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Everything posted by Driver1

  1. Anybody wanna bet the gunmen were muslims? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  2. Lubitz There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  3. Imagine if the American soldier who encountered Adolf Hitler in a forest during WWI when he was just a simple German soldier, had shot him dead instead of letting him go, there could have been no Third Reich. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  4. Well, since Frank Miniter was the writer of the text that Regulator copied and pasted, you could seek him out and try to have a discussion with him. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  5. This was interesting... It looked like something out of a movie, a lone protester (one of the main protest organizers) walking back and forth in front of a line of riot police on live CNN coverage when a humvee slowly rolls up and several cops snatch the guy. Then the camera follows the humvee, so I don't see where the guy went. Yes, he was breaking curfew so he probably went to jail. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  6. Where did I say they're gorillas? I said THE black gorillas are teaming up with the Crips and the Bloods, and even linked to the article. Here I will show you again. ***Police officials announced Monday they had received a “credible threat” that rival members of the murderous Bloods, Crips and Black Guerrilla Family street gangs “have entered into a partnership to take out law enforcement officers.” Oh, Jesus H. Christ. Do you not know the difference between "guerilla" and "gorilla"? You did this to yourself. I dare say there are zero redeeming qualities about the Bloods, Crips and Black Guerrilla Family gangs. Just a bunch of fucking idiots up to no good. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  7. Those kids need more mommas like her. Good momma. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  8. What she actually said according to rioters: "burn this bitch down! We'll give you a free pass!" There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  9. Jesus... I don't think i could keep a straight stone face through all of that if I was in Obama's shoes. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  10. Here is a piece of information that you should take to heart. The Blaze is not a news site. It is an "entertainment" site put together by a crazy person. Fox News is not a credible source for information. They have been shown to have no journalistic credibility, in the real world. Both sites are considered to be credible sources of news by the kind of people who run for the hills, scared shitless, because they are so gullible that they believe the bullshit propagated on those sites. Those of us who are in the real world find the credulous nitwittery demonstrated by the fearful to be deserving of mockery and disrespect. Especially when the fearful pretend to have "christian" beliefs, when their own words and actions prove otherwise. Typical liberal blathering. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  11. It's awesome though, for every cigar bought and sent, proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  12. Cold, yet brilliant... There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  13. Yep, its all good... There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  14. No, Cheney was absolutely correct: Interesting that he said that while Bill Clinton was in office. Then again, this was before 9/11... There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  15. How loud is the bang of a cross bow? When quiet is needed, or when limited penetration of a projectile is needed, there are almost unlimited uses. Rambo says crossbows are used by pussies. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  16. Wow that is nuts! Looks pretty efficient... Wouldn't want to be one of those poor saps anyway. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  17. It's a rude thing to do, what your son did, and just designed to elicit exactly that response. Once you were done with the cop (as any good mother would)..... Were you just as pissed at your son or use the situation to have that discussion with him? I'd be ok with the mall cop (or anyone else, including a 'real' cop) if his response was strictly verbally stating his opinion on the hat and chastizing your son for his disrespect. So if I had a flag on my helmet and I was backflying, you'd think it rude and disrespectful? If it's the Union Jack, who could tell? The UJ is just an embellished rebel flag anyway. Rebelling from what? The Vikings? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  18. I treat disrespect for the US flag like the VSU students did, as I treat members of Westboro Baptist Church, for their actions. Distasteful and disrespectful, but totally legal, unfortunately. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  19. And he didn't need a gun to do it. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  20. Yep, we just say "you're welcome" anyway. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  21. I don't know what cunt try you live in, but in mine boobies trump burning every time. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  22. If you're black, you get shot. If you're hispanic, you get run over by a cop car. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  23. OMG, this is getting ridiculous...I can't stress enough how disappointing it is to read stories like this that have no video of the incident! I know, right? I thought the embedded video was going to have the shooting in it. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  24. Good for him. His quick action most likely saved a bunch of lives. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  25. She did a photo spread for Playboy back in 2007 or 2008. I can't stand American douchebags that walk all over the US flag, but confronting them wasn't the best idea. She's a media-whore in a way, trying to get attention this way. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!