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Everything posted by Gravitymaster

  1. EXCLUSIVE: Less than 1% of visitors are signing up for Obamacare on state health exchange websites California's program registered an estimated 0.58 per cent of website visitors in its first day A Connecticut congressman boasted that his state took 167 applications for Obamacare services on day one, a rate of 0.59 per cent Obama administration won't say how many Americans signed up on the central website that covered insurance exchanges for 36 states Kentucky's 5.3 per cent application rate seems to be the nation's highest Other states wouldn't provide statistics, or tracked only the creation of new online accounts, not numbers of completed applications By David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor PUBLISHED: 16:05 EST, 2 October 2013 | UPDATED: 23:33 EST, 2 October 2013 As President Obama's signature health insurance overhaul effort began to enroll new participants on Monday, some states running their own insurance exchanges saw huge levels of website traffic but paltry interest in signing up. California, the ultimate blue state whose federal lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in support of Obamacare, turned less than 1 per cent of its Web visits into 'Covered California' participants on Tuesday. 'We had over 5.7 million hits to our website as of 3 p.m. yesterday,' Covered California spokeswoman Kelsey Caldwell told MailOnline Wednsday. '7,700 consumers began their application process yesterday. ... 4,143 applications are pending,' she added. 'We received 23,269 calls yesterday to our service center.' Caldwell couldn't say how many of the 5.7 million website hits were from unique Californians. But assuming 712,500 online visitors saw eight different Web pages each, the sign-up rate was 0.58 per cent. Obama-prayer? The White House is hoping millions of Americans will sign up for government-brokered health insurance, but so far there's no indication that the throngs of website lookie-lous are applyling Obama-prayer? The White House is hoping millions of Americans will sign up for government-brokered health insurance, but so far there's no indication that the throngs of website lookie-lous are applyling Connecticut saw a similarly low rate of interest. Democratic Congressman Jim Himes tweeted after 8:30 p.m. Monday that his state's health exchange had 'received 28k visitors, and took 167 applications for health insurance. Day 1.' That indicates just 0.59 per cent of Connecticut residents who sought information about their state's Obamacare program on Monday decided to become part of it, according to Access Health CT spokeswoman Kathleen Tallarita. New York Department of Health executive director Donna Frescato said in a statement that 'more than 12,000 business owners and individuals from across the state have shopped online for low-cost health insurance plans ... and the site has received nearly 30 million web visits.' Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti urged Californians to enroll in health care insurance through the Covered California program, but his pleas may be falling on deaf ears Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti urged Californians to enroll in health care insurance through the Covered California program, but his pleas may be falling on deaf ears A spokesman didn't respond to a request for clarification about whether those 12,000 people completed applications for health coverage. If they did, and if each 'web visit' corresponded to a New Yorker who saw 8 pages, the state's enrollment rate would be the lowest of all – 0.32 per cent. The low numbers of new enrollees stand in stark contrast to the robust website traffic statistics, suggesting that day-one anxieties about non-functioning online portals may have been overblown. Only 14 states have opted to run their own health insurance exchanges. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is handling signup duties for the other 36 states and the District of Columbia. 'Starting today,' President Obama said Tuesday during a White House Rose Garden event, 'you and your friends and your family and your coworkers can get covered, too. Just visit, and there you can compare insurance plans, side by side, the same way you’d shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or a TV on Amazon.' But his administration isn't saying how many Americans signed up online so far. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  2. You DO know who you addressing that post to don't you? Yep, I only asked for the entertainment value. The responses were predictable. That is just because you cannot fathom a scenario in which a gun would not be a great addition. I can think of many scenarios in which I think a gun might be helpful, I just don't like the odds of how I think this would play out. Right, better to run down, perhaps, innocent people with your SUV and then race thru the streets at high speeds, running red lights and endangering more innocent people. Good thinking. I have never shot at any one. Perhaps you need to lay off the movies for a while.
  3. You DO know who you addressing that post to don't you? Yep, I only asked for the entertainment value. The responses were predictable.
  4. "What I was going to ask you is if you've read those [10,535 pages] of regulations." Waxman said: “Have you read them?” "No. Have you read them?" Waxman said: “Is it important that I read it?” "Do you think that the American people should read it? I just asked you a very honest question. Whether you've read them? It's a yes or no question." Waxman: "I think it is a propaganda question, and I refuse to talk to you about it." ____________________________________________________ – When Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) was asked on Wednesday whether he has read all 10,535 pages of final Obamacare that the administration has so for published in the Federal Register, he first gave a response that did not address the question. When Warner was asked the question a second time, he walked away without answering. “Sir, the administration has published 10,535 pages of final Obamacare regulations into the Federal Register. Have you read all 10,535 pages?” Sen. Warner: “I think we saw yesterday a lot of interest from the American people. And are there ways that we can make this law better? Absolutely, but that ought to be debated at a different time.” “But have you read those 10,500 pages?” Warner did not answer and walked away.
  5. If you were in this situation, with your wife and child in the SUV, would you have wished you had a gun?
  6. One thing is very clear. We need more laws to prevent road rage.
  7. I'm interested in knowing what happened before the camera got turned on. Did the SUV driver cut the biker off? It happens all the time. I don't know too many bikers who go out looking for a fight. Most of the road rage I've observed or heard about has been when someone in a cage cuts a biker off. It also looks like the SUV driver either sped up or at the very least didn't apply his brakes when the motorcyclist slowed down in front of him. I think there's more to this story than has come out so far.
  8. Plus the sound bounces around. People turn their heads as you approach them because they can hear you coming.
  9. whichever one they pick, you have to pick the other and then meet in the middle somewhere it's a crappy tactic and childish It's politics. And it works. It's what people want. Think about it - quade is suggesting that Al Qaeda is easier to deal with than Republicans. The public eats this stuff up. Just wait until Jon Stewart picks up on it. People really eat his schtick up.
  10. I ride a brand new Street Glide. The standard factory exhaust comes with a catalytic converter which is required by EPA but it reduces the horsepower and also causes the bike to run hot. So hot, in fact that it's uncomfortable sitting at a traffic light. Especially on an air cooled bike. The EPA standard also requires the manufacturer to tune the fuel injection to run very lean. So, I took off the factory exhaust all the way to the heads and replaced them with new Vance and Hines pipes. I also took the catalytic converter off because my State doesn't require it on a bike. We then added a performance air intake and retuned and mapped the fuel injection. All of this causes the bike to run louder than it did with the original factory exhaust etc. I do try and be respectful of my neighbors and cool it when leaving and returning and I don't think any have a problem with it. However, I have set off car alarms when just fucking around. However, the simpler answer is that it sounds cool and many riders like the attention they get with loud pipes and will gun their engines whenever they get the chance. It's really no different than the reasons skydivers wear some of the brightly colored jumpsuits or canopies.
  11. Yep, just one more example of government preventing a law abiding citizen from protecting themselves against criminals. In this case, this guy was lucky they stopped at giving him a severe beating. It could have turned out much, much worse.
  12. Too bad that SUV driver didn't have a gun. Those bikers would have thought twice if he had fired a couple of rounds into the ground in front of them.
  13. For somebody who believes the above right wing lie, it's kind of ironic to them make a statement like: ***But, I know for liberal supporters, it is more about what you feel than what is true Please enlighten us as to whether you think there is a subsidy for members of Congress and their staff and if so, what % you think they will get?
  14. Are you freakin' serious? Here is just a small sampling of what's going on. I'd suggest you expand and update your "Newsfeed" a little.
  16. I think Elbert Guillory might have some disagreement with you about how much power the extreme hard left has had on the Democrat Party. So would Joe Leiberman and countless others.
  17. What "reasonable" methods should law enforcement take to prevent crime in these areas?
  18. Of course they have always been left. However, they have broken new ground since Carter and swung into the extreme left fringe. Certainly not the party of JFK.
  19. It demonstrates how extreme left the Democrat Party has swung. JFK would be considered a Republican by todays standards.
  20. Have Liberals taken over the Democratic Party? You be the judge.
  21. The Zombie Apocalypse is a metaphor for Liberalism. Unproductive, brainless half-wits stumbling around feeding off the living and productive.
  22. Call it whatever you want. It's still just more socialist whining about how unfair life is. If people spent more time improving themselves and attending to their own lives instead of alway looking over the fence at what their neighbor has, they would be a lot happier and a lot more successful. Not that I expect whiney liberals who think the government owes them something to understand.
  23. Liberal need the convenience of having someone close so they don't have to go too far out of their way in their Prius clown cars to stick their noses into other peoples business.
  24. Well, apparently it's asking too much for them to obtain an ID to vote, so this would make sense. Oh, life's little inconveniences. What to do, what to do.......