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Everything posted by Gravitymaster

  1. Please point out where you find this "good deal" in the Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. You should try reading it, you might find it educational. I think anyone who interprets that to justify a weird type of narcissistic socialism would be well advised to re-evaluate their education.
  2. What part of "government of the people by the people for the people" is it that you can't comprehend? Only a narcissistic boob would think the government should force its citizens to lose weight so that person would be more comfortable on an airplane.
  3. What part of "government of the people by the people for the people" is it that you can't comprehend? So we can put you down as someone who demands the government cater to their personal desires. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you". Got it. I pay way more than the average in federal and state taxes, receive way less than the average in government services, and have never taken even $0.01 in government assistance. So take your your insults and shove them down your own throat. Poor baby, did I piss you off? Please point out where you find this "good deal" in the Constitution.
  4. Simple. Next time you are in a desperate situation, just ca your attorney to find out what you can and can't do.
  5. What part of "government of the people by the people for the people" is it that you can't comprehend? So we can put you down as someone who demands the government cater to their personal desires. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you". Got it. Those wealthy 1%er rich college professors just have the world owed to them by the government they keep indoctrinating the kids for you know.... It's no surprise more than 50% of the population can't make it without some assistance from the government with this type of mentality.
  6. What part of "government of the people by the people for the people" is it that you can't comprehend? So we can put you down as someone who demands the government cater to their personal desires. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you". Got it.
  7. Being a wealthy Professor, why don't you just pay for the seat next to you? Why do you have to rely on the government to make you more comfortable?
  8. Our football teams are world champions -- every year. Don't forget is the World Series after all. Don't forget basketball. None better than the U.S.
  9. if the thread title is true, then Obama Care will be homophobic? . . . politics is so confusing..... Very good. The government must either grant lesbians a waiver, or be accused of being homophobic. If they grant the waiver, then they open the door to other "groups" wanting waivers for their various "issues". I am sure they will eventually require smokers to either pay higher premiums or to quit smoking. Where does it end? Decisions...decisions...
  10. Dude, you're so blind. GZ is a ninja. He ran after TM and slide kicked him. TM was knocked off his feet but before he could hit the ground GZ already on his back used his powerful legs to not only kick him horizontally high in the air but barrel roll him so he faced GZ on his way down. GZ then laughed maniacally as he shot the falling TM seconds before landing on top of him. Only Chuck Norris could pull that off.
  11. I think that the amount you pay for med care should be directly proportional to your BMI.
  12. I'm hoping that the board that decides who gets treated for what, can exert some control over these obese people and force them to lose weight. I view this as a necessary medical directive if we are serious about getting healthcare costs under control.
  13. Yes, hopefully with the implementation of Obamacare, we can finally get this obesity problem under control. It's become a national epidemic and we need to do something!
  14. Which would help explain why gay guys are only 1/2 as likely to be obese as hetero guys Wendy P. Or that obese gay males are more likely to be in the closet.
  15. Oh, great, another homophobe. Are you suggesting that the reason a fat woman becomes a lesbian is because no guy wants them? I've seen many breeders with a combined weight of nearly 1/3 of a ton. Why do you hate lesbians?
  16. And why is that? Because you do not want to discover the reasons lesbians are overweight. Being overweight leads to high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure etc. It's obvious you want them to die because their sexual orientation makes you uncomfortable.
  17. Here's where we are. Assad uses CW's on his people. O's loses it and threatens missile strikes. Putin steps in and proposes Assad turn over his CW's. O needs a way out because of his statements about a Red Line and his need to look tough, so O accepts but then continues supplying Al Qaeda with weapons. Assad says the deal is contingent on O cutting off the weapons sales to AQ. This puts O in check and he has to agree because he knows he doesn't have support for the missile strikes. So, Assad gets away with using CW's, get Putting to help him force O to stop weapons sales, and Assad gets away with using the CW's. Checkmate. Perfect.......
  18. Here's Obama supporting AQ. Jeesh I'm really surprised the reps haven't seized that unique opportunity that Obama is aiding and abeting an enemy of the United States. They don't want to be called racists.
  19. It really doesn't seem that long ago that all you guys were claiming Obama and Putin were in some evil conspiracy together. Remember when Obama was caught on an open- mike whispering to Putin? That was all the proof that some people needed that Obama and Putin had some evil design for all of us. , I guarantee you that Assad is going to say that he will not turn over his CW's if O keeps supplying the rebels with guns. O is getting played big time and he has no idea what to do about it.
  20. He could have chosen to wear a condom And if he wore a condom but has physical/video evidence showing the woman getting pregnant by taking the condom from the trash and inserting the sperm into herself? Gross...............
  21. That's what a neighborhood watch captain is supposed to do.
  22. It really doesn't seem that long ago that all you guys were claiming Obama and Putin were in some evil conspiracy together. Remember when Obama was caught on an open- mike whispering to Putin? That was all the proof that some people needed that Obama and Putin had some evil design for all of us. , That was before Putin figured out what a chump O is.
  23. You are just not smart enough to see O's brilliance. He had all this planned from the beginning. He knew that by threatening to bomb Syria, that Putin would have to step up and negotiate an alternative. This way O gets to look tough and at the same time look conciliatory. Pure genius on his part. Too bad you and others lack the intellect to understand.