doing a very good job of attriting Russia's supplies. They're blowing up ammo depots EVERY DAY. And POL storage. In both occupied Ukraine and in Russia. The Russians are losing incredible amounts of things they desperately need and don't have a whole lot of. Advancing in the face of prepared defenses is hard. Really hard. The Ukrainians are doing a pretty good job of it. They're moving slowly, but trying very hard to not lose any more people or equipment than absolutely necessary. The Ukrainians still haven't committed much of their reserves. The ones that are well equipped and well trained. They're sitting back and waiting for the right opportunity. The Ukrainian general staff has demonstrated their intelligence (smarts), strategic prowess, intelligence (info about the enemy), flexibility, care and concern for their troops and a whole lot of other things. They know what they are doing. I have a pretty solid belief that there will be significant gains by the Ukrainians before the fall rains. Maybe not everything, but I'd bet they'll have Crimea cut off before winter.
  6. Also a lot easier than having to defend all the lies in there. Third paragraph. "False assumption people are afraid". Yeah, that's why they're shooting people on their front porch. Because they AREN'T afraid of them. The laws for use of deadly force in self defense ALL have words to the effect of 'in reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm'. I'm not going to address each and every lie and falsehood in there, but there's a bunch.
  7. The lawyers are learning. Trump has such a long history of being a deadbeat, of refusing to pay bills, that the lawyers are now demanding to be paid in advance. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/15/politics/save-america-pac-trump-lawyer/index.html Of course, Trump himself isn't paying those bills. His idiot supporters are donating the money for it. Barnum was right.
  8. Or a parent wanting proper treatment for their child's gender dysphoria. Or a parent wanting their children to be taught history. Or a parent wanting their child to be able to choose what books to read. Or someone wanting to marry the person they want to. Or someone wanting to vote.
  9. Supermax? No 'gen-pop' there. Isolated all day long. Given the level of secret info he's stolen, given how valuable it could STILL be if he just told people (presuming he can remember some of it), given the fact that one of the tip-offs that he was sharing that info with others was the CIA realizing that some of their overseas sources (you know - actual people) were disappearing, I think a pretty good argument could be made for a sentence to be served in Florence CO.
  10. Gonna guess he asked them 'why did you go to that neighborhood?
  11. As someone who has lost a fair amount of hearing (in situations with background noise, I have a hard time understanding conversations), the phrase 'Can you please repeat that a little bit louder and slower' is something I say a LOT. And despite hearing issues, my reading comprehension is fine. As part of the 'victim blaming', there were blatant lies about Till's behavior. Which is pretty typical for him.
  12. Hi Jerry, More like a 'run for the border'. Or a 'run to the hinterlands'. Lots and lots of stories out there about draft evaders. Many leave Russia (if they are able). Many more go to 'grandma's house' or a similar relative, friend, relative of a friend, friend of a relative, and on and on. Someone who lives in one of the outlying areas. No running water, maybe not even electicity. No jobs either. But very little government. Lots of mafia in those areas. Protection from the main government can be bought fairly cheap. Of course, anyone with any real money and/or skills has left the country. Georgia is super popular. Not all the Georgians are happy that they're there. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/02/they-dont-know-how-they-are-viewed-here-russians-in-georgia-revive-old-tension
  13. Seen elsewhere: Uvalde is a small town. Edmond is a small town. Blacksburg is a small town. Sandy Hook is a small town. Sutherland Springs is a small town. And in those towns, real bad guys showed up, and no good guys magically took them down.
  14. "Performance Patriotism". You're not a REAL 'patriot' unless you have about 20 US flags flying from your truck, including the altered 'blue line' ones. And wearing red white & blue everything*. * - of course, the 'code of conduct' for the US flag covers any sort of alteration to the flag, any placement of 'other emblems' on it. Or 'wearing the flag as apparel'. Helpful hint: those sorts of things are prohibited. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8
  15. So the 'silent majority' is a bunch of chickenshit bigots? Who are afraid of a picture of a trans person on a beer can? And so afraid of black people that they need to 'get my grandaddy's gun and shoot them'? Keep in mind that those "good old boys" in small towns have a VERY long history of lynching black people. Of course, country fans have a reputation of not being terribly smart. And of being racist hicks. How many of the 'silent majority' are flying Confederate flags? Something I've learned in the past 15 years or so is how MANY of the hateful, ignorant bigots were simply hiding under rocks, pretending to be civilized, decent people. At least they're being open about it these days. Makes it easier to know who to watch out for.
  16. Holy moly! Completely, totally, utterly insane. I never joined Twitter. There were times I considered it, but I have enough going on that I really didn't need to add another social media outlet. As Musk's acquisition gets weirder and weirder, I feel more and more that I made the right decision.
  17. Click on my link to the lyrics. It's a google results page. Click on 'videos'. Right there. And yeah, any song that says 'Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love Jesus' isn't going to be 'family friendly'.
  18. I'm a bit surprised that this thread hasn't taken off. The constant stream of ignorant bullshit from the idiots in the "Freedom Caucus", Alabama defying the SC ruling for redistricting, Abbot breaking a WHOLE LOT of rules (federal, state and international) in constructing a barrier in the middle of the Rio Grande, the list is pretty long. However, one recent thing (not an actual 'statement') is both utterly hilarious and absolutely typical. Ohio SecState Frank LaRose is running for US Senate. He mad the formal announcement last Monday (17th). During the conference call the song "The Loophole" by satirists Garfunkel & Oats was playing. The song starts off very pious and proper. But it goes well beyond the 'bounds of propriety' fairly quickly. Lyrics (warning NSFW): https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TLKoMkxPLygyYPRSSE8sSivNy07NUUjMS1HITyxJLVYoyUhVyMnPL8jIz0kFAI_dEQA&q=the+loophole+lyrics&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS910US910&oq=Garfunkele+an&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j46i13i131i433i512j0i13i512j46i13i131i433i512j46i13i512l2j0i13i512j46i13i512j46i13i199i465i512.8048j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&si=ACFMAn-NQkl3H6265t0r-8ceWzQU7TA2FhfjB7PCPnKu7wpWy2YAbKfuMMEXY-vtqMId_phQweQxPraIAGnC0mDxcV1ALLEfkvrNb63I_HXqH9U7oOJsfmgR3Rk_BUDBRaY-JRdJDHp2DF2zNeY_1lXytyPi_9juBQ%3D%3D&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwi_3MuFkaOAAxUrkYkEHZxiDLYQjukCegQIIxAC The staffers tried (and failed) to shut it off, asked everyone to mute themselves, put LeRose on hold and when he came back off hold... It was still playing. The staffers are trying to play it off as a prank by the opposition, with "campaign spokesman Ben Kindel told The Post on Tuesday that the the culprit was “probably” a supporter one of LaRose’s rivals who obtained dial-in information on the semi-private call with state GOP leaders." NY Post article:https://nypost.com/2023/07/18/obscene-song-the-loophole-overshadows-ohio-senate-candidate-frank-laroses-campaign-launch/ It's been speculated that in typical R fashion, they listened to the first verse: All my life I've been good Do what my mom and dad and God say I should Go to church and Bible School To live by God's rule So whatever people tell me That The Bible tells me I will do Walk the halls of high school with my purity ring Unlike those other girls, I've got my morals in check But didn't go far enough to understand the main premise of the song is that 'butt stuff' isn't really sex, so a girl can do that and stay a virgin (not going to quote those lyrics here). I'd also guess, mainly because it's what the Rs typically do, they didn't get permission to use the song from the owners of the copyright. Being endorsed by Trump in the last election, and refusing to distance himself, I'd like to point out that his campaign announcement could have included: MAGA - Make Anal Great Again
  19. I'd guess that the 'discovery' process for that suit would have been a 'bit problematic' for the Mango Mussolini.
  20. I wouldn't be too surprised if there are 'terrorist bombs'. The hatred and bigotry of his followers shouldn't be underestimated.
  21. Well, if he hadn't been in a wheelchair, he might have been able to fight back. These are some seriously tough assholes.
  22. Well, the Bald Eagle was not going to become extinct. There were too many in Canada & Alaska. HOWEVER... In 1963 there were only 417 nesting pairs recorded in the lower 48. There was a pretty good chance they'd be gone for a lot of the country. After banning DDT in 1963, and the Protection Acts that were put in place in the 40s, they came back quite nicely. Current estimates are over 70k nesting pairs in the lower 48. nearly a 200x increase. Not bad for a bunch of 'liberal hippie bunny huggers,'