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Everything posted by wolfriverjoe

  1. The calls for Trump to be disqualified from running for president under the 14th amendment are growing. And from some well known conservative legal scholars, too. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/19/politics/donald-trump-fourteenth-amendment-2024-race/index.html
  2. Easy. The oft-repeated misquote of Margaret Sanger. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pp-exterminating/fact-check-planned-parenthood-founder-margaret-sangers-1939-quote-on-exterminating-black-population-taken-out-of-context-idUSL2N2X11YN
  3. So Kid Rock shot up the case of Bud Light, ranted and raved about how horrible trans folks are and swore up and down that he'd NEVER touch Bud Light again. Right... https://www.tmz.com/2023/08/18/kid-rock-drinks-bud-light-beer-dylan-mulvaney-shoot-cases/ Seen at a Colt Ford show in Nashville... Drinking a few Bud Lights.
  4. Any significant crime committed in DC is a 'federal crime'. And I can't see in any way how warning Duncan not to testify, along with the 'If you come after me, I'm coming for YOU' post wouldn't be considered witness tampering. Of course, because he's rich & white, he'll get a pass, just like every other time.
  5. Well, there was a fella in Provo Utah that made a bunch of threats towards Biden & Harris. When the FBI came to talk to him, he said "come back with a warrant", and then proceeded to make threats towards the FBI. When the FBI came back with the warrant he asked for, he answered the door with a gun. He's now dead. https://apnews.com/article/utah-biden-fbi-assassination-threat-ba3cc1d3b2f6cca8bd429febdcf04219 Can't say I'm terribly surprised. Or in any way sorry. Note: He was fully within his rights to insist that they get a warrant before he'd let them in or talk to them. The warrant they 'came back with' was an arrest warrant. Because making death threats towards the President is an actual crime.
  6. Hi Jerry, 'Cool' is relative. Coffee helps.
  7. Ummmmm... No. Thalidomide was NEVER approved by the FDA 'back in the day', despite significant pressure from the pharmaceutical companies. It's currently approved for a few specific uses, with very strict restrictions for pregnant women.
  8. The Ruble has tanked pretty badly. Worth less than a penny each.
  9. Fun one: Sheri Tenpenny is a rather disgraceful doctor. She's been 'fringe' for a while and anti-vax for quite a while. In June of 2021, she testified before an Ohio State House committee that the Covid vaccine would magnetize the recipients and 'interface with cell phone towers' (really). After 350 complaints were made, the Ohio state Medical Board opened an investigation. She declined to participate. So, as a result of that non-participation, her medical license has been suspended indefinitely. To be clear: The board did NOT suspend her license because of her idiotic claims. It was because: Source: https://www.politicalflare.com/2023/08/ohio-doctor-claimed-vaccines-magnetized-people-now-shes-lost-her-medical-license/
  10. And, of course, every other country that has nationalized health care is seeing the exact same problems. (we really need a 'sarcasm font')
  11. Wow. CHOP zone was dismantled over 2 years ago. Slim being on top of current events as well as he does science.
  12. Oh please. He understands full well what those words mean. He just chooses to pretend that they mean stuff they don't. Standard tactic.
  13. Absolutely hilarious how well this proves what incompetent idiots all the Rs are. Slim's got access to ALL THAT PROOF of how corrupt Biden is, how much bribe money he's taken, all the sexual improprieties, all that stuff. And the best the Rs can do, with all their hearings, testimony, prosecutors and stuff is a couple minor tax charges and a gun paperwork charge. The Rs held hearings where Devon Archer testified, made LOTS of vague references to all sorts of crimes, but when the transcripts were finally released, they had NOTHING even remotely incriminating. Apparently, the Rs are now claiming they have 'evidence' on a hard drive... Somewhere. That they won't let anyone else see... Maybe they should subpoena Slim to testify. Along with his Fox videos. You know, the "news" network that evaded a libel suit by claiming that 'no reasonable person would believe this to be true'.
  14. And in places where those building codes are actually followed and enforced, the buildings stay standing in strong storms & earthquakes. Places where a nice fat bribe can save a TON of money because you don't have to follow them... Not so much. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/13/1156512284/turkey-earthquake-erdogan-building-safety
  15. Trump is REALLY good at 'not saying the exact words' that would be incriminating. He learned well from his mentor, Roy Cohn. Very much like the cliched 'nice place you have here, be a shame if something bad happened to it.' Of course, fools and idiots think that it's not a real threat. And supporters (usually both of the above) can argue that he didn't say the actual words, so that's not what he meant. One of the better examples is the 'bleach & UV' crap. He didn't actually say the words. But how many calls did poison control centers get about injecting bleach?
  16. I think the Ohio vote was a combination of 'keep your filthy hands off of women's bodies' AND "don't take away our right to decide what we want on everything.' While it was clearly (and clearly stated) about abortion rights, the deeper consequences were about the right of citizens to tell the government what to do and how to act. WIth all of the gerrymandering, the 'will of the people' has been hijacked quite well. R majorities (and sometimes supermajorities) in many states' legislatures, when the reality (as shown in statewide races like governor and US Senate) of far less support have damaged the idea of 'representative democracy' rather badly. This was one more step down that road. Fortunately, the people of Ohio saw through the smokescreens and defeated this.
  17. I understand Chapter 11 is 'reorganization', not 'total shutdown', but it'd be really great to see them have to liquidate most of their property to pay off the judgements. You know, all that real estate that they don't pay taxes on. Being sold and added to the tax rolls would be pretty cool. With the proceeds from the sales going to the victims.
  18. Yeah, don't forget the "Let's Go Brandon" crap started at a NASCAR race. And also remember the huge backlash when NASCAR banned Confederate flags. You know, the 'participation trophy'.
  19. Chiffon Margarine. I'm thinking of one from a few years ago. "Mother Nature", walking down a residential street with a bunch of 'forest critters' tagging along. She gets to a driveway, walks up to the car sitting there and starts using her walking stick to beat the crap out of the car. Tagline: Nature can be really hard on your car It was for car wax or something similar. Couldn't find it with a quick search.
  20. Oh hell yeah. Watching him kowtow to Putler in Iceland a few years ago was disgusting. Even more pathetic was the 'tough guy' he pretended to be afterwards.
  21. Well, to be at least sort of fair, as I quoted above, – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. And his idiot cult members eat it up. And echo it. You know, sort of like these two: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS910US910&sxsrf=AB5stBgySjlFixe2lGoS0FZ49i5r2B1LQQ:1691255923672&q=Beavis+and+butthead+lame+insults&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj127ekg8aAAxVshYkEHRI-A0gQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1536&bih=754&dpr=1.25#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c092a86c,vid:eFl5kCUuIWM
  22. I know you are being at least sort of silly, but you are absolutely correct. Most people don't understand his 'sense of humor' because he really doesn't have one. I saw this a while back, and it's as true today as it was over 4 years ago. Source: Best Description of Trump I've Read https://thehobbledehoy.com/2019/03/08/british-writer-pens-the-best-description-of-trump-ive-read/
  23. Actually, yes. I have a couple older cars. One 1983, one 1985. Just like any vehicle, it's a LOT easier to keep up on the work than to catch up on it. There are stories coming out of Ukraine that the oil in the engines of the captured tanks is something between tar and molasses. When the boss sells all the motor oil and pockets the money, it doesn't get changed much. OTOH, the Ukrainians seem to be able to keep their stuff operational. If you put the time, effort and money into it, it's still a lot of work, but quite doable. I have no personal experience with armored vehicles, but my understanding is that they are very 'maintenance heavy'. That is, they take a couple hours of maintenance every day they are operated. Unlike 'kick the tire and check the oil' on a normal car, there's a lot that has to be checked, tightened and greased on a tank each and every day. The tracks that they use instead of wheels are excellent at traversing difficult terrain, but they need to have each and every joint between track sections checked and lubed every day. And that's just the tracks. There's a bunch of different items that need serious attention. Which the Russians aren't funded, equipped (the bosses sold off most of the tools) or motivated to properly do.
  24. Fun fact: Ukraine has lost a few hundred tanks in battle. HOWEVER, they have captured a lot too. They now have more tanks than they started with, due to the ones they've either captured or recovered. The only real downside is that many of the ones they've recovered (taken after being abandoned by the crew) are in REALLY bad shape. Not damaged, just not maintained worth a damn. So it takes a fair amount of work to get them useable again.