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Everything posted by Gravitymaster

  1. Gotta take some short cuts when you are only working with a $100 million dollar budget.
  2. Remember how upset the lefties got over Haliburtons no bid contract?
  3. I don't know about Ian, but I have done the solution architecture for a number of large government IT projects, although none anywhere near as big as this. Your tech guy is full of shit. I'm sure he would say you are full of shit. But what does he know, he only does it for a living.
  4. I don't know about Ian, but I have done the solution architecture for a number of large government IT projects, although none anywhere near as big as this. Your tech guy is full of shit. How much should it have cost?
  5. How many websites like this have you built? My guess is none. How much should it have cost? My guess is you have no idea. Thanks, but I'll go with someone who has built thousands of websites over an arm chair pseudo-techie. How many years of premiums would $100 million have bought for the 15% of the population this travesty is supposed to cover.
  6. I can assure you that if you give the people who built Amazons or Ebays website $100 million dollars, they could have built a first class website that would have worked well from day one. The President of my website designer company told me he could have done it for less than $1 million. When are people going to understand that the government mucks up almost everything they get involved in? When are people going to realize that a government program is nothing but a bottomless money pit that becomes corrupted with shady contractors, corrupt politicians etc.?
  7. So going into Iraq based on faulty evidence wasn't Bush's fault?
  8. Have you ever heard the expression "The Buck Stops Here"? Any idea of what that means?
  9. And the older they are and the more life experiences they have had, the more likely they are to be a Republican,
  10. Just one more example of government's inability to do anything right. Wait until they try and manage a huge healthcare data base.
  11. Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that given how much spying is done on everyone these days. Hidden cameras and microphones in the voting booth... wouldn't surprise me! Chuck Just make sure you vote the right way or you can expect an IRS audit.
  12. Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that given how much spying is done on everyone these days.
  13. But yet Liberals claim we have too many people in prisons. Then in the same breath, they scream about how we need to enforce laws and "get the criminals off the street".
  14. Yes, let's make it mandatory for all drivers to buy a LoJack. The government could start a free LoJack program. Do you have any idea how much we could save?
  15. Yeah, Obama should have fired all of them and replaced them with some of his cronies. That's the ticket! Chuck As GM goes, so goes the country.
  16. The real root of every leaders disapproval is that they are in a job that the disapprover 'thinks' {s}he can do much better. As demonstrated by the Keyboard Five Star Generals on here during the Bush Admin, as an example? I think that once you find a major objection to a person for whatever reason, that you tend to look even closer and find other things you don't like. Very similar to the reasons people end up divorced. But all of this is besides the point. My original comment was to one of the extreme left wingers on here who tried to suggest the reason some disapprove of Obama has to do with the color of his skin. its naive to think that that isn't the case for SOME, however I would hope that for most that wouldn't be the case. Unfortunately, based on posting history shown, some posters here do clearly show a racial bias. (Gravitymaster, that is NOT aimed at you. We may not agree on a lot but I don't believe you go down that road.) I did not take it as aimed at me, but thank you anyway. I abhor people who judge based on race. I do not disagree that there are always going to be some who judge people based on race. Just like there are some who cannot accept that some people live faith based lives. The person I responded to is claiming that race is the driving factor in the disapproval of Obama. I have many friends who disapprove of him and I do not hang out with racists. I find them repugnant.
  17. I love the closed door meeting conspiracy. It's like no one else except the people you don't like ever had a meeting behind closed doors. Except in this case, there was a lawsuit filed over the legality of the first lady conducting secret meetings. Which was initially won and later overturned. So don't try and claim they never happened.
  18. The real root of every leaders disapproval is that they are in a job that the disapprover 'thinks' {s}he can do much better. As demonstrated by the Keyboard Five Star Generals on here during the Bush Admin, as an example? I think that once you find a major objection to a person for whatever reason, that you tend to look even closer and find other things you don't like. Very similar to the reasons people end up divorced. But all of this is besides the point. My original comment was to one of the extreme left wingers on here who tried to suggest the reason some disapprove of Obama has to do with the color of his skin.
  19. So you are suggesting the Tea Party follow a similar tactic as the Democrats did? Get people on welfare so they are dependent on you and tell them is they don't vote for you, their government check will be cut off? Then make it a generational thing that becomes the way they think about life in general? No hope and plenty of despair? That tactic??
  20. The root of Clinton disapproval started with Hillarycare. Don't you remember Ted Kennedy and others going behind closed doors to work on it?
  21. For some odd reason, their seems to be a particular segment of our country that despises Obama, no matter what he does. I'm not really sure why that is, I just can't seem to put my finger on it. Probably the same ones who despised Clinton.
  22. It would be interesting to know how much he is suing for. The article doesn't make that clear. At least they have stopped feeding the faith haters.
  23. And obviously horse shit causes flies. Is that really the best you can come up with? I figured you would at least wriggle around a little.