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Everything posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Did I say "transitive verb"? I thought I said "instransitive." Now I have to go back and look. In any case, you make a good point about it being a gerund there. Edit to add: Yeah, I said "intransitive" but I totally see your point.
  2. Yeah, I know. But nerds turn you on. How YOU doin'?
  3. English teacher here. I haven't looked at any of the links provided in the answers to your post, so I don't know if this has already been answered. You kind of answered it yourself by distinguishing between a gerund and an infinitive verb. "I like boxing." The word "boxing in that sentence is a gerund. Which means that it's not a verb. It's actually a noun. A gerund is a word that's normally used as a verb and becomes a noun in sentences like this. Boxing is a sport. It's a noun. While in the ring, a boxer is boxing. That's a verb. We don't say, "To box is a sport" because that would make a verb the subject of a sentence. "I like painting." This may be splitting hairs here, but I believe "painting in this sentence not to be gerund but rather an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb is one that is complete in a sentence like that and does not need a direct object. One can argue whether it's a gerund or an intransitive verb and both sides can prove that they're right depending on the thought of the speaker. Either way, though, it answers your question. Now, how does one convey this information to a person who has not grown up with the English language? It's hard as hell. I teach ESL myself. At times I'm able to answer these questions to the kids' satisfaction. Every once in a while, though, I just have to tell them that English is a complicated language. When they ask why, I explain how it's derivative of so many other languages; German, Latin, Greek, etc. The rules get thrown out the window as a result. They end up understanding that. Note: I don't feel like going back and proofreading this post, so if some anal asshole cares to call me on any mistakes I made and say I'm not a teacher (it's happened before) just know that I ain't agonna care none.
  4. Yep...Bay Area here. If you crash at each person's place for one night, you can avoid all lodging expenses all together and avoid annoying anyone for too long.
  5. Concur. The OP didn't say that he was experimenting with his throws. He said when he "tends" to throw it one way or another. The guy had a legitimate question in the middle of the week and didn't feel like waiting until the weekend to find an answer.
  6. My Peterson Field Guide to birds book shows it might be a gray hawk, but I can see some brown tints. I can't make a positive ID without seeing the breast. If only it was that way with humans.
  7. I'm pretty sure that's a cooper's hawk. It's very similar to the peregrine falcon, but the peregrine has longer winger tips allowing it to dive bomb faster.
  8. I was wondering when this would get on Youtube. This girl did an AFF jump 12 years ago using a rip cord. Of course, she held onto the rip cord because it was $20 if she let go. She obviously went through AFF again. Although I was level 2 at the time, Mako asked if I wanted to sit in on the ground school. I thought it was a good idea. Natasha was a bit incredulous when he told her to throw out the pc. She was told three or four times with one of those times being during practice. In Hollister, AFFers pull at 6k. It was below 5k when Mako grabbed her hand and had to pull for her. She got lucky on so many levels that day. Her neck had a nice red mark on it.
  9. My favorite is the entire laundry list of things God tells Moses he wants his alter to look like. I can't remember if it's Exodus or Leviticus or a combination, but he goes into this vivid description in how to build the alter with this size gold and that color curtains and a slew of other things. I thought to myself, "God is an interior decorator from Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy?"
  10. I was going to respond to this guy, but I could not have written one anywhere near as good as yours. While he's right that there are a select few people in the United States going out of their way to destroy or undermine religion (which is hypocritical if you think about it) the rest of his post was a load of shit.
  11. My five-year-old daughter asked me to come into my room one day. She was standing on our bed which is pretty high off the ground. She then leaped into the air toward me with a pretty good arch. I instinctively put out my arms and caught her. She then said, "See, daddy? I can fly like you can." She already wants to jump. She has to get at least a 3.7 in kindergarten, though, and her finger painting needs a lot of work!!
  12. He's a nice guy that "WOULD" make some lady a great boyfriend. In other words, he's not at this time. Why? Because girls mostly go for the bad boy.
  13. No woman under 35 put "nice guy" on that poll and told the truth.
  14. Hmmm. Having your 16-year-old daughter alone on the ground at the dz with a bunch of male skydivers while you're jumping. That can ruin a father's concentration. Introduce her to an older woman there to befriend her.
  15. You can stop posting. I have faith in you.
  16. It's a Friday, for Christ's sake. Have some fun! Stop posting.
  17. A student asked to see a video of me jumping. I went on youtube and showed him. Now, because the cameraman is falling at the same rate, he asked, "Are you falling there?" I said, "Of course I'm falling!" He replied. "It doesn't look like your falling. It looks like you're floating or flying." I then said, "You're right. I couldn't fool you. I'm really flying."