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Everything posted by Driver1

  1. I know its not the GOP but if Hillary Clinton goes with Chrissy Hynde's I Touch Myself, I will fucking puke... There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  2. Isn't it time you figured out how to make a clicky? It's not exactly rocket science. Isn't it time you figured out how to give your views on gun control preciesly. Rather then dodging. Its not exactly rocket science. Good luck with that There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  3. His point is Al Sharpton will NEVER show up to protest a black con shooting a cop to death. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  4. Name any anounced presidential canidate who did not speak to any national reporter for 25 days? Name me one lite beer that truly tastes great. For you?? Hillary Clinton I bet it tastes like shit. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  5. Nothing would be said about the artist insulting christians As I recall, a GREAT DEAL was said about the artist insulting Christians. I also recall than "The Life of Brian" was banned in a number of places. I consider myself a Christian who doesn't always follow the 10 commandments. I'm just an imperfect Christian like all the others in that religion, but I think that movie is one of the funniest and greatest works of art that the Monty Python group ever made. See? I don't care what other people say. If they insult the Christian religion or Christ or whatever, that's between them and God. That's who they'll end up answering to on their day of judgment. Now.... somebody said earlier in response to a post I made about this attack being inspired by ISIS, that it was a bunch of hokey or something. I'm not going back up to re-read it. Take a look at this article. One of the gunmen (Simpson), had been in contact with IS supporters. So there you have it. Home-grown jihadists are around us just waiting for their inspiration to strike. The FBI can't keep up with all of them. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  6. Right on Joe There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  7. There is a difference between an individual artist and a specific company of artists deciding to take a risk and an individual or company deciding to involve other members of the general public in the risk. If she wants to hold the contest at her own home or place of business, fine. If she wants to involve the general public by holding it at "a school-district owned public events space" surrounded by other uninvolved businesses who have no say in the matter, that's a matter of public safety. Obviously, Texas does things much more differently than Commiefornica. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  8. +1 Sick of people being offensive to other people just because they can, society seems to have lost the value placed upon good manners and civilised behaviour and is all the poorer for it. Pfft... the organizers of the event knew what they were doing. They even paid thousands of dollars for extra security. Well guess what? Two would-be Jihadists showed up hell-bent on exacting revenge with AR-15's. Too bad they didn't take the time to scout the area because they were shot dead by the hired security. Hey, 2 dead jihadis is better than 2 live ones. Fuck you very much. I couldn't give a shit about two dead idiots but nice try. My point isn't even exclusively about Muslims, just how totally lacking in empathy and manners the world has become. Thanks for proving the point. You may think differently when some jihadis in England stab you even though you tried to be nice, or some shit. Didn't some dick jihadi cut some poor guy's head off over there a couple years back? Point being, they don't care about you. They'll kill you just for being a citizen of a country whose foreign policy pisses them off, or for being a non-believer in their twisted brand of Islam. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  9. Driver1


    Another movie about an honest politician: Huh! I haven't seen that movie... Gonna see if its on netflix. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  10. Driver1


    "Don't vote for any of us! We're assholes!" There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  11. To no one in particular... The New York City Police Department is NYPD The Fire Department of New York City is FDNY Get it right. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  12. I thought the original idea to hold the cartoon event was genius! Especially since they hired the extra armed security. However, doing it a bunch of times, jihadis will change their tactics to find a more effective way to make their impact... Just gotta stay a couple steps ahead of them. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  13. What? Can't you just cuss like normal? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  14. Did you just Godwin this thread??? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  15. I doubt ISIS really had anything to do with it, but claiming responsibility fits their agenda. You do have a point. However, you have to allow that these two gunmen were at least inspired by ISIS to drive 1000 miles from AZ to TX and attack this event. Who knows how many more radicalized individuals there are like them here in the US just biding their time? There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  16. Have we established that the requirements you passed on your test would necessarily have resulted in a passing score under strict application of all FDNY test standards? We'll have to get the requirements from each FD and check them side-by-side then. I know one dude in the FDNY... There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  17. So... ISIS is claiming responsibility for the gunmen's attack at the muhammad cartoon contest. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  18. Driver1


    We already got incompetent (ex) Secretary of State running I bet Carly would fare pretty well against Hillary. Well, a bit better than H. Ross Perot did as an independent in his one POTUS bid. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  19. +1 Sick of people being offensive to other people just because they can, society seems to have lost the value placed upon good manners and civilised behaviour and is all the poorer for it. Pfft... the organizers of the event knew what they were doing. They even paid thousands of dollars for extra security. Well guess what? Two would-be Jihadists showed up hell-bent on exacting revenge with AR-15's. Too bad they didn't take the time to scout the area because they were shot dead by the hired security. Hey, 2 dead jihadis is better than 2 live ones. Fuck you very much. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  20. Your logic is faulty. That logic only applies if the test is an accurate reflection of the job requirement. If you can't pass the NYFD test, are you a liability for the current FD you work for? She says she passed the test HER FD has for all probies in her town. I have no idea if there are any differences, but being that her area and NYC are two totally different landscapes and have their own specialized structures and dangers, so I'm assuming the FDNY has their own standards to deal with such. Correct me if I'm wrong. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  21. Agreed. I'm no firefighter, but if she was on my team and endangered the lives of her fellow firefighters because she couldn't pull her weight like everybody else, there are not going to be some happy campers. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  22. I don't care who you are. I cherish my right to free speech, even though there are others who say stuff I fucking hate (WBC pukes). It's one of the tenets of freedom. Freedom to say something without being killed or assaulted for it. This is the United States. This is not the middle east. If muslims here in the US protested on a street corner with signs saying "death to America!" or something, that's their right. And they should be able to do that without getting killed or assaulted. Come out with guns intent on retaliatory action because somebody was exercising their right to free speech, yeah, expect to get your ass shot down. Fuck you very much. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  23. There are several solutions. All political. Which means nothing will be done. And the population will continue to grow beyond the level the resources can support until something gives? That's when it's time to move to greener pastures. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  24. If the Westboro Baptist Church pukes started a protest with signs saying "Mohammed was a fag", will their church get bombed or their protest groups get attacked? You see the difference between us and the Muslims? The WBC pukes makes us sick, but we respect their right to protest as long as there are limits as to where they protest especially in proximity to funerals. We don't shoot them, bomb them, behead them, etc. I could care less if some muslim puke draws an offensive cartoon of Jesus. There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!
  25. Riot? WHAT riot? Two gunmen showed up, started shooting. Security shot back and killed both gunmen. End of story. Where is this "inciting a riot" falling into play? She's a douche, no doubt about that. She had to have known this event would draw some angry Muslims, if in fact that's what those gunmen were. ETA - I guess you could say this guy is a douche? See attached There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!