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Everything posted by Gravitymaster

  1. The landowner would also possibly held responsible if some drunken floater were injured on his property.
  2. Rot in hell.
  3. Because it doesn't matter where he got them. Having them isn't an issue. Using them is. If they were produced by a country who supports the OCPW ban it does. Makes that country complicit.
  4. So you know this how exactly? Obama said so.
  5. How do you know the Assad Government is the one responsible? Why isn't anyone asking where he supposedly got these chemical weapons from?
  6. Well, actually, yes. NBC warfare is far beyond the "normal" hideousness of human aggression. That's the entire point of why it's outlawed internationally. Right, I forgot. The outrage isn't that people are dying en masse. It's HOW they are being slaughtered that's important. Dead is dead.
  7. I think that too many points deducted for not blaming it on Obama. I also think I get more points for the propaganda. Reflexive attack on Kallend? With his history?
  8. So what. It's an American company and the profits stay here. Please tell me you see the difference.
  9. Yup, didn't seem too concerned with Darfur and Rwanda. I guess it's OK as long as they are just hacking each other to death with machetes.
  10. This is just about Obama running off at the mouth during the last election so he would look like a tough guy. Now he's being called on it. He should just admit he shot his mouth off and work on this through Congress and the U.N. I do applaud him for starting to realize this.
  11. If Assad has violated International Law, then let the U.N get this one. I really could care less if people who hate us want to kill each other. I know the Press likes to portray atrocities like this as always about women and children but I wonder how many of those who were gassed were Al Qaeda? They have been doing it for centuries in one way or another and likely will continue. Besides, they don't have any oil. This is a very simple problem to solve. Just pass a law that prevents Assad from possessing WMD's.
  12. Because Kallend posted it? .. Shame when people play the player and not the ball Never done THAT have you? Moi? .. well in a former life maybe You do understand that's what you just did don't you?
  13. Because Kallend posted it? .. Shame when people play the player and not the ball The subject is who admires the Chinese Communist and their business model. Birds of a feather obviously.
  14. Not only the value in employee morale, but if I were to buy a PC, I would definitely consider a Lenovo as I think this gesture reflects very favorably on the company. I would be happy to put my $ in a company led by people with such ethics. I have in fact just bought one ... nowt wrong with it at all .. looks and breaths like the IBM that it surely is. You know, the Chinese are very good at propaganda. Looks like it worked for you. Rather than purchase a computer from an American or British company, you sold out to the Chinese. I know many will be happy when China owns your respective countries. Good job.
  15. So they each get $325.00 assuming it is split evenly. My wife got a $5000.00 bonus last year but I don't recall reading about it on the news. Nice to see you come clean and admit you admire the Chinese business model.
  16. (Wringing hands) We have to do something. I know, let's go after the guns purchased legally by law abiding citizens. Banning assault weapons will stop this type of crime. (Pumps fist in air)
  17. Gravitymaster


    Sounds to me like Obama has a lot of Chickenhawks for advisors.
  18. If you want to know why a forest is dying, you have to look at the trees. You will also always have a limited understanding of any forest you see... Yea those god damn details always get in the way of a narrow-minded world view How apropos for this thread.
  19. You probably missed the part where we were talking about the act being in the eyes of the law.
  20. You owe me a new irony meter. That's because you don't get it.
  21. Isn't one part of the whole process accepting that you have no power over your own addiction? Don't get me wrong I'm trying to understand the rational. I admitted I was powerless over alcohol. That is a different concept from blaming outside factors for the "cause" of my drinking. In truth, I drank because I wanted to get high. Later I became addicted to alcohol. The thinking of half of this country is along the lines that it is the government's responsibility to take care of us because problems are some other person's fault, liberal. I do not, conservative. I for one, congratulate you for turning your life around and becoming a productive human being willing to help others change their life. Whatever path you needed to take to get there worked for you. That's all that's important. Only the very small minded could not see your change as positive.
  22. You need to join the Preppers. I have a mountaintop in Tennessee I can let you have cheap.
  23. I walk down the street and punch my wife in the face. I walk down the street and punch a stranger in the face. Now, explain to me the differences.